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#1 tharzill



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Posted 12 April 2017 - 07:46

PLEASE if you post in this thread do not comment on anything someone else says. I am asking for YOUR thoughts and reasons only. 


So, I have some questions if you feel like answering them please do so. 


1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?

2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

5. What aspects of FS have you played?

6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

7. How often do you log on to FS?

8. How long have you been playing FS?

9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?

10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)


My answers:


1. I play FS strictly to have fun! 

2. A. I use a combo (normally) of buffs and potions.

    B. Depending on what I am doing I will use lvl 175 buffs (daily quests mostly) and no to very low lvl potions, for Titan Hunting it depends on the titan, when leveling I use lvl 192 buffs and the biggest potions in my back pack.

3. I use buffs and potions because for me it is NOT fun to lose a battle. Although, if you look at my kill streak you can see I still lose my share even with the most powerful of buffs and potions. Argh.

4. I am fairly shy so I so not use Global Chat, although I will take a peak now and then to see if BG or Hoof has been around.

5. I have played all aspects of FS at one time or another, although leveling is my favorite.

6. I wanted to at least try all aspects to find those that for me are the most fun. So, fun for  me is all that matters.

7. I log in to FS at least once a day, although I do not spend as much time as I once did when I do. Most time is spent waiting for stam to build.

8. I have been playing FS 9 years come this June.

9. Yes I am in a guild. I am in a guild because I have been in one for so long I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I wasn't in one!

10. I was lvl 13 when I joined my first guild. 


I hope everyone will answer these questions. And please remember: No comments about anothers reasons for their answers! Thanks and have FUN!  :)

#2 Pardoux



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Posted 12 April 2017 - 09:37

PLEASE if you post in this thread do not comment on anything someone else says. I am asking for YOUR thoughts and reasons only. 


So, I have some questions if you feel like answering them please do so. 


1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?

2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

5. What aspects of FS have you played?

6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

7. How often do you log on to FS?

8. How long have you been playing FS?

9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?

10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)


1. Habit now, I guess, my interest in the game is rapidly waning due to numerous factors, most of which have been aired in the forums over the last few months / years.


2. Combination. On the odd occasions there is content to hunt, I'll use my composing potions because I've levelled up there. That said, they need nerfing.


3. Umm, 'cos that's what they're designed for ?


4. Nope - I thought it was a bad idea at inception, too many idiots in there and, other than VERY rare occasions, I venture nowhere near it to see if it's any different. It holds no interest to me, other than posting an odd message offering something for free so that I don't need to "waste" an FSP.


5. Pretty much all of them now - at first, I was an out-and-out leveller, but that's widened now. I only dabble in PvP for the daily quest tho, I have to admit.


6. Boredom, waiting for content, primarily, but, regarding the SE medal, I wanted to be the 3rd one to get the Diamond medal.


7. Daily, for the most part


8. "enrolled" on the first June , 2008 - so almost 9 yrs now.


9. Of course - solo play just isn't for me.


10. Umm, can't really remember - Very low level though 'cos I remember thinking how good Plague was in the guild

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#3 Calista



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Posted 12 April 2017 - 15:17

1. Why do you play FS?  

Friends are the only thing that keeps me coming back.


2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

PvP is my game style choice. Yes, I use buffs and pots. Unfortunately, I'm forced to use composed/ge high level buffs to have any chance to be competitive in this game style anymore. But prior to the introduction of such high level pots, I typically used as few buffs as possible. I hate feeling wasteful. Luckily I'm in a guild that feeds me what I need to remain relevant in this style of game play. 


3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

A combo, I guess.  I use as few pots as possible, but these days that doesn't work. Even with the high level potions it comes down to whose buffs activate, not skill.


4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

Rarely, usually only if someone is trash talking there. I think they got rid of them, but the player mods were a serious issue, and killed any type of fun the global chat was for me. Plus Grim isn't exactly a fan of those of us who pvp.  (no offense, Grim)


5. What aspects of FS have you played?

Leveling, Bounty Hunting, Arena, Ladder, Smasher, gvg.  I tried Titans but I end up cursing at the screen and planning guild wars against anyone else chasing the same titan. (and that was just the elemental titans :P ) Not to mention that the guide didn't tell me you had to BEAT the titan to get the item drop. Chased one for literally hours before someone took pity on me and told me where I was going wrong. 


6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

Leveling is a necessary evil if you want to be competitive in the game. The others because they seemed like they would be fun and presented the most challenge.


7. How often do you log on to FS?

3-4 days a week, sometimes more, sometimes less.


8. How long have you been playing FS?

Too long!    9 years according to my start date.  Though I have left for extended periods of time and returned a few times.


9. Are you in a guild? If so, why?

Yes, I'm in a top guild. My friends are there. I'm all about the team aspect of game play which a guild provides.


10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)

 Umm, pretty early on. Before level 20, I think.  I remember when it was a big deal that our founder reached level 200 and could cast doubler on us when we leveled.


#4 leefylee



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Posted 12 April 2017 - 16:26

1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?

2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

5. What aspects of FS have you played?

6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

7. How often do you log on to FS?

8. How long have you been playing FS?

9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?

10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)


1, still play FS because of my great guild members.

2, i use highest buffs/pots available.. them rats can bite.

3, see above.

4, very very seldom, i usually use it just to bait grim if he is on there :P

5, played every aspect of the game.

6, aint that the point, try em all find the bits you prefere.

7, daily.

8, joined  24th,3, 2008.

9, yes im in a great guild.

10, joined one around level 50.. created one around level 300. joined this guild around level 1000 ( now 3200 + )

#5 MSCruz



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Posted 12 April 2017 - 16:28

1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?

For fun, but there is the aspect of challenge to improve my character in order to spend less resources.


2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

I always use buffs and potions, even when they are not essential, for example, some DQs.

When leveling, I always use: Summon Shield Imp, Smashing Hammer, Merchant, Death Dealer and Keen Edge from the Buff Market (mostly level 150); Conserve and Light Foot (both level 150) from Composing; Adept Learner, Animal Magnetism, Assist, Berserk, Death Wish, Doubler, Enchant Weapon, Find Item, Force Shield, Librarian, Sanctuary, Shatter Armor, Wither from Auction House (all Special items except Find Item); Unbreakable, Rage, Fury, Dark Curse and Treasure Hunter from my own skills list. Adventurer Elixir from Loyalty Rewards.

When scavenging I use Find Item. When I need to farm resources I use Resource Finder. When I need to Invent, which I almost always do with Extraction I use Extractor and Inventor (always) and sometimes I use Extractor II and Inventor II, but only when they are cheap enough.

Sometimes in a DQ I forget to use SSI or use it with low level Gears, that is why my Kill Streak is not higher.

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

Because, they improve my stats as my gears are not so powerful. Also, to make more money and to reduce creature's stats. I avoid using "chance" skills, unless they are cheap, because I think they don't pay the price. In general, I use them to improve something, but always taking into account if they can pay the price. For example, if I have a DQ to walk tiles, I use a composed Light Foot; this way I can level up in composing. One action is related to another in my mind.

4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

No. I think I have nothing to aggregate. Also, I have no time left, so I have to optimize the time I am online playing FS. I am not a Chat person.

5. What aspects of FS have you played?

Except for the PvP (and GvG), I think everything else. But I need to improve in some aspects, like Arena. In fact, I still don't understand well how to improve on that. I know the basics only. Need more time to experiment more.

6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

Better answer why I choose not to play PvP/GvG: because I think the other aspects give you more than what you get from "harming" other player. The game itself do its damage share. Even if I attack another player and give him/her the money back, still there is a loss of experience and the damage to gears. I respect the players who love PvP, but I do not support anything related to it: for example, Bounty Board.

7. How often do you log on to FS?

Everyday I have some small windows. So I log in everyday for 5 to 15 minutes. Only when I am doing some time consuming task (Leveling, Inventing, Farming, DQ) I use more time, but it is nothing above one hour. In fact it is less, as I can burn my stamina in less than 45 minutes. I can say, summing all the time I spend with FS in a day, I play for one hour a day.

8. How long have you been playing FS?

I am here since 2013, when I was in China. Then, from 2014, I think, I had some connection issues and stopped playing until 2015 when I started again. I think I play for 2-3 years.

9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?

Yes, I am. It is a solo guild. Because the guild allows me to do things I cannot do alone. For example, fight higher level creatures (Super Elite, mostly). So I use it to hire mercenaries. Also, I can make use of some structures and two more slots. Two more things: I can have a secondary bank which collects money from my killings automatically and I can have TKP which I can buy Rewards later.


10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)

I am not sure. I don't even remember when I created it. But if my rationale is correct, I was at level 115 (287 minus 172, which is my current level minus the guild's current level). I've never been in another guild.

PS: It seems that I was seriously mistaken. As Cucullainn said, my guild was probably created when I was level 11, because this is the only guild I have been member of.

Edited by MSCruz, 14 April 2017 - 16:56.


"There's no such thing as constructive criticism" by Tony Schwartz for Harvard Business Review

#6 BigGrim


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Posted 12 April 2017 - 16:32

The player mods were a serious issue, and killed any type of fun the global chat was for me. Plus Grim isn't exactly a fan of those of us who pvp.  (no offense, Grim)

Mods are gone, yeah. And for the record, I have no problem with PvPers. I partake in PvP myself occasionally. ;)

~ Grim

#7 wil72



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Posted 12 April 2017 - 19:32

1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?

2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

5. What aspects of FS have you played?

6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

7. How often do you log on to FS?

8. How long have you been playing FS?

9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?

10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)



1. For fun. It's real fun reading some of the guff that is spouted in the forums. The challenge of running a Guild. Other? What ever do you mean? :P


2. Buffs and potions. Not everyone is fortunate enough to use this combination but yet there is a call to nerf certain buff pots. Utter madness.


3. I hate losing..........AT ANYTHING!!


4. Yes, there are some fun people in there. Even the idiots can produce comedy gold.


5. All.


6. Curiosity. Which damn near killed the cat.


7. At least once a day.


8. 6yrs in June.


9. Yes. Cause I is the Founder.


10. Co Founded Korova Milk Bar at around lvl 150ish :)

#8 Calista



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Posted 12 April 2017 - 20:35

PLEASE if you post in this thread do not comment on anything someone else says. I am asking for YOUR thoughts and reasons only. 




I hope everyone will answer these questions. And please remember: No comments about anothers reasons for their answers! Thanks and have FUN!  :)



Mods are gone, yeah. And for the record, I have no problem with PvPers. I partake in PvP myself occasionally. ;)

~ Grim


:o <_<  You broke the rules!!! 



hehe I kid, I kid. Please don't pvp me.  :P


#9 Pythia



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Posted 13 April 2017 - 01:59

1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?

I play for fun.


2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

I buy buffs in the buff market, and potions in the AH or the bazaar.

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

           Whatever is for sale that I use.

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

Up to level 200 buffs at 175 were good enough after that I added potions to the mix to hunt. They were needed to move up in level.


4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

Not often, but now and then. I do watch now and then.


5. What aspects of FS have you played?

I level, I quest, I've bought potions and made potions, I titan hunt now and then, I've tried the arena, I've defended GvG.


6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

All but for GvG, those are the aspects of the game I like to play.  I'm undecided about arena.


7. How often do you log on to FS?

At least once a day, but sometimes I can't stand the game so I go and come back later.


8. How long have you been playing FS?

I've been here longer than 6 years but less then 7.


9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?

Yes, I'm in a guild.  Sometimes I like company, sometimes I don't. Where I am, I can talk or be silent and all's good. 


10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)

Somewhere between 150 and 300. I don't remember anymore.

#10 Corrupted



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Posted 13 April 2017 - 02:32

PLEASE if you post in this thread do not comment on anything someone else says. I am asking for YOUR thoughts and reasons only. 


So, I have some questions if you feel like answering them please do so. 


1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?

2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

5. What aspects of FS have you played?

6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

7. How often do you log on to FS?

8. How long have you been playing FS?

9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?

10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)

1. I play for fun and sometimes the challenge of finding how to lose my Kill Streak to a Rat.

2. When I play "my style", aka the GAME style, I use any other buff or potion that would yield the best results. I try to avoid Composing potions since I am not high level myself and most times I don't need the extra kick 8)

3. I use a Combo of potions and castable buffs because they give me the best odds of achieving my goal (winning a combat vs a creature, a player)

4. Banned 8)

5. I have played every aspects, some for money, some for fun... Except Scavenging.

6. I choose to play depending on whether I need money (the Ladder/Bounty Board, 1234R0), sometimes for the fun.

7. I log in every day, multiple times a day.

8. Started playing 8 years ago, having a few breaks in between.

9. In a guild. Because everything is more fun when you do it with others, at least in the parts of the game I enjoy 8)

10. I was level 25.

#11 Josh1404



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Posted 13 April 2017 - 13:19

1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?

2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

5. What aspects of FS have you played?

6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

7. How often do you log on to FS?

8. How long have you been playing FS?

9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?

10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)

1. For fun. That's always the most important thing. It is a game after all. For my friends. I am too chatty for my own good and the people I have met through playing this game are the best part of it IMO. Some have stopped playing but I am better for having met those people. For competition. I hate losing at anything ever. That person that flips the monopoly board over at xmas when their losing... That's me. :P


2. a ) My style is hard to pin down. I try do a little of everything. Except titan hunting and GvG. But predominantly I play the PvP ladder, I stomp for my friends and guild, I occasionally clear people on the BB and I qualify in global events. I use potions in qualifying for global events. I use mainly use just buffs for the rest of my gameplay but on occasion it is a combination of buffs and potions.


b ) Buff levels tend to be level 175 but can be 190 or 192. On potions I typically use the following for global event qualification. Conserve 575, AM 518, FI 1150, LL 230 and Reckoning 230. And on the occasions I use potions in other parts of my gameplay I sometimes use composing potions at level 300 but once or twice I have done potions at their max of 350 and 480 for SH. I sometimes use Crystal Ladder Chest potion's instead of composing potions for their duration.


3. In global event qualification I use those potion's for maximum efficiency. To get the most kills and frags for my stamina use. Simple as that really. And in PvP when I have to I will use potions but I tend to avoid it where possible. I am a hoarder in every sense. I don't like letting go of resources. So I use everything begrudgingly. I use them in response to others using theirs or when their is a sizeable level gap and thus a gear disadvantage. I try simply maintain the basic buffs and occasionally a more thorough buff use is needed. But like I say I will use potions when necessary... Monopoly board up in the air. You are not beating me LOL. Or if you are then it's going to cost you your most valuable resources. :D


4. Yes but not regularly. I use it now and then. Just poking my head in and seeing what people have to say. Occasionally will post something and have a brief conversation. Not something I spend a great deal of time on. I don't use it a lot because there are a lot of people there who let's say I don't wish to talk with. Also people use it to sell things and to beg for things which I dislike. Also it's mostly the same people posting again and again.


5. Everything except scavenging.


6. I wanted to see what I liked about playing FS and what I didn't. Only way to do that is to give everything a go. I enjoy a lot of aspects of the game but having given tme to all of them I never titan hunt and GvG very rarely. Only if a hitter for defending a GvG is needed desperately will I slowly raise my hand and volunteer. Apart from that I avoid it where possible. On titan hunting it just isn't interesting to me, never liked it. Chasing a titan across a map followed by small intervals of repeated left clicking and 0 spamming just isn't very fun for me. I used to level a lot, and enjoyed it for a long time. Did quests now and then, didn't like that at all.


But then I opted into the PvP ladders of old (400 - 449) (before they got fat) on a whim in my epics. It was more competitive then as lots of people played. Suffice to say I got torn a new one. It was brutal. I lost 10 levels in a couple of days just through defeat's and was left bewildered by what on earth had just occured. Having before that point never done anything remotely PvP related or even given thought to it losing XP was foreign to me. I complained and made a fuss like a little b**** and got dropped even harder. Then worse I started to bounty those that hit me (that was possible back then) and started to swing blindly in awful setups. This is double dipping. I lost 50 levels in a short time and would of lost a lot more had my friend and PvP tutor to be not stuck up for me and asked people to cut me some slack. Instead of joining others in forcing his foot in my behind he decided to invest some time in conersation with me teaching me the basics of PvP. Basic rules of combat. What I should aim to be doing when building a setup, what buffs do and some home truths about what you do and what you don't do. He was on this very same ladder and decided to teach someone essentially how to challenge him. Slowly but surely I learned making a lot of mistakes along the way and eventually I improved. But I have been hooked ever since and only really level now out of necessity and when jumping to a new band. So the PvP ladder is my favourite part of this game by a long way. That's what I prefer to spend my time doing. I am opted into the ladder most of the year. :)


After having discovered and learned to love playing the ladder I branched out into giving PvP itself a go and thus enjoyed hitting for gold and joining any and all deleveling parties. I then started clearing people on the BB and enjoyed it so have stuck with this kind of gameplay since. Then the globals came along and I liked the idea a lot. Have qualified in a fair few events and persued a top #100 place a number of times as well. It's something different to do now and then and I do tend to throw my hat in when they come along.


7. Every day. And I am online a lot though a fair portion of that I am not actually here instead on auto - reload. I do still play a lot though. Bizarrely I was always very active and played a lot, addicted to this game in many respects. Then grew tired and quit completely for 3 years not playing at all. And have since returned and am back to feeling how I used to playing a lot once again. 2 separate periods of loving playing the game and doing so reglarly separated by a time when I didn't miss playing at all and had no intention of doing so again.


8. I technically joined 16th of May 2010. But I joined but didn't play at all for about 6 months. Don't remember why in honesty. Might have just been a bit too much to learn and figure out and I wasn't in the mood for it. But eventually I rediscovered the game and began to play and it went from there. Then like I say above I had a period where I quit and didn't play at all for 3 years. So whilst my join date shows not far from 7 years of activity in honesty it's more like 3 and a half years of actual gameplay.


9. Yes. The game is so much better in my opinion when your in a guild. It's an extension of your own gameplay and well simply put things are more fun if you share them with others. Even better if you find like minded players who enjoy doing the things you do. People share their knowledge, their advice and try to help others if they can. The chat a constant ongoing conversation for those that want to take part. Always loved being part of a team. :)


10. I don't remember what level I was when I joined my first guild. Something I wish I had saved in my notepad. Level 63 is screaming out at me for some reason. That might be it but certainly early on once I began playing. One of the first things I was advised to do was to seek out a guild and try to learn the game.


Sorry those were very long answers to anyone deciding to read it. Like I said too chatty for my own good. :P


P.S... Nice idea for a thread. A little look into the FS history of anyone that want's to share. All just opinions and all in good nature. Weirdly enjoyed posting mine. :)

Edited by Josh1404, 13 April 2017 - 13:21.

#12 tharzill



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Posted 13 April 2017 - 14:51

Sorry those were very long answers to anyone deciding to read it. Like I said too chatty for my own good. :P


P.S... Nice idea for a thread. A little look into the FS history of anyone that want's to share. All just opinions and all in good nature. Weirdly enjoyed posting mine. :)

Thanks to every one for their reply so far!


I ran out of likes for today so I have to do it this way: +   :)

Edited by tharzill, 13 April 2017 - 14:52.

#13 cucullainn



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Posted 14 April 2017 - 12:25

1. Use to play for fun. It's not that fun anymore

2. If I am not on here just chatting. A combo of the two?

    B. I will Often buy Buffs from the market. Mostly 175. Then Special Potions from the AH or Bazaar. Then buff myself maybe. Then when I was in another Guild. I would use their Composing pots.

3. I will use them to get the max XP from a hunt. Or use some to try even the odds. If participating in PvP.

4. I would love to use GC. Unfortunately I was banned from using it years ago. I have since asked twice. Only to be turned down. I do go use Global chat, to see which friends may be on. Or to assess any news or gossip taking place. I have also used Global chat to determine if I think other players are clones in my opinion. Or some other reasons I may wish to Iggy them. I now have over three pages of players on my list.

5. All of them. Though I never fully tried being a merchant.

6. Was trying to enjoy myself lol

7. Every Day

8. For Ever

9. Yes. Unless you're very self-sufficient. There are many things you can't do in the game, unless you're part of a guild. There was a very low level Quest. In the beginning of the game, where you needed a group to finish the quest that was a reason I joined a guild to begin with. I've been part of a few Guilds. Made many friends. It's a shame almost all of them no longer play.

10. The quest Nomad Retribution required you to make a group. It is Level 11. That was when I first joined a guild. I did not stay long. At that time in the game EOC was only level 300. I played Solo until I was Lv 100. At that time the Rune of Decay was selling for at least 100 FSPs. Even though Dots were only 100k then. It was still a whole lot of gold.


#14 BadPenny



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Posted 18 April 2017 - 23:34

1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?
The quests captivated me from the start, but the community kept me coming back.

2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?
B. What level buffs/potions do you use?
buffs, always 175, potions, the highest available for hunting, for other aspects, I usually buy something from the bazaar or specials category.

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why? Some things are only available by potion, some are only effective by potion, so I use them to boost buffs.

4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?
occasionally.... again, the social value keeps me coming back

5. What aspects of FS have you played?
I have tried everything. PvP used to be my thing, not so much anymore. I don't particularly like titan hunting, the arena inventing or to the caves for various reasons.

6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?
I'm a firm believer that you should play the whole game.

7. How often do you log on to FS?
several times a day... gotta change out those leveling pots, you know.

8. How long have you been playing FS?
10 years come June.
9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?
yes. Although some may disagree, guilds are essential for social value, as well as the strength gained from guild structures, availability of gear and buffs, stuff like that.

10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)

Edited by BadPenny, 18 April 2017 - 23:34.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#15 KitiaraLi



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Posted 20 April 2017 - 10:09

1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?
Outta utter lack of self respect and pure hatred to all things living, and dead :o  Nah, I keep playing 'cause I made a load of good friends in this game, and they're the reason I keep at it.

2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?
My style is .. uhm... I like to have ALL buffs. They're so shiny and makes a great win button ;) I try to spend most of my stam on PvP, and of course that does not include every buff in the game since I do alotta math on my setups and hate to break stuff with a buff.
The higher the buffs level the better - and that is not how it should be, I might add. That is what is required to be competitive these days.. sadly.

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?
Wt... because it makes sense to get the correct stats to win over you opponent.. or critter for that matter? If my gear manages enough stats to ensure a win, I go with minimal buffs in case the dreaded 2% kicks.

4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?
Nope, nope and nope! It's... well... I tend to get upset when I have read what is going on there. Too many too full of 'emselves types for my liking.


5. What aspects of FS have you played?



6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

They could be fun, some could be rewarding - and in my play style book, everything should be tried at least once.

7. How often do you log on to FS?

Several times daily.


8. How long have you been playing FS?

Started march 2008, so 9+a-little years  :blink:  Geez that is a long time ... go figure :P


9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?

Yes. Initially I joined a guild due to the structure bonuses. Now I am in a guild because most of the ppl I love in this game, are there :wub:


10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)

I have no idea. I think I made the no.1 rising star spot 2 or 3 days in a row, then I got alotta fan mail from recruiters. Joined with the crew that sounded like the most fun (and they were alotta fun :wub: )


Fun note (for me anyways); I joined the game during one of the first real massive LE events (MANY new LEs around) and rather quickly made my level high enough to farm those thingies. Made a huge FSP fortune, and yes that was possible in those days; Put most in upgrades and wasted a ton of fsp on insta-stam. Good times B) :wacko:

Edited by KitiaraLi, 20 April 2017 - 10:11.

No one can deny that we changed this game and influenced it in such a way that NO ONE could compete with us.. so much so that they changed the rules. ~Abhorrence, chosen founder of Cerulean Sins

#16 Dulcharn



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Posted 02 May 2017 - 15:41

PLEASE if you post in this thread do not comment on anything someone else says. I am asking for YOUR thoughts and reasons only. 


So, I have some questions if you feel like answering them please do so. 


1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?

2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

5. What aspects of FS have you played?

6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

7. How often do you log on to FS?

8. How long have you been playing FS?

9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?

10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)



1. To chat with my guildies mostly. To see where I can help the guild.

2. I play all styles. I only use high level potions for big XP hunts and major PvP events.

3. I choose my pot & buff levels according to the importance of the battle.

4. I rarely use global chat. It's a good place to sell & buy SE locs.

5. All aspects.

6. To experience the full potential of the game.

7. Daily.

8. Since 2009.

9. Yes. To receive (and provide) the best advice and support for any adventure.

10. I was level 6 when I started playing in a guild. I was level 325 when I joined my current guild.

#17 kentcapone


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 00:00

1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?
I play fs for the fun of pvp and also because i am busy a lot at work and i dont lose out because the stamina gains . Its unlike any other game the way you can wait to play when you have time.

2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

Buffs and potions for hunting and pvp

B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

Max level buffs and pots that i can afford at the time

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

Buffs and potions help to slaughter monsters and players.

4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

Sometimes i use it when bored, mostly not for over a sentence or two.

5. What aspects of FS have you played?

Pvp,arena,ladder,quests,composing, etc. just a little bit of titan hunting

6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

For the fun !!!

7. How often do you log on to FS?

Every day, at least just to check in on my chracter

8. How long have you been playing FS?

About a year

9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?

Yes, its a awesome place to have fun and pvp , also such great players and helpful people in my guild.

10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)

First guild i joined at start of game, level 1 or minimum required. I forget.

#18 Belaric



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Posted 04 June 2017 - 01:44

1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?


I originally played for the fun and the joy of the game. Now I play out of habit and obligation to my guild. And because I have optimism that the game may have a renaissance, and if it doesn't, I won't mind being around when they switch the lights off.


2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?


I use potions and buffs. In some circumstances I use the minimum to get the job done (global frag hunting, DQ's, I do DQ's incredibly inefficiently, no biggie.), in other circumstances I go for ridiculous overkill even when it won't actually be more efficient. Because why not? Efficiency was for when it seemed impossible to catch EOC. After a few years there you wonder why you were so driven to reach the end. But I do not regret it - I loved being #1 for a few weeks back in the day, (including my birthday!) - and reaching EOC has allowed me to spend my stam in any way I see fit, which is liberating!


3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?


Answered above I think. If you have an option available that is not prohibitively expensive for unnecessary statistical change, why not use everything available?


4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?


No. Just 'cos. Ok - other online games where it was always there it was just mostly mindless whittering, and I spaced it out then, so didn't see the need to expose myself to the same kind of thing here.


5. What aspects of FS have you played?


All bar arena. I won one by accident doing a DQ! Oh, and caves. No luck in caves when I tried it. I am the worst merchant in FS, and do not care. I do not play PvP, though I have participated in the ladder and delevelling parties in the past. GvG is once in a blue moon when I can be bothered and stam is available. I love titan hunting, but don't indulge that often outside of seasonals anymore. I like mopping up claimed titans just to keep the turn over rolling when I have spare stam and time. Which is once every couple of months nowadays. If you are bored of waiting for your titan to be cleared PM me. If it has been hanging for long enough I might just do you the favour if the time is right. I am proud to have hunted most of our guild's epics.


6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?


I joined to gain levels, I'm an old school 2nd edition AD&D player. Levels are where it is at. But in this game I feel more specialisation should be possible, as gaining after 1000 (or even before) gets very samey. Getting to 500 and 175 buffs was a huge thrill. Having to decide how to use skill points was great when it was a challenge and choosing how to spend your resources was meaningful. I have 4500 spare skill points now - that challenge has gone.


I played titans at first because I can be very stubborn. I steal your killz! Even if I got trashed by faster hunters and teams, I would stick it out. Not so much now - I just move on - plenty more targets! I got over 90% to ruby titan before titan doubler came out. I felt cheated when it arrived, but it is a godsend. Spending 3-6 hours securing titans solo (I've always been a solo titan artist. Lovely guildies help out occasionally!) was insane. But that first terror titan hat I earned was golden. 1 titan hit point at a time. You lived in fear of a speedy group showing up until way after 2K kills were in. Jeez! I don't miss that!


SE hunting I got into for sets, but then they became somewhat worthless. I hunt them every so often. Treasure Chests - I never find them when I'm looking for them. Could I have that stam back? LOL!


Buying and selling stuff - I do it for my guild. I buy high and sell low. It just happens. I'm happy to get paid.


I GvG'd for the Guild, it bored me to be honest. I get smacked when offline - I wait until 8-10 hours after the players who were hitting me hit me, and hit them back when they sleep. I am a fan of RP for finishing a defence even if you lose, if that were not available I'd never bother.


7. How often do you log on to FS?


Almost every day when not internet denied due to travel.


8. How long have you been playing FS?


9 years this December. Or 8 and a half years right now.


9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?


Yes. Because I founded it. Guilds rock. Growing your own guild from nothing to top 20 when never having much more than 25 members is kind of awesome. And very lucky. Loyalty, friendship and lack of drama makes playing the game so easy, and so hard to quit. I appreciate everything every guild member past and present has put into our guild. I'll take the oppotunity here to thank them all again for their contributions, and for sharing the road with us. It has been an honour.


10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)


It was when I couldn't afford to get the blood demon set. And wouldn't wait to hunt it as I wanted to gain those levels FAST! For some reason I thought it was the mutt's nuts at the time. I knew then I needed guild help. About 10 levels later (after lusting after Girath and being unable to get it either) I joined a fantastic guild called Tortured Souls. I left it to form my own around level 160. I have often wondered how my game would have gone had I not made that decision. Pro-tip: do not form your own Guild at 160!!


Thanks tharzill.

Edited by Belaric, 04 June 2017 - 02:44.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#19 activeh1



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Posted 04 June 2017 - 02:25

my reason is so i can log in and do these

Defeat 100 Elite creatures
0 / 100
Gain +95 Allegiance Tokens


#20 Filletminion



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Posted 04 June 2017 - 08:15

PLEASE if you post in this thread do not comment on anything someone else says. I am asking for YOUR thoughts and reasons only. 


So, I have some questions if you feel like answering them please do so. 


1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?

2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

5. What aspects of FS have you played?

6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

7. How often do you log on to FS?

8. How long have you been playing FS?

9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?

10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)




1 I play to find new challenges do things I haven't done before.


2 When playing "my way" I use whatever is needed to achieve my goal.


3 I use buffs and potions because they are designed to be used, Further the better you understand them the more efficiently you can use them.


4 I do use global chat, Socialising is what  makes the game , realising it is played by a wide spread of ages and races breaks down barriers.


5 I have played all aspects of the game some have held my attention. I have made a point of playing without Guides I believe they detract from the game.


6 I choose to play the game Simply to miss this area or that is not playing all of the game. it is like playing Monopoly and saying you refuse to roll the dice or poker and saying you will not shuffle the deck to play a game to ME you need to play all of it.


7 Daily for hours most days.


8   dec 2008 So coming up 9 years


9 Yes I first joined my current guild in 2010 and have come and gone several times but the people in it and our friends in game are why I keep coming back.

I joined FS with a group of players from another game, we have had an ongoing war for 11 or 12 years now with long periods of peace in these past couple of years.


10 level 5 I think but maybe 15.

Edited by zizzwyly, 04 June 2017 - 08:26.

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