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Member Since 05 May 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 30 2015 13:58

#950124 PvP Ladder Rewards : Chests

Posted by RageAnger on 30 September 2015 - 13:20

On the Ladder, like the Arena, there was collusion. These limits prevent it.

On most of the ladders right now there is collusion, players take turns if first place all the time, they hit once then sit in epics. I've seen it tons.

Even if the same was done by members in the same guild why is it any different or worse? Why is it even bad? It's not like players are not still loosing xp no one is getting 1st place for free on these ladders.

Please explain to me how it's ok one way but not another.

ps. If my guild could all hit each other we would compete not trade tokens and we are dominating the most ladders, so letting us hit each other would make the ladder more competetive, not less
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#945759 PvP Ladder Rewards - what would you like to see?

Posted by RageAnger on 20 August 2015 - 00:03

On topic:

Obviously new sets this is the most needed reward by far, there should have been 10 new sets ready when the ladder was back up and running.

At higher levels we need more armor sets.

Some potions are ok, prestige, single buffs, not too overpowered and not too long lasting.

No balanced attack, that buff is useless.

KE,DC,SH,coordinated buffs. 

Do not give high guard,dispel curse,golden shield or deflect potions. Those buffs should not even exist they are just luck buffs and they insult the idea of skill in pvp.


Off topic mostly:

This new ladder is not what we wanted. When I say we I mean me.

500 levels on one ladder? really? Apparently to help have more targets?


Don't just mess up the ladder permanently because of how it was before.

I thought we voted to have things go back to THE WAY THEY WERE BEFORE.


Issue #2 with the new ladder:

500 levels only top 3 get a reward?

The way it was before there would have been 25 people getting rewards.

I thought the pvp ladder was supposed to be better and increase people to join. So now 15 people will join compared to 3 (will be much more when the new rewards are seen) and only 3 out of 15 get a reward?


You give 10 epic potions for a global that takes 5000 stam and you will give almost nothing for a player who could spend more stam and lose levels? That is boggling my mind right now.


Make it how it was and give new sets and not too crazy of rewards.


Off topic but still important:

It is no longer worth it to use armor setups I can give many detailed reasons but I'll just say the obvious stuff because I don't feel like typing anymore.

There are almost 10 extra ways to break through someone's armor without actually having higher damage then their armor and there is no way to get through someones defense without having more attack except the 2% garbage should not exist glitch that also exists against armor sets. FIX THIS


Also important: Try actually playing the game once in a while so you won't have to ask us what we need to make it better and you will know what suggestions make sense and which ones will destroy the game.

At this point your best guide would be to go against your instincts.

#943920 Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

Posted by RageAnger on 09 August 2015 - 15:53

at least now you need to use your stamina and att , not just wait there with 0 hits and win the reward....like this was the old leader....


we need something that make it fair for all

If The Evil Dead was the only guild in the seasons league like some ladders were we would need to barely need to use stam as well to get the reward. You guys know damn well that the old ladder was not dead. I have gone in with like 15k stam and gone down to below 1k very recently and I would go to bed in epics, and that it would be very alive if they had put a new reward in the last 3 years. Also no one answered my question about having the old rewards in the new ladder, you all know it would be even deader then the older ladder with next to useless rewards.e me the excuse 


Don't give me the excuse either that 5 against 1 on a ladder all from the same guild is harder because it's way easier. I said before when the 1 has buffs he has 5 targets to hit and can take 1st at any time. It's likely the other 5 are not even all online and some on the ladders filled with my guild did not even bother to fight back.


To say that we need something fair for all? You see anyone below level 800 in the titan league? You should rephrase that to fair for all above level 1500.

#943888 Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

Posted by RageAnger on 09 August 2015 - 03:36

How does the old bounty board and ladder help new players? If anything how many have been chased off because they did not comply to the unwritten rules.

As far as medals... Where were you to help complain about how easy it is to get chest medals now compared to previously? I believe there were a bunch of other medals that are much easier to get now too. Never heard you complain. Titan doubler makes titan hunting 4x easier. Never heard you complain either. Didn't hear titan hunters complain...

On the old bounty board new players would pay 1 ticket to clear anyone. In regards to helping new players the old and new bounty board would not be much different for new players.


If there were unwritten rules, they were still rules that make sense and they were often posted in peoples bio's, if you don't want to read a bio then you should not be worried about consequences, if you are level 50 and you try and clear a level 900 and they get buffed and you can't finish then you deserve to lose 5 levels if the person wants to post for making them waste buffs and taking xp for nothing. Almost no one (like more then 99% of people being posted) would counter bounty a clean clear for no reason. 


They could actually be competitive on the old ladder with other players their level instead of have no chance as they do now. There was one player below level 1000 in the titan league last I checked, he was level 800+, in last place with negative rating. I'm sure a level 80 would do much better though right? 


One thing for sure the titan league compared to the old ladder is not only not helping new players it is excluding them completely. If you don't see that then you turned your brain off.


No one has quit because of the old bb and ladder but many will with the new one.


I don't care about any other medals I'd never titan hunt, and I don't pay attention to them for the most part. Especially with the scripters who can 1 at a time get away with being faster then 10 hunters and who have been reported more than 100 times with no consequence... I won't rant on that too much here though


Making titan doubler is not the same as changing titan hunting completely like the way pvp has been changed. 

#943883 Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

Posted by RageAnger on 09 August 2015 - 00:25

The old bounty board and ladder is the game that many people played and donated into. With the new league and bounty board this is not even the same game anymore. There are no new players in the titan league and it's definitely harder for them to get there so this new change it obviously not going to help get new players. Already they are joining a game with players 2500 levels above them but now they have one aspect of the game they are even more useless in. So the game is not doing anything to bring new players with this change but it is making a lot of old players think about quitting. Seems to me it would have been smarter to just make the old ladder better and it's simple to do, we know why it was dying and we know that to bring in new rewards is obviously worth a shot. I don't understand why they keep having the same old set events when new higher level sets are way more in demand, not only for the ladder but in general.


Like I said before keep the new league if you want, but as an add on with different medals. I don't like that players are getting the same medal that I got for doing something different. It makes as much sense as giving me progress to my titan medal for hunting super elites.


Don't get rid of something that a big chunk of your clientele has always liked.

#943876 Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

Posted by RageAnger on 08 August 2015 - 23:33

I just have to laugh at who is doing all the complaining...Yep those that have been riding a DEAD ladder. Maybe if you actually tried to get through this you might see some fun in it. 


If cows bring back the ladder and  give out these prizes does anyone think the complaining will stop...???

If the cows keep the new league and give out the prizes they did on the old ladder you don't think complaining will start?


I'd be willing to bet it would be a lot deader in the league then it was on the old ladder because the new league takes more resources.


I have to laugh at people who say others are riding dead ladders when they actually aren't dead but they don't opt into and show how awesome they are and when they say the old ladder did not become less active because the rewards no longer had value but the old ladder was super active when the rewards did have value. There have not been new rewards for 1000+ levels!


You don't think anyone that bothers to do anything in this game is not doing it for a reward?

#943808 Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

Posted by RageAnger on 08 August 2015 - 04:24

If you want to keep the season keep it but bring back the old ladder and old bounty board too. Make the league pillow fight bounties on the pillow fight bounty board and make different medals for that pillow fight bounty board and don't give progress to the real dominance medal for the pillow fight league or progress to the real bounty medal for the pillow fight bounty board. Make separate pillow fight medals. Let us keep our 100 or 10 stam bounty board with counter bounties where we take 5 levels. In pillow fight league take off gold loss xp loss and durability loss.


Xp loss for losing on both bounty boards is good

#943285 Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

Posted by RageAnger on 04 August 2015 - 02:35

I prefer seasons over ladders.


I dominated ladders at 500-549. 550-599, 600-699, 700-799, 800-899, and 1200-1299. and I didn't make trades for dominance hours, I smashed for them. I didn't ask for deals, I pushed for real combat. When ladders first came out, people were willing to play hard in ladders. 


But as time went on, Ladders were just a padding for smasher / dominance ticks. as well as to farm worthless token medals. and no adding more rewards isn't enough to make ladders work, LMFAO

Well there were no new rewards and that's when the ladder dies so why would you say that the rewards would not revive it when the ladder was alive the rewards were new. Id even be willing to reset all my tokens and have none so that the new sets don't get bought up too quickly,  then again there should be  level 1550-1700-1850-2000-2150-2300-2450 set at this point for the ladder. Rewards stopped a long time ago making tokens next to useless for a very long time.

#943283 Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

Posted by RageAnger on 04 August 2015 - 02:23

PvP Ladders will always die out because people have 1000's of tokens saved up and ready to instantly invent any new items to complete worthlessness. You throw in omacaz pot and you have yourself a perfect storm. Throwing more rewards at pvp ladder will not help. 


Also, ladder had inherent problems as well such as ...


1) Guild teaming against individual ladder players


2) Non-competitive ladders where people just farmed free tokens / dominance hours. should have had minimum amount of people and hits done in order to quality for medals or dominance.


3) Constantly needed to be buffed around the clock. unrealistic for an individual ... but possible if your guild supported you enough.


4) Timing your hits towards the end of the ladder, since ladders were no more than 48 hours. and if you did some basic math, you could guess if a longer or shorter ladder was going on. 


5) Rewards were okay at best ... and nothing was ever added despite multiple suggestions. I think that was because everyone knew it was flawed and didn't want to further abuses in it.



1. I always said it's better to be 1 against 5 players. Unlikely all the players are even playing ans they aren't all online at once. Makes it easier for 1 person to hit 5 and take 1st place at any time. Let guildies hit each other on the ladder too. It's dominance let the best player win is better then 5 Teddies on one ladder with nothing to do.


2. I can't force everyone to compete but I know a lot of players that go for 1st. probably more then half the ladder are competitive. Every ladder I was on was from level 600 on.


3. You don't have to be buffed all the time, definitely not more then the new season ladder where you have 50 people attacking you instead of about 5. I woke up in the morning not in 1st place, buffed up with buffs that last more than 3-4 hours and went for first. Probably had to buff 4-5 times a day = less than 4k stam a day - With the new ladder if you don't have epic pots then your getting attacked 10 times and hour by 2-3 people that do have them. You spend 20k stam to get back to crystal rank and wake up in silver in the morning, rinse repeat.


4. Time your hits or not get 1st or get progress to dominance = win win


5. A set every 100-150 levels and maybe some not so overpowered potions would be fine. Even like a KE - SH 200 potion would be good for a few tokens.




I don't really like to make ladder hits bountyable but if it helps keep the bb more active I'd accept it

#943280 Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

Posted by RageAnger on 04 August 2015 - 02:04

That's un sustainable. That would mean HCS would have to continue pumping in new prizes to keep it active. The prizes will have to continue becoming better and more valuable until what point?

Unsustainable? They cant make 1 set every 100 levels?

#943185 Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

Posted by RageAnger on 03 August 2015 - 20:08

I liked the old ladder, the new ladder is just about having the most stamina or being online at the end doing your attacks to get your rank up, and now with the potions if you have the stamina and the potions everyone else is at a huge disadvantage, plus it does not encourage new players to join since they have no chance against a level 2500+


If the old ladder was dead it's because most people are scared to go against more then 1 player from the same guild and there were no new rewards for a long time.


I think guildies should be able to hit each other on the old ladder.


It's supposed to be dominance.


A thing to consider... even if 60% of players vote to keep the new system a big chunk of the other 40% will quit the game.


Every time a change is made to the game and stuff people like they quit and numbers of online players keep going down. 


Why not make the game like it was when there were 2000 players online at a time?

#892096 FINAL SOLUTION for BOTH parties

Posted by RageAnger on 01 October 2014 - 01:17

Why was this forced no xp loss even suggested and not on the front page. Some people are just going to wake up one day and realize the cows decided "oh by the way you're playing a different game now, thanks for all your donations but we decided to kill your fun."

#892093 FINAL SOLUTION for BOTH parties

Posted by RageAnger on 01 October 2014 - 01:13

I think it is better to get this system approved by HCS and then decide on medal (old or new)

currently the most important thing is to give the players an understanding how this system works (the CHOICE they have) and to get HCS to approve of it  smile.png


after that we can discuss things like medals, rewards, tokens, .....


I believe the more people read and understand this system the more will like it smile.png this increases the chance to get the system approved by HCS


BigGrim told me that he, Zorg and Hoofmaster will be looking over this thread and will be then deciding what to do smile.png ( ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ thanks a lot ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ )


to all of you who want NO XP LOSS: this system gives you the choice to get what you want, it is really simple, just choose to opt-into the SOFT PvP and the problem is solved  smile.png


I respect your decision for NO XP LOSS in SOFT PvP system so please respect my decision too for XP LOSS in RAW PvP system

EVERYONE gets what he wants and is happy and is not that what we all want? smile.png

Get the new system approved? Get tokens for what? We have not had new ladder sets since level 1400. What about karma? What about the new guild conflicts setup? What about Making FSH do what the options say that will do? What about new buffs? Been waiting over 600 levels for it. #1 should be GET RID OF THE LAG!

#892085 FINAL SOLUTION for BOTH parties

Posted by RageAnger on 01 October 2014 - 00:58

I have not been paying much attention since I get scolded all the time for pvping in the first place. I think we should not have any xp protection or getting rid of xp loss and bring back the real smasher medal. Apparently pvpers chase people away from the game but you have been getting rid of pvp one small chunk at a time and the online players keeps going down. Duh!! do the opposite of your instincts cows because you are chasing away more players than anything. I should be refunded for all the fsp I bought because when they get rid of pvp I will quit the game and so will a bunch more people plus a bunch of players I think just log in nowadays.


no pvp = no challenge = no fun


Do you think this game is awesome enough that players will just level and compose potions? PvP the meaner the better is the best part of this game.


This is the only game I ever heard of where the game makers completely make the game the opposite of what it was meant to be and is. You should change the name to Fallen nerf bats

#888610 Update v2.50

Posted by RageAnger on 06 September 2014 - 20:25

I hate this soft pvp. There is supposed to be risk. The fact that people can opt out and pvp protect is more than enough for them to be happy with.

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