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Member Since 30 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active May 13 2023 10:37

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Farewell Avvakum TWP

03 March 2017 - 23:04


The player you knew as avvakum has passed away last month due to stomach cancer. I am his wife and I've been given instructions to inform the gaming communities.

He left FS some time ago, but brought 6 -7 year experience of online gaming to some other game and been successful. His name in other game was EDURACE and his death touched many. You can read about moving from his clan to The Wicked Players clan few weeks before his death here: https://thedailyboun.../r-i-p-edurace/ . You can see a video of his clanmates paying tribute to him (below). Also, a gaming company wants to pay a proper tribute to him by adding a grave or a commemorative plague in his name on one of the game's map. For some reasons, he wanted to stay in TWP few weeks before his death.

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