We were told we'd get a content roadmap like we used to have, and I have yet to see one.
Other people might be okay with accepting that "All good things come in time", but I've seen too many games fail because the Devs decide they don't want to communicate or let the community know what's going on. I also would like to know why the UFSG isn't linked to the database to get updated automatically...
I don't know where or who said we would get a content roadmap like before. BG said in April " With how things are proceeding here with me trying to write up a special arc, the Content Roadmap thread is of little use at this time."
Hoof said in June " I think it's better to announce updates as they are upcoming and then released rather than having a long roadmap. Will be posting up what's coming next once the FS guide update goes live."
If you have seen some posted since, but having nothing to do with the App roadmap. Let me know. Because I don't believe we will ever see a content roadmap again