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Member Since 20 May 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 12 2013 01:50

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In Topic: Calling All Avatar Makers

04 August 2013 - 20:12

Here you go. I`ve no idea which font gheto used tho. 


Okay the effect didn't turn out like I wanted to. I think we should just go back to the regular sizing of slight increments like the post above. Also is there a way you can put an effect on the text like gheto did? Maybe an aura or something?

In Topic: Calling All Avatar Makers

04 August 2013 - 19:15

How about this one then


YES! You are almost perfect!!! 
Is it possible to cut off his legs to have just his upper body? Take a look at gheto's avi. 

Can you also make the text the light blue color and font that gheto has?

Can you also make the text a bigger difference in size? 

for example : KRYPWALK

Basically, take gheto's text and add it and have just his upper body and we're done. I'll send you both FSP for effort.

In Topic: Calling All Avatar Makers

04 August 2013 - 18:05

Lerijs: Those are nice. +1  on the background. Would it be possible to remove the "lightning" between the guys hands and just have my name? 

To ALL: Is it possible to take that text and start a small size font and grow bigger and then go back smaller? 

something like this : KRYPWALK

In Topic: Calling All Avatar Makers

04 August 2013 - 05:06

Hi to you both. 

Quorthon: I do not want a background but you got the jist of the name in hands. I'd like the font like the one ghetoghost has. The quality isn't that great but good job for effort. 

Ghetoghost: Wow! That was pretty good. is it possible to remove the slight nudge background behind jace so that it only leaves the character. Is there a way you can do what quorthon did with the text? Put it in between his hands. That would be an A+ for me. 


In Topic: PVP Deflect

30 July 2013 - 05:06

it is annoying lol at-least give us higher anti-deflect Or lower the level of deflect on the ladder like maybe 1-50 for deflect 

:P Either way it will  be more fun Without deflect on the ladder 

The game is not going to change because you find something annoying. Sorry, there's way too much things that are more important in the game than an annoying buff. Sorry for being harsh but let's just be real.

Arial | Calibri | Lucida Console | Verdana
Font Size:
9px | 10px | 11px | 12px | 10pt | 12pt