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Member Since 09 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 25 2013 03:28

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Newest addition to the HCS Family

09 May 2013 - 06:44

Congradulations! Mr. & Mrs. Hoof on your new addition, first week or two are reserved for bonding, So stay away from work. Best wishes enjoy and have fun...

In Topic: Suggestion: PvP Protection Change

24 August 2012 - 03:39

No one is asking for a regression, we are just asking for something to be gotten rid of that isn't need in the game, you have xp lock and pvp protection... isn't that pretty much overkill on xp protection?

Well it would save us allot of trouble if they just put it back the way it was lol

In Topic: Suggestion: PvP Protection Change

24 August 2012 - 03:28

:idea: How about this for a suggestion for PvP ,ok you want to pvp someone you click player then click pvp it then takes you two to a rink like place to battle, you then have to win two out of three or three out of five, something like that and the winner gets a prize , but the challenger pays for that pvp according to their level ,the prize for winner would be worth more than what was paid in , and xp and gold loss would still be a part of it. :?: eh :wink:

We already have an arena.

So then they should just go back 3 years and make it all the same as it was then and not make any improvements .

In Topic: Suggestion: PvP Protection Change

24 August 2012 - 03:21

I see that some have replied to my posting, i,m not getting my point across, there have been losses in attendance in the game because of loss of interest, and for the changes of certain aspects of the game is understood, i also understand there are more than pvp to do in the game but this topic is about pvp not other things to do in the game " Suggestion: PvP Protection Change" :)

So exactly why did 'leveling is boring' even get brought up? That certainly wasn't on topic. Ok, people leave because they get bored. I'm sure people left out of bordom before even the first PvP change. How does the bored of players who have already left for completely unrelated reasons have any bearing on the current topic?

Honestly, a good compromise has already been put forth by multiple players participating in this thread, and many others have voiced support. Decrease the cost of XP lock (or change it to an affordable amount of gold for XP Protection for a duration of time) and ditch PvP Protection. I see some arguing on either side (PvP vs. non-PvP) about how they want it all, but for the most part, I've seen unrelated issues, emotions flaring, and the one thing that really needs to be discussed: How long would XP Protection last and how much would it cost?

I agree with you totally ,i still like my idea lol they should combine the two. lol and if you do not have an offensive set ,or decided to hold on your gold etc .that is your own fault any other way would take the fun and challenge out the game.

In Topic: Suggestion: PvP Protection Change

24 August 2012 - 03:07

:idea: How about this for a suggestion for PvP ,ok you want to pvp someone you click player then click pvp it then takes you two to a rink like place to battle, you then have to win two out of three or three out of five, something like that and the winner gets a prize , but the challenger pays for that pvp according to their level ,the prize for winner would be worth more than what was paid in , and xp and gold loss would still be a part of it. :?: eh :wink:

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