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Another Composing Thread

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#1 EpicPiety



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Posted 17 July 2020 - 16:24

Composing, Love it... Hate it. Post your opinions on this matter.


How are we to move forward with composing. It's rather apparent composing now overshadows all the other potions in the realm. It seems the only way to push forward would be new buffs that instead increase stats offer new potential ways Hunting/PvP can be played.


Do you think composing is too powerful, too weak? Possibly not diverse enough.


I look forward to construction feedback on this matter.

Edited by EpicPiety, 17 July 2020 - 16:47.

#2 Tilley10



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Posted 17 July 2020 - 16:28

I agree that composing needs a change. My thoughts would be to increase the composing cap above 60, add a plethora of new buffs specific to composing, nerf the max level for composing buffs, add a benefit for being at max composing (faster composing time, cost less frags/gold, extra composing slots, and a specific buff only available at max).

#3 Artzik



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Posted 17 July 2020 - 16:33

Love it, but too overpowered in all stat increasing buffs, why are the buffs lvl  too close to what you get from epic chest... should be nerfed

Edited by Artzik, 17 July 2020 - 16:33.

#4 Pardoux



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Posted 17 July 2020 - 18:19

Good luck with this Epic - I've tried several times to get something moving on composing with zero success (unless you call being trolled a success LOL)

Composing needs something new...

1. Raise the cap from L60 to, perhaps, L100

2. Add NEW potions (perhaps the ones listed in skills but never saw the light of day)

3. DO NOT RAISE THE LEVELS of existing potions, they're over-powered as they are.

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#5 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 18 July 2020 - 00:41

The only real reason for increasing the max level would be if the game was desperatly in need of a big gold sink, other than that I see no reason for it other than creating even more separation between the (for the lack of a better term) 'rich' and 'poor'...If you reached max level, great, enjoy it, let others have it as well...Just add new buffs at the existing level bracket and that's it.

Remember the old days when some spent millions to have access to max level potions? We had traveller composers, it created such a big difference between guilds who had a max level composer at their guild or not...I really see no reason to come back to it once again.


To start with I think the only reason Composing XP/levels exists is to create that gold sink, otherwise it would be open to anyone to brew which ever potion they want if they had enough frags/gold...So if the idea of raising the max level is to go forward, need to start by analising the economy of Gold and FSPs, not how many people are at max level or not.



Some ideas, nothing big:


- Adding 'auto-collect', 'auto-discard' and 'brew next' once you reach lvl 20 (?). 

'Brew next' only available one time, maybe 2 times at lvl 40, and 3 times at lvl 60...I don't know.

(Everyone knows that there is loads out there using 3rd party scripts for Composing, or at least they were using it till they reach max level, that would make it more fair for those who don't use it....And no, I have no proof of that)


- Gold, Time and Frags discounts. (at lvl60)


- Option to Tag a potion even after it's finished, if it was brewed by you of course.


- Having more than 5 buffs in the same potion, maybe 7. (at lvl60)


- Option to combine potions if the total of buffs don't go over 5 (7). (at lvl60)




About new buffs, new levels for existing buffs, etc...I think we first should have some ideas about what those buffs might be, I'm all in to include it in the existing bracket, but I don't know what exactly, and depending on how weak/strong they're it might change their placement...Maybe checking the official thread for 'New Skills/Buffs' is a good place to start.

#6 activeh1



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Posted 18 July 2020 - 06:07

before they even think about doing anything to comp ,why not revamp the loyalty potions to give more incentive to donating as the comp potions are almost the same as epic 


it they upgrade this more players may donate real money to the game (come on we all know thats what they want)


lets fix other parts of the game that really need fixing before we play around with something that (even if they are overpowered ) seems to be working fine 


#7 Morgwyn



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Posted 19 July 2020 - 15:51

As I have commented often before, composing is fine, the attention should go to the inventable potions that need a revamp way more than composing. Make sure inventing and composing complement eachother. And upgrade the current useless inventable pots.


If composing ever needed a revamp with extra levels... then I hope they make it as such that once a guild has at least 1 level 60 composer, the upgrade can be done with a special guild structure to raise the levels. Then it can finally become a guild effort instead of a personal one. Guilds need to get stronger, not individual players. Only way to keep this game alive.

#8 WandKing



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Posted 31 July 2020 - 17:37

Love it :) The damage skills are about right to insure xp bonus when overkill activates!


Cap most of the current skills off at lvl 60 except LF which can go much higher.


Add another 20 to 40 lvls which would be insanely slow to advance. 


One new skill, in dire need of higher levels, that can be added to the composing tree is Invigorate.


The current max level is like wearing a bullet proof vest when they are shooting cannons at us  :o


Of course a lvl 10,000 invigorate will not be much help with higher lvl epics as it only doubles stats.  

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