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Mercenary/Hitman Squad...*120 satisfied clients

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#1 Jharryl2



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Posted 25 June 2008 - 23:41

Yes, after a brief hiatus, to quote an old movie line.....we're back!

RETIRED...Temporary or Permanent, undecided as yet. See post on pg 2, dtd 10 Nov 13:56 for details.

Concept: Anonymous, widely divergent in levels and guild members..."Hit Man" Service.

Method: A player contacts me in game with a "target". I consult my list of "associates" and contact ON BEHALF of the contracting player, with an appropriate levelled associate. That person looks at the targets profile and either accepts or declines the "hit". IF accepted...the contracting player pays me 2 FSP***. The "associate" (or myself if the target and I are within 5 VLs) will then proceed over the next few hours; to administer 4 100 STAM attacks upon the target. The contracting player, remains totally and utterly anonymous and thus free from reprisal. I will NEVER give the contracting players name to the associate, target or ANYONE else...EVER. (OK, exception to this...IF and ONLY if, the conrtactor specifies that they WANT the target toknow the source, then I will share that data with the target, However, the contractor must request that such info be shared. I'll not ask if they want it shared. My assumption will be, that the contractor wishes to remain anonymous.) Once the hit is underway...I will notify the target of such. This is to ensure that there are no "imposters" out there, posing as one of "us" and claiming to be one of "us", when in fact they are not.

Payment: 2 FSP ***in advance, though NOT until the contract has been accepted. Message myself in-game and reveal your targets identity. I will look at their profile and then accept myself or give the name to an associate to choose. Once accepted, then payment is made, I deliver payment to the one executing the attack..and bingo! It gets done. If the contract is not accepted...there is no payment due.

Guild Leaders: Yes...you WILL have guild members come to you wanting to arrange revenge assaults when they get hit. I'd ask you to remember yourself and to remind them..that some members of your Guild will have no doubt USED this same service, others in the Guild may indeed be part and parcel OF the service and if that member has the desire, they too are free to use the service themselves.

Gold: That gold dropped by the target, will be the Hit Mans to keep/return as they see fit. No promises are made, and thus none can be broken.

Contract Acceptance/Declination: No reason will EVER be given for declining a contract. It may be that an appropriate levelled associate is not yet in the "association". It may be that you are asking me to hit one of my associates. It may be, that no associate believes themselves capable of delivering successful attacks upon the target. It may be that the only associate able to execute such an attack, is in the same Guild as the target. In order to preclude identifying associates, it is necessary that a contract be accepted or declined without explanation.

I've gotten a message saying; "You've been targetted on an open contract..." What does this mean?: Simply put, it means you have done and continue to do something which is aggravating somebody to no end. This form of contract, is not necessarily to extract XPs, levels or gold. It is random periodic attacks, until you alter your behavior patterns or until the client 'closes' the contract. Cost for an 'open contract' is 1 FSP plus 1 FSP per 50 levels of the target (rounded up), per 3 day period. Ex: lvl 120 target. 2.4 50 level portions = 3 FSP, plus 1 FSP = 4 FSP per 3 days the contract is to run.

Retainer: In a guild conflict and dont want the other guys hiring us? 6k gold x # Associates x 7 = Retainer Fee. Any contracts offered against any member of the guild retaining us, will be declined. The retainer time period is 7 days.

Footnotes: *** If your target is in the 200+ range, the Fee is double and payment to the hitter is doubled. Why? Because at that level, that same 400 Stam can farm substantial amounts of wealth. Further, targets in that lvl range, have the in game financial resources to seriously grief a hitter, so the risk to that associate is greatly increased. Thus, if hiring an associate whose level is 200+ OR hiring for a target whose level is 200+, the fee is 4 FSP.

**********Word of advice: If you contract with us to place a bounty at a given moment, do NOT decide 2 minutes prior, that you need to step out for a smoke first. Hitters are lined up and worked around the planned Bounty time. Then you show them that kind of discourtesy? Not acceptable.**************

**flame baiting, will be patently ignored**


Associate Total: 49
VLs "Covered": 15-30 (2 Associates); 64-78 (2); 80-179 (30); 195-209 (5): 216-228 (3); 235-253 (2); 263-273(2); 300-310 (2); 314-324 (1)
Hits Executed: 608
Highest Lvl Hit: 343 (-5)
XPs lost by Target(s): 56,881,242
Confirmed Target Levels Lost: 74
Contracts Accepted: 153
Contracts Declined: 72

+++NOTE: Some contracts were accepted during this posts absence, so totals do not reflect those contracts. IOW, we've done more than it shows here!

#2 Jharryl2



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Posted 01 July 2008 - 17:55

#s, VLs covered, etc etc updated and current as of time stamp for this post.

#3 fs_jasonv5

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Posted 03 July 2008 - 21:27


#4 Jharryl2



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Posted 07 July 2008 - 18:19


#5 Jharryl2



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Posted 10 July 2008 - 14:24

very succesful contract executed last night. Target lost 5 levels and over 1.8 million XPs. Paid out some 30 FSP to my associates.

Are we cheap? No. Do we get the job done? Yes. :twisted:

#6 Jharryl2



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Posted 11 July 2008 - 14:14

# Associates, contracts accepted/decliend, VLs covered, XPs/lvls extracted...updated and current as of this posts time stamp.

#7 Jharryl2



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Posted 15 July 2008 - 18:23

^ ditto

#8 Jharryl2



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Posted 19 July 2008 - 17:21

# Associates, contracts accepted/decliend, VLs covered, XPs/lvls extracted...updated and current as of this posts time stamp.

#9 Jharryl2



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Posted 26 July 2008 - 18:11

# Associates, contracts accepted/decliend, VLs covered, XPs/lvls extracted...updated and current as of this posts time stamp.

#10 Jharryl2



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Posted 02 August 2008 - 15:30

Updated: # Associates, VLs covered, XPs lost, H+# Hits executed, Lvls lost, Contracts Accepted and contracts declined,

#11 Jharryl2



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Posted 05 August 2008 - 13:39

Updated: # Associates, VLs covered, XPs lost, H+# Hits executed, Lvls lost, Contracts Accepted and contracts declined,


#12 Jharryl2



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Posted 09 August 2008 - 16:19

Updated: # Associates, VLs covered, XPs lost, H+# Hits executed, Lvls lost, Contracts Accepted and contracts declined,



#13 Jharryl2



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Posted 15 August 2008 - 19:21

Updated: # Associates, VLs covered, XPs lost, H+# Hits executed, Lvls lost, Contracts Accepted and contracts declined,



and again. :lol:

#14 Jharryl2



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Posted 26 August 2008 - 18:35

updated lvls covered and removed from roster those with more than 21 days of inactive gaming status.

Am still getting caught up with work etc after returning from vacation last night. Will "renew" contract activities tomorrow, Wed 8/27.

#15 Jharryl2



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Posted 30 August 2008 - 20:04

successful outing today. 1,258,XXX XPs extracted from the target, along with 4 levels.

This works folks. We're here, when you need us.

#16 Jharryl2



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Posted 01 September 2008 - 14:35

updated lvls covered and removed from roster those with more than 21 days of inactive gaming status.

Am still getting caught up with work etc after returning from vacation last night. Will "renew" contract activities tomorrow, Wed 8/27.


#17 fs_ecofrog

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 00:37

bump. thanks for helping me with a buff thief....

#18 Jharryl2



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Posted 10 September 2008 - 16:34

YW Eco, and thanks for both the bump and the courtesy.

# Associates, VLs covered, etc etc all current as of time stamp for this post.

#19 Jharryl2



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Posted 22 September 2008 - 13:38

# Associates, VLs covered, etc etc all current as of time stamp for this post.

#20 Jharryl2



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Posted 30 September 2008 - 01:51

updated and culled roster, deleting all whose accounts have shown no activity for 14 days or longer.

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