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Member Since 08 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 27 2014 16:33

Topics I've Started

New PvP Ladder Rewards + Incentive to Play the ladder

01 April 2014 - 18:20

A simple idea here to add some new "useful" Rewards to the pvp ladder and maybe bring some more players into the pvp ladder. Instead of just adding more items to make why not add some bound potions for each play style? (PvP, leveling, titan hunting, farming) These potions would have to be bound as to not instantly flood the market with them and thus making them worthless and not encouraging players to play and earn them.  


These potions could have a building system similar to the composing, in that the more tokens you use in them the stronger they become (capped at a reasonable level of coarse) and also used to increase duration( also capped).  The potions would need to be strong enough to make a leveling player want to use there stamina to earn them. I feel that AL level 300 would be a fair buff level for example. 



This is just a suggestion and would love feedback and other ideas from everyone here.

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