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29 March 2015 - 15:42
went there and loitered for a good long while
didn't get any message (which isn't surprising, i've already spoken to her)
ran in and out again
loitered a long while after
29 March 2015 - 14:47
i'm stuck there too
went in the portal
set the 3 scrolls
went to the top of the hill
some magic
meteors falling from the sky and elementals all over the place
ran like hell out of there
fermi won't talk to me when i get out
tried going back in and am at the top of the hill
clicking on the guy there starts the meteors falling
run like hell out but fermi still doesn't talk to me
the 4 guys in there all died right at the end of the path
do i have to get them out alive to complete the quest?
29 March 2015 - 14:42
i clicked on the door and it requested the key
gave it the key
the door is now unlocked
click the door again to go into the unlocked door as many times as you like
11 March 2015 - 20:06
it pretty much does work like that
there are a few bugs where you can't find the main so have to search for an alt to find them and there are a few which seem to be orphans but in a lot of those cases the player did a name change so that is a bit understandable
11 March 2015 - 16:17
If someone is nasty one one character then do you really want to be friends with them on the nice character? I find it pretty false behaviour.
i agree
there should always be a way of finding all the alts of a character for this reason