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Member Since 29 Aug 2020
Offline Last Active Jul 16 2024 17:55

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In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

16 July 2024 - 17:58

BrewM wouldn't be killed from arena at all. The one from chests will enter the game once or twice a week tops? This would be a far more expensive alternative for just a bit extra time on pots.

In Topic: Realm Chest Update Ideas.

16 July 2024 - 17:44

I am a fan of the majority of the potions but there are a few that I don't personally think should be added.


Overkill 1100: Already have Sidd's potion which can be farmed and will be way more common.

Arterial Strike 600/1000: Already have a loyalty pot Arterial Strike 1000. It is also very niche and most people don't use it.

Trendy ???: No one will use this. Would have to be a stupidly high level to even try and get comparable stats to sets being paired with coordinated buffs and smashing hammer.


That being said I do have some possible potion recommendations if you are looking to replace some of these with something.


Sacrifice 550: Kind of the same as Sidd's potion allowing a higher level sacrifice be available outside of global chests.

Brewing Master 400: Will be a more expensive and rarer alternative of Brewers Art from arena to be used with those high epic pots.

Pride 300: Same as brewing master but for composed pots.

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