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Member Since 12 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 22 2017 07:23

Topics I've Started

... a fighting chance?

15 November 2016 - 20:36

This is my 1st ever actual proposal to change PvP, discussed it shortly on global chat with BigGrim. (also, english is my not native language, so if I make mistakes, please try to understand idea I am talking about, not how I say it out)
To start with, when game was young, PvP attack against player was not guaranteed win as it is nowadays. [disclaimer, I am talking about "random" PvP attacks, or attacks to steal gold, thus excluding 'professional' PvP, ladder and BB where attacking player is more or less buffed constantly.] Recently, "random" PvP attack have come more an frequent as there are Daily Quests with PvP. Back in those old days, player wearing proper gear could actually win against attacker, when attacker was either careless or some enchantment kicked in. Nowadays, there are so many buffs that guarantee that attacker wins against un-buffed target. 
How about if we would give defender a fighting chance? Here is my suggestion:
When player gets attacked in normal PvP, result is not decided at the moment of attack. Instead, it goes to sort of indecisive state, where it wait until 24h (or should it be 48h?) is passed, or defender has surrendered (no chance to bounty, gold and xp loss cut to ..umm... lets say half, I don't know what would be good cut [also, look disclaimer]) or fights back. On moment of attack, amount of xp and gold target has in hand is recorded. Defender gets notification (in log?) that attack was made, it could be something like "Player attacked against you: xxx attack and yyy damage detected with zz buffs active, defend yourself! (or press surrender to end combat to your loss)." One hour cooldown is applied between attacker and defender.
If target decides to defend, target may change gear at will, also get buffed any amount of buffs(including potion buffs). Buff amount and attack/damage stat is there as I want target to see how how aggressive attack there is. I think showing attack and damage is good, thus giving target a fighting chance (adjust gear according attack and damage values, and calculate what effect buffs may have on them). But showing buff amount is still bit unclear to me, it seems like an good idea to me, but will it give too much advantage to defender? On attack and damage stat, I think only realistic approach is to so base attack and damage, as there are so many of those RNG buffs. What you think so far?
Now it gets tricky: how to determine gold loss? My suggestion is to have sort of pool for gold an xp. So every time attacker attacks some target, total gold amount in targets hand is recorded, and then apply gold stealing buffs and enchantments. The amount of stolen (and lost) is locked from target (so it cannot be used, sent or deposit) and locked amount is shown in status (so other possible attackers know that they can only access part of total amount of gold of target). What happens next? I have come up following possibilities:
1) attacker has attacked only one target, target looses on defend: attacker gets 100% of that gold pooled when attack was initialized, gold steal buffs are applied as they are, and some gold is lost. Target thus looses all locked gold. One hour cooldown is applied between attacker and defender. 
2) attacker has attacked only one target, target surrenders: half of pooled is subject of PvP gold steal, so some of it will get lost and some stolen. Target keeps the other half of gold. One hour cooldown is applied between attacker and defender.
3) attacker looses (or battle is unresolved): defender keeps all the gold, attacker's gold stealing buffs "backfire" eg are applied as defender had those casted, then gold and xp loss are calculated in same manner as it is calculated currently. One hour cooldown is applied between attacker and defender.
4) set time has passed (24h or 48h), attacker wins same way as in 1)
Those are pretty straight forward... But if attacker has attacked multiple targets, for ease of maths lets say 4 targets, and have pooled (locked) gold: 1st target 3M, 2nd target 800k and 3rd and 4th target both 100k, so total of 4M. So, following could happen:
5) attacker wins against target #2, target looses locked multiplied with percentage targets locked gold present on total pooled (locked) gold, so 800k x (800k/4M), which is 160k. One hour cooldown is applied between attacker and defender.
6) 1st target surrenders, attacker thus gains 0.5 x 3M = 1.5M. Or should it be 1125k? 4M x 0.5 x  (3M / 4M). One hour cooldown is applied between attacker and defender.
7) attacker looses (or battle is unresolved) against targets #3 and #4, same as 3)
8) set time has passed (24h or 48h), attacker wins same way as in 5)
Any improvements and other constructive feedback would be nice, as I am just asking how defender could have chance to defend without being buffed all the time. 


- donalde -

GvG injustice and problems?

23 March 2016 - 14:57

I have watched GvG attacks more closely during this year, and here is 3 things that I find urgently needs HCS to react:

1) Multiple players attacking against one guild member. I have seen 3 players against one guild member. That can be hardly called GvG, it sound more massacre.

2) Breaker on GvG: I think Breaker enchantment should not work on GvG, guild member who gets attacked soon have gear so low on durability that there is no use to buff him as there is not even theoretical chance to win. 

3) Composed potions on GvG: I can understand invented potions in GvG, but composed potions give no fighting chance for defending guild. Attacker has high armor, high hp, high damage and enough attack, then add SH, KE, CoAt, Ageless, AD, and defenders don't stand chance. (Not to mention other buffs available from composing)



1 & 2 make effect where guildie logs in after few days offline and repairs gear with 700k. 


So HCS, could defending guild please have some chance to defend themselves? 


I could have suggested removing potion effects from GvG altogether, but that might be too drastic, so I settle on removing composed potions.

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