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#1 BadPenny



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Posted 29 September 2014 - 00:08

I have played Fallen Sword for a very long time.  Everybody knows this.  I have made many friends over the years, and I love each and every one of you.  You are the main reason that I play Fallen Sword.


Dramatic changes are coming to Fallen Sword.  At first, I was alarmed and angry about them, and apprehensive that these changes would destroy my favorite game.  But the powers that be assure me that they will not let this happen, so I have chosen to trust them and try to embrace the changes.   I have made this choice public, and have received some unexpected criticism.  I have been called a traitor, pathetic and disappointing.  Being told these things is hurtful.... and it makes me sad to think that I am not as respected as I have endeavored to be.  I am not complaining here, that is not the intent of this note, just stating facts.   My point is, I just want those that have these opinions to know that I am none of these things, and that I hope you will reconsider.  Know this, my feelings about you have not changed, and you will always have a place in my heart.  


Please don't judge me by the company I keep.  Fallen Sword is a diverse community, and my alliances stretch across all class lines.  I judge you by yourself, not your game style or your level or even your longevity in the game, and I would hope you would judge me in the same manner.


To everyone who has stood behind me in these difficult times, thank you.  You can't know how much it means to me.  Thanks for being my friend.



#end rant

Edited by BadPenny, 29 September 2014 - 00:10.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#2 lapdragon



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Posted 29 September 2014 - 00:17

*HUGS*..... just cuz....

#3 tharzill



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Posted 29 September 2014 - 00:20

While I may not have talked to you a lot, I do recall a memorable BB battle with you. lol You not only earned my respect then, but you have continued to keep it. Keep your chin up and know there are folks in this game that DO respect you and your opinions very highly. 

#4 Nikita90



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Posted 29 September 2014 - 00:27

are you talking about the PVP changes? everyone's entitled to there own opinion and both sides of the discussion have brought up amazing points ( although I'm more along the lines of keep PVP the way it is) i can understand both sides. screw the haters, hopefully none from your PVP days. 

Edited by Nikita90, 29 September 2014 - 00:28.

#5 3vil3ye


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 00:29

i have noticed since my return to fs that it gotten to be spitefull and hurtful place.... of course its not the whole community but them seiect few who are awful people ( i can name quite a few but wont) almost made me quit again... but i didnt cuz ive made a handful of friends which is why i continue... all i can try to do is look forward to a better future and ignore the pests... hopefully penny you can try to do the same.... dont let them drag you to thier lvl... you seem like a kind and caring person, keep the faith that the light will soon shine through these dark times.

i have noticed since my return to fs that it gotten to be spitefull and hurtful place.... of course its not the whole community but them seiect few who are awful people ( i can name quite a few but wont) almost made me quit again... but i didnt cuz ive made a handful of friends which is why i continue... all i can try to do is look forward to a better future and ignore the pests... hopefully penny you can try to do the same.... dont let them drag you to thier lvl... you seem like a kind and caring person, keep the faith that the light will soon shine through these dark times.

#6 3vil3ye


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 00:32

wow double post sorry no idea how that happened lol

#7 murabane



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Posted 29 September 2014 - 01:25

I think the fact that you are able to come to terms with a change to the game that seems inevitable to the game, speaks volumes. I really have yet to even get that far as i really can't imagine the game without it let alone it keeping the BB from completely dying off. But me throwing sand into other peoples faces isn't going to help the situation nor how i think about it.



I really don't know who said what, haven't looked into it any. I really don't understand why people do that stuff, i mean i understand the passion for it. We all have passion for things, but let that passion for it try to improve and uplift it, not bring it down and tarnish it. I'm for keeping the xp and it seems that a lot of people for that and keeping pvp the way it is, are really just ranting at everyone let alone one another in some cases. After that you can't expect to even have a winning argument when the side you are trying to take is doing nothing but fighting. And i definitely wouldn't go out of my way to make someone i know feel like crap just for having a different opinion than mine. If anything it gives you a different way of looking at the situation which always helps.


Truthfully penny, again i don't know who they are but they should be embarrassed of themselves for even saying those things to you especially if any of those people know you or consider themselves your friend. I mean one way of looking at it is that you are ready for a new challenge, to branch out and try something else. As a friend why would you not support a friend with that mindset? Even if your not a friend for someone to go out try something new, to branch out and grow how is that bad in any type of way? Is it bad because they won't choose to do it or don't like it, seems a bit closed minded to me. I'm sorry that you had to deal with this penny, especially under the circumstances of everything :( In the mean time just let all the bad things go in one ear and out the other, don't let it linger and bother you. And if you need anything you know where to find me, i know im not much of anything but ill help when i can. :)

#8 Raku



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Posted 29 September 2014 - 02:08

Just keep your head up. While I may not have had many dealings with you at all I would have to agree with quite a few of these post if not all. Even if someone disagrees with you its not a reason to put them down. Also simply not responding in kind speaks volumes for itself.

#9 yodamus



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Posted 29 September 2014 - 14:48

excellent post penny.the community will be stronger once these new changes take place..change is hard to take..but change is what is needed or the world becomes a boring place..

#10 BadPenny



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Posted 29 September 2014 - 15:50

Thanks so much for all of the support you all have given me.   It makes my heart sing to know that I'm still respected, as I have striven to be respectable in all that I do.  


This is difficult for the PvP player, as we can easily gain reputations as a bullies... I don't want to be seen as that, and I work hard to temper my avarice and viciousness with empathy and mercy.  Unfortunately, not everyone does this, which has caused the changes that are coming soon.  


I think that I make clear my opinions about this game, and I know that not all agree with my views, as I disagree with many of theirs, but I hope that we can continue to respect each other's opinions and stop all the back-biting, sniping and bickering... It's counterproductive and only serves to flame the fires.   



Thank you for allowing me to share and for taking the time to read and/or post :)

Edited by BadPenny, 29 September 2014 - 15:50.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#11 Gutie



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Posted 29 September 2014 - 21:32

Even if there's a pvp fight, anyone with half a brain knows you're a good person who means no ill will in how you play the game. Whoever said anythign rude or nasty is a twit. FS is a game. People need to wake up and recognize that this game is meant for people to enjoy.


I'm not perfect in how I conduct myself, but if someone was going as far to badmouth someone who cares about the game and has a positive attitude about things like you do, then their opinions aren't even worth making note of in my honest opinon. I've never heard of you doing or saying anything to foster ill will with another player, and quite frankly I'm a bit more than ticked of just by reading the tone of things said in the thread.


Just know that even with people you have gotten into pvp fights with, those of us who have gotten to know you a bit from that and otherwise, think well of you for it. FS is a GAME. No one has any right to claim that you are bound to agree with everything they insist on being so. Being slammed for putting trust in others is a bit more than disturbing to me. I disagree with people on here, even staunchly and defiantly so at times, but to be vile over disagreemtns in opinon/viewpoints is somethign that bothers me a lot. I value your opinons on the forums and respect them, even if I differ on a few points on a hot topic. :P




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#12 bigchaos



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Posted 30 September 2014 - 03:50

It is difficult at times to give a view since their are strong feelings. I agree with you on respect and understanding that these changes to the game is going to happen and is part of the growing pains of community and to the game. I have not chatted with you directly, but in world chat from time to time. I do not think  of you as others have mentioned in your original post.  I have enjoyed reading the pros and cons on topics that you post on. I have read the bickering as well and that is why I made the thread "Open Topic On What Keeps You Playing Fallenswords" I felt the cows needed to see positive of the game community and I hope this thread of yours BadPenny will help both sides of a community issue can work together with the cows to resolve for all who play fallenswords.  ;)


I do not want to take away from this thread but I wanted to add flaming others will not solve issues and just makes players want to not come back. I know as a community we can do much better than put down others who are expressing their views.  I like to remind everybody we all come from diverse countries and cultures.  I think we forget we have different views and different ways to express.  I think sometimes we forget that English is not every countries primary language and in writing it is easy to come across as flaming if your language is not English native.  I do find it hard to read when a name is directed when we can do quotes here.  I think enough of this rant too. I hope you let me hugs you BadPenny :wub:  and hope you do not let a few that have let you down keep you from posting your thoughts in future. :)  

#13 BadPenny



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Posted 30 September 2014 - 05:15

I asked, it's Latin, for those of you with Google Fu... and yeah, it gets in the bio <3

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#14 BigGrim


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Posted 30 September 2014 - 08:31

Please don't. It appears to be a bit sweary.

#15 BadPenny



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Posted 30 September 2014 - 09:49

Fine....    :(

Edited by BadPenny, 30 September 2014 - 09:49.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#16 bigchaos



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Posted 02 October 2014 - 01:56

Thank you for making the adjustment before BigGrim, and agree with you.   I thought I give both you and BadPenny hugs. 



Back on topic of expressing your view lets keep to forum rules and easy for all to read thanks. I think pvp adjustments are going to happen and we need to be objective and sort out what works and what is not . there are plenty of other threads on this topic too.  I do apologize having some weird issues on spacing forum.  :(

Edited by bigchaos, 02 October 2014 - 02:00.

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