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Member Since 17 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 07 2016 10:55

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Daily Events

07 July 2016 - 10:58

Instead of rewarding the top, why not make it like temple? You have to qualify with x amout of something, etc. kill 50 bugs, then you enter the poll and x random people split the pot, depending on how big the pool is. It could get increased like global event, more contesters, higher price perhaps?


I agree with many others that EOC is superior if you have to do something more than others, then its just gonna be another "im EOC i got nothing to do, oh i can win this" thing.

In Topic: Gargantuan Mosquitos V

07 March 2016 - 14:35

Piety Bug Busters!

In Topic: FSH Update 1507 - Quickbuff enhancements, New online players etc.

16 September 2015 - 20:42

Extend, Reinforce, Guild buffer and Buff master doesnt activate in buff menu once clicked. Must be the new game update as they worked perfect yesterday

In Topic: New Guild RP Packs.

14 September 2015 - 21:23

Always nice with new content


Is there any chance that you can list the packages by family? By family i mean. Battle Pack a b c, Power leveller a b c and so on. Its alittle confusing and annoying that they are all spread when you are looking for that one package with the best buffs for that purpose you got.

In Topic: FSH Update 1507 - Quickbuff enhancements, New online players etc.

14 September 2015 - 21:22

+1 to above


I saw there was a new update for it was for extend, buff master, reinforce, but not guild buffer. I was so glad that it got in there aswell. Really thumbs up from a buffer :D


In future i would wish for some sort of page where you can see what the newest update contain. Some might feel it meaningless, and some dont :)


Thumbs up for the work. FS without H is no fun.

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