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Member Since 05 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active May 20 2024 07:10

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Level Reset Option (prestige)

12 June 2018 - 02:17

There's many mobile games that already have the blueprint laidout where you rebirth and get special currency/skill points to use to upgrade your character/team while keeping everything earned. You'd lose your level but keep everything else. Maybe you get more skill points the higher level you are such as every 100 levels earns you 1 skill point per rebirth for example so if you rebirthed at level 500 you'd get 5 skill points. It doesn't need to be complex or punish the player it should be a neutral feature.

A real achievement system is needed more though mobile/steam has a very large player base of achievement hunters which can be used to help revive the game  

In Topic: Fallen Sword Client - Top Rated Leaderboards

20 February 2018 - 02:46

In-actives defiantly need removed from leader boards imagine being a new player checking the top charts and a majority are filled with a bunch of dead accounts xD. Also need to look into the free offers otherwise people are going to be forced to join top guilds to prosper in the game and that's going to throw alot of new users off who want to create their own guilds or at least buy their own equipment. 

In Topic: FallenSword Shard Offers:

15 November 2017 - 07:44

Hopefully fixed and replaced before mobile etc is launched 

In Topic: Rebuilding the Wiki

15 November 2017 - 07:39

I'd make a personal wiki so it's stored on a dedicated server that is up to date not 3 years old so when something happens it don't get erased v.v 

In Topic: New Medals Suggestions

28 August 2017 - 22:27

I think the closer we get to steam launch the more we have to look at separating Medals & Achievements. As previously stated before accumulative tasks should be achievements where as actual accomplishments should be preserved for Medals so not to devalue them. Not a real issue right now probably won't make it to steam for another 5 years but food for thought. 

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