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Missing composing buffs

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#1 grimnok



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Posted 11 July 2014 - 20:13

I know it was alluded to that some of the composing buffs availability would be changed, but are any of these actually available before level 50?


Smashing Hammer
Armor Boost
Mighty Vigor
Severe Condition


In the official composing thread, these were all stated as available via composing but none are, as of composing level 38.  Some of these were huge motivators to get into composing.  Are any of these actually available with the current composing level cap?


#2 Melissa3



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Posted 11 July 2014 - 21:31

I know it was alluded to that some of the composing buffs availability would be changed, but are any of these actually available before level 50?


Smashing Hammer
Armor Boost
Mighty Vigor
Severe Condition


In the official composing thread, these were all stated as available via composing but none are, as of composing level 38.  Some of these were huge motivators to get into composing.  Are any of these actually available with the current composing level cap?


I know it was alluded to that some of the composing buffs availability would be changed, but are any of these actually available before level 50?


Smashing Hammer
Armor Boost
Mighty Vigor
Severe Condition


In the official composing thread, these were all stated as available via composing but none are, as of composing level 38.  Some of these were huge motivators to get into composing.  Are any of these actually available with the current composing level cap?


I am level 42 and so far nope !!

#3 murabane



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Posted 11 July 2014 - 23:00

Well they aren't missing, they would have to have been there before in order to be missing  :(


I think the main thing is helping them do the main work of skills/levels/level caps/where they are unlocked at, i mean it shouldn't come down to that but i think that may be the quickest way to speed up the process and insure some more skills sooner.

#4 Melissa3



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Posted 12 July 2014 - 01:39

I personally thought that all the buffs and the placement of these buffs for all the 50 levels had been mapped out in the very beginning.


So i diligently went at it composing full bore.  I sunk a lot of gold, stamina and my time into composing.  Level by level unlocking something new.  As i reached every new level i would look in anticipation what would be new in the next level, and reporting it back to my fellow guildies.


Up until level 20 i was not disappointed, even though the progress was so slow there was a gold pot at the end of the rainbow and I could see that it was all worth it.


But level 21 came.... nothing.... 22...... nothing....... by level 30 i had given up hope.  I realised the cows had let us down.  Composing was not complete.  It was so disappointing for me.....  i had given up so much to make composing a major focus of my game. 


At one point I was putting 2 million in gold and using 3500 commons PER DAY  to advance in composing at the rate i was.  This meant i was backhunting for commons and my normal levelling took a backseat to composing. 


I also gave up on winning my guilds monthly levelling competition (which i had won 11 times out of 12 until composing came along) i gave up on winning our comp so i could gather commons for composing so i could get the best buffs for my guild.  Winners of the competition paid only 5 % tax instead of the normal 25 %. 


So by not winning the comp it cost me an additional 20% tax in addition to the 2 mill in gold i was paying daily.


And all this was for what?  I have asked many many many times for new composing buffs.  At one point we are told they are looking it..... then told in april it would be 2 more weeks... then again soon..... Then I'm told by others supposely in the "know" that the cows have no intention of introducing new buffs till next year or the year after....  lol ..  people wont be playing this game the year after if the players are continually mislead !!


Patiently, like a fool, I continue to play this game, but for how long im not sure.

#5 murabane



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Posted 12 July 2014 - 01:53

Well i really can't begin to imagine all the work you have put in cause i have barely put much effort into composing and i would actually like to see more skills, but it seems like when it something that is complex like this it takes them way longer then needed and intended. I do believe in these situations that they do need to be more upfront and honest about the progress or maybe lack there of so people don't get overly involved and let down.

Edited by murabane, 12 July 2014 - 07:18.

#6 sweetlou



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Posted 12 July 2014 - 03:43

At one point we are told they are looking it..... then told in april it would be 2 more weeks... then again soon..... Then I'm told by others supposely in the "know" that the cows have no intention of introducing new buffs till next year or the year after....  lol ..  people wont be playing this game the year after if the players are continually mislead !!

This has become the modus operandi! The continual failed promises keep leading players to discontent. Eventually they say screw this, I'm gone. I enjoyed this game for so many years. Now I'm playing for nostalgia, blah, blah. The interaction we had(past tense) with Hoof in this very forum developing ideas that were immediately(or at least very quickly) realized were what grew this game into what made it so wonderful. He cared. Players had real input. What has happened? Sorry guys, but there is so much room to improve this game. And with it come the spoils of good work like what we used to see. Is there a chance to see this again?

[Signature removed]


“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -GRRM

#7 Azarek



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Posted 12 July 2014 - 03:55

Well the sad thing is that this should have been a fait accompli because the composing buffs were discussed and discussed and discussed again...If I remember correctly Hoof laid out the buffs that would be part of composing and I think even the likely caps on those skills.  Again if memory serves, he also said that they already had a bunch of composing only buffs picked out (I think holdovers from the proposed level 1600 skills).  We then had a period where only breaking down of items was permitted while they put the composing system in place.  I think that we are now approaching a year since that composing aspect of the game was introduced, and as Melissa has said there has been some hand-waving at the problem and promises that they have plans for the introduction of LOTS of new skills, and that things will be coming in a couple of weeks, but several weeks pass and nothing.  I am only at level 21, so this hasn't really affected me yet, but I have born witness to Melissa's incredible effort, and I know that there are several others in a similar boat.  It is disheartening and as Mel alluded to, it is not the best way to encourage people to stick with the game, when things are only partially implemented and then neglected (especially without any communication).  Hopefully things get figured out soon.

#8 evilbry



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Posted 12 July 2014 - 11:30

No Buffs are "Missing". This is just intentional misrepresentation to try garner the attention of the Cows.




I personally thought that all the buffs and the placement of these buffs for all the 50 levels had been mapped out in the very beginning.


So i diligently went at it composing full bore.  I sunk a lot of gold, stamina and my time into composing.  Level by level unlocking something new.  As i reached every new level i would look in anticipation what would be new in the next level, and reporting it back to my fellow guildies.


Up until level 20 i was not disappointed, even though the progress was so slow there was a gold pot at the end of the rainbow and I could see that it was all worth it.


But level 21 came.... nothing.... 22...... nothing....... by level 30 i had given up hope.  I realised the cows had let us down.


The cows have let no one down. there's a saying about when someone assumes, this is very true here.


When you got to the mid 20's in levels it was pretty clear that there were no new skills added to composing, It was your choice and your choice alone to keep advancing. By doing so you have gained access to skills at levels that few others in the game would have access to.


the hard luck story which is portrayed is a long way from the truth.


I have asked many many many times for new composing buffs.  At one point we are told they are looking it..... then told in april it would be 2 more weeks... then again soon..... Then I'm told by others supposely in the "know" that the cows have no intention of introducing new buffs till next year or the year after....  lol ..  people wont be playing this game the year after if the players are continually mislead !!

Conjecture is not a good look. It's pretty safe to say that only the cows know when they may want to release new buffs. The response at the moment though would most likely be akin to the question "how long is a piece of string?"




Patiently, like a fool, I continue to play this game, but for how long im not sure.

Threats of leaving will not swing HCS into action.


People stop playing all the time, for a number of different reasons. Other new players pick the game up.






Now to address the issue at hand:


People in here have posted they want new buffs but have given very little for HCS to work with. When adding new buffs, HCS will also want to address the limited number of skills that pass level 300, thus using crystalline, Super elite frags which for the most part are gathering dust.


So people want new buffs, Make constructive suggestions of the buffs they want added. The level they want them added and the max level of the buff.


for example;

Overkill add at composing level 25 starting skill 150 going to a max of 500. each level increases the skill by 25.



Also keep in mind when you are suggesting skills, other areas of the game which could be detrimentally impacted by new potions. If a part of the game will adversely suffer HCS will be less inclined to go with the suggestion.

#9 Davros81



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Posted 12 July 2014 - 12:17

I know it was alluded to that some of the composing buffs availability would be changed, but are any of these actually available before level 50?


Smashing Hammer
Armor Boost
Mighty Vigor
Severe Condition


In the official composing thread, these were all stated as available via composing but none are, as of composing level 38.  Some of these were huge motivators to get into composing.  Are any of these actually available with the current composing level cap?


I hope so as yes getting to level 20 and finding no new buffs were coming out was pretty disappointing and a total non-motivator. I will stop at level 27 (next level for me) as then the coordinated buffs will be maxed out at level 250, there is nothing else I need from composing as it stands as i can either buff myself or get the buffs via a potion.

#10 Belaric



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Posted 12 July 2014 - 13:54

Got to say that for HCS introduction of higher level/ more skills in composing must be a massive headache for them - given the many laws of unintended consequences that abound. I mean look at Davros81 - at level 27 he will have Co-A co-D completed at 250. He never needs to use the earned 175 skills again. Blazing cave potion becomes irrelevant to him, and anyone in his guild who he can make potions for.


Folk who have powered into the 30's 40's and 50's will instantaneously, if the cows ever introduce new/more buffs, max out those newly introduced buffs and make more skills and cave/invented/arena potions defunct, not just for themselves, but potentially for their guilds, as one composer can supply many other players - have a couple in one guild and you are in great shape. That, while great for us as players, may not be as awesome a prospect for HCS.


Composing specific buffs as a solution? Well we have had no new buffs as a reward for gaining levels in 550 levels, so I would not hold my breath on composing specific buffs being created anytime soon.


Yes gold gets burned, and some people burn stam hunting frags. But how does this activity stack up in game vs cave diving and the farming and shopping activity that goes into inventing for instance? Or the stam burned on buffing guildies which stops when potions replace mere 175 buffs? HCS may be having a hard time balancing the benefits of an expanded composing system.


If composing becomes the dominant form of acquiring buffs in the game (which it might if skills keep getting added to it), something which was created to get rid of excess old items will reduce huge swathes of the game to irrelevance. That may ultimately do more harm than good. That consideration may be another reason why HCS is slow to act here.

Edited by Belaric, 12 July 2014 - 13:59.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#11 yotwehc



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Posted 12 July 2014 - 16:55

I feel bad for the cows. Introduce new aspect to the game, overall well received then get threats to leave game. Better off not introducing new aspects.

Hopefully the folks freaking out are a minority of the population. I, for one, thank you for the game and all the various updates and new aspects. Keep up the good work.

#12 murabane



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Posted 12 July 2014 - 17:31

I feel bad for the cows. Introduce new aspect to the game, overall well received then get threats to leave game. Better off not introducing new aspects.

Hopefully the folks freaking out are a minority of the population. I, for one, thank you for the game and all the various updates and new aspects. Keep up the good work.


You have to realize people have those feelings because of the constant run around... also you have not spent the thousands of fsp or stamina melissa has, you do that you can understand the level of disappointment which starts to lean into aggravation  :(

#13 Davros81



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Posted 12 July 2014 - 18:45

I am not threatening to leave nor am I angry, just stating that I will not be continuing with composing, other than making potions for my guild, therefore I will no longer be aggressively levelling up and requiring the global fragment events.

#14 yotwehc



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Posted 12 July 2014 - 19:08

You have to realize people have those feelings because of the constant run around... also you have not spent the thousands of fsp or stamina melissa has, you do that you can understand the level of disappointment which starts to lean into aggravation :(

Constant run around? I don't recall HCS saying yes then no then yes then no as far as new composing buffs schedule. I have spent a ridiculous amount of gold and stam as well. I can wait as other parts of the game gets attention before composing gets attention again. You could do what dav does and pause or slow down. I'm spending 25% more gold for the same frags btw. :)


Have to add that I have spent probably thousands of fsp (you can ask my farmers as they score it a little at a time) as well as tens of thousands of my own stam going on farming runs.

Edited by yotwehc, 12 July 2014 - 21:03.

#15 Melissa3



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Posted 13 July 2014 - 10:27

Constant run around? I don't recall HCS saying yes then no then yes then no as far as new composing buffs schedule. I have spent a ridiculous amount of gold and stam as well. I can wait as other parts of the game gets attention before composing gets attention again. You could do what dav does and pause or slow down. I'm spending 25% more gold for the same frags btw. :)


Have to add that I have spent probably thousands of fsp (you can ask my farmers as they score it a little at a time) as well as tens of thousands of my own stam going on farming runs.

139 days ago i sent my first ticket into the cows in regards to composing when i was lvl 26 composing. 


I questioned how i could get more information in regards to composing and told them of my disappointment that there had been no new buffs introduced since lvl 20.


At that time i could have been informed that there were no further buffs in place at this time , but instead , i was told "We have not made that information available on purpose. It's for players to discover and share."   There was nothing further to discover and share.  Was I kept in the dark and misinformed?  You can be the judge of that.


I would definitely have appreciated some true and honest answers long ago so I would have had the real information to allow me to make decisions on how I was to play this game.

#16 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 13 July 2014 - 10:44

As far as I know HCS will implement more Composing buffs for lvl 20+. But not at the moment, since we need lvl 1800/2000 normal buffs a lot more than we need composed ones.

And once they implement buffs for lvl 20+ you will have most of then almost maxed, so it's frustating to have nothing new? Of course, but at least you're preparing yourself for the future.

And BG said we will have 'Composing Only' buffs, what can be very good.

#17 yotwehc



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Posted 13 July 2014 - 14:13

139 days ago i sent my first ticket into the cows in regards to composing when i was lvl 26 composing.

I questioned how i could get more information in regards to composing and told them of my disappointment that there had been no new buffs introduced since lvl 20.

At that time i could have been informed that there were no further buffs in place at this time , but instead , i was told "We have not made that information available on purpose. It's for players to discover and share." There was nothing further to discover and share. Was I kept in the dark and misinformed? You can be the judge of that.

I would definitely have appreciated some true and honest answers long ago so I would have had the real information to allow me to make decisions on how I was to play this game.

At least they are consistent. Aside from the Dev roadmap that also causes a lot of "disappointment" it's not often that they share the plans. And even sharing the plan and not achieving the estimated dates causes freak outs. How many have been "disappointed" about 2x events and not being told far enough in advanced or hcs's message was too vague? GE event timing? The list goes on. You could pause now and continue winning your contests and level. No reason to keep grinding away. My OCD forces me to continue.

#18 kalish



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Posted 13 July 2014 - 17:45

The Cows have, in the past, proven receptive to buff suggestions. Grim has said that there could possibly be too many buffs in the game, but at least you could make some suggestions in the dedicated thread: http://forums.hunted...showtopic=53647


If they get enough good suggestions, we could see level 1800, 2000, 2200, 2400, and composing-only buffs.

#19 BigGrim


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Posted 14 July 2014 - 09:36

Hey there.


No buffs are "missing". There's more to implement. We have said this with no concrete timeline. Do we want to get to it? Yes. Is it top priority? No.


We'll get this done as soon as we can.


~ Grim

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