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Member Since 21 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2016 03:20

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Stamina Gain Upgrade Needing Extension?

13 July 2016 - 19:16

The way Fallen sword is setup is that it relies heavily on max stamina. We all know that. We upgrade our max stamina and our stamina gain as much as possible. However, of the two upgrades one has a cap limit (stamina gain ) and the other doesn't (max stam). This creates an issue, a waiting game, and nobody likes to wait.


We all know stamina gain/hr upgrade is capped at 25. With epics and the starter pack you're looking at an extra 20-25 stnm gain (30-45 stam gain extra with higher level epics). You also start off with 75 stam gain at the beginning if I remember correctly. That's a total of 100-150 stam gain per hour.  


Now, a player with 2500 max stam or less can recover all their stam in one day if they decide to max out their stam gain and not wast it on anything else - pvp,gvg, titan hunting, se hunting etc. But a player with 5k stam will have to wait, Id say, 3 days with just maxed out stam gain/hr. Now you got players with 10 k stam, 20k stam, 30k stam and above. I have 12 k stam and it takes me 5 days and a half with stam gain maxed and 7 epics equipped. Imagine those with more max stamina and how long they have to wait to recharge. This creates disinterest among higher level players who have to wait.


"Just got done hunting. I'll see you guys in a month or two when my stam is fully charged." I've seen players with so much stamina that go inactive. It's just not worth it for them to play a game that they only touch once or twice a month.


Solution: Reduce the waiting time HCS. Whether that is increasing the stamina gain/hr upgrade to 50/50 or something.


Let me know what you guys think about the topic.

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