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Places to Train for your Level

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#1 fs_crace

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Posted 06 January 2007 - 14:38

I thought it was a good idea to have all the suggestions/information on one page. As suggestions are added I'll copy them onto this post.

Level 1 - 3 :arrow: Mountain Path
Level 3 - 5 :arrow: Fire Chasm
Level 5 - 7 :arrow: Varas Dungeon
Level 7 - 10 :arrow: Elya Plains North
Level 10 - 11 :arrow: Elya Plains South
Level 11 - 12 :arrow: Otha Caves
Level 12 - 15 :arrow: Krul Beach Forest East
Level 15 - 16 :arrow: The Mists
Level 15 - 20 :arrow: Galo Caves (an alternative)
Level 16 - 20 :arrow: Dreg Swamp
Level 20 - 25 :arrow: Paladir
Level 25 - 28 :arrow: Ramdal Caves
Level 28 - 30 :arrow: Udan Forest
Level 30 - 32 :arrow: Crystal Caverns(Entrance), Forgotten Forest West
Level 32 - 33 :arrow: Burning Abyss lvl 1
Level 33 - 34 :arrow: Burning Abyss lvl 2
Level 34 - 35 :arrow: Burning Abyss lvl 3-4
Level 35 - 36 :arrow: Gargoyles Den lvl 1
Level 36 - 37 :arrow: Gargoyles Den lvl 2
Level 37 - 40 :arrow: Eerie Moors East, Luminous Den 1
Level 40 - 41 :arrow: Celestial Forest North, Celestial Forest South ,Amazon Encampment, Eldira Port South
Level 42 - 43 :arrow: Amazon Encampment, Moot Forest, Eldira Port South
Level 42 - 45 :arrow: Eldira Port South
Level 45 - 48 :arrow: Hallows Caves lvl 4
Level 48 - 51 :arrow: Altar Forest West, Death Gorge Westor South
Level 51 - 53 :arrow: Death Gorge Westor South
Level 53 - 55 :arrow: Klar Labyrinth (Level 3)
Level 55 - 62 :arrow: Ellan Port or Slayers Forest
Level 62 - 65 :arrow: Slayer Forest East
Level 65 - 68 :arrow: Ragtall Forest
Level 65 - 70 :arrow: Orcan Forest North
Level 70 - 72 :arrow: Inferno Mountain North / Inferno Mountain South
Level 72 - 75 :arrow: Inferno Mountain East / Inferno Mountain West
Level 75 - 80 :arrow: Glacier Front (All)
Level 80 - 81 :arrow: Glacier Plains South
Level 81 - 82 :arrow: Crypt of Carnage (Level 1 & 2)
Level 82 - 85 :arrow: Haunted Swamps (Ruins)
Level 85 - 88 :arrow: Depths of Despair (Level 1)
Level 88 - 90 :arrow: Depths of Despair (Level 4)
Level 90 - 93 :arrow: Swamp Mountains (North)
Level 93 - 95 :arrow: Pennalor Swamps
Level 95 - 98 :arrow: Savage Ruins (West)
Level 98 - 100 :arrow: Eldora Plains (South)
Level 100 - 103 :arrow: Kijanamo Wild (West)
Level 103 - 105 :arrow: Oland Briar
Level 105 - 107 :arrow: Saneri Rocks
Level 107 - 110 :arrow: Enkmar Scrubland
Level 110 - 113 :arrow: Lenzwer Forest
Level 113 - 115 :arrow: Kentlor Caves
Level 115 - 118 :arrow: Melsaur Mountains
Level 118 - 120 :arrow: Gadrel Swamps
Level 120 - 125 :arrow: Ethereal (All)
Level 125 - 128 :arrow: Jahd Swamps (North > etc)
Level 128 - 130 :arrow: Werzel Island (North)
Level 130 - 134 :arrow: Dekma Jungle
Level 134 - 137 :arrow: Reigma Beach
Level 137 - 140 :arrow: Anklar Flats
Level 140 - 144 :arrow: Metlair
Level 144 - 146 :arrow: Appela Mountains
Level 146 - 148 :arrow: Grintz Forest (South)
Level 148 - 149 :arrow: Grintz Forest (West)
Level 149 - 150 :arrow: Appela Mountains (South)
Level 150 - 151 :arrow: Appela Mountains (Peak)
Level 151 - 152 :arrow: Ekloren (North)
Level 152 - 153 :arrow: Ekloren (South)
Level 153 - 154 :arrow: Ekloren (East)
Level 154 - 155 :arrow: Ekloren (West)
Level 155 - 156 :arrow: Khorl (North)
Level 156 - 157 :arrow: Khorl (South)
Level 157 - 158 :arrow: Dokar (North)
Level 158 - 159 :arrow: Dokar (South)
Level 159 - 160 :arrow: Dokar (East)
Level 160 - 161 :arrow: Dokar (West)
Level 161 - 162 :arrow: Emerye (North)
Level 162 - 163 :arrow: Emerye (East)
Level 163 - 164 :arrow: Emerye (South)
Level 164 - 165 :arrow: Emerye (West)
Level 165 - 166 :arrow: Kral (North)
Level 166 - 167 :arrow: Kral (East)
Level 167 - 168 :arrow: Kral (South)
Level 168 - 169 :arrow: Kral (West)
Level 169 - 170 :arrow: Dunale (North)
Level 170 - 171 :arrow: Dunale (South)
Level 171 - 172 :arrow: Pelrei (North)
Level 172 - 173 :arrow: Pelrei (South)
Level 173 - 174 :arrow: Pelrei (East)
Level 174 - 175 :arrow: Gumbrel (North)
Level 175 - 176 :arrow: Gumbrel (South)
Level 176 - 177 :arrow: Naral (North)
Level 177 - 178 :arrow: Naral (South)
Level 178 - 179 :arrow: Naral (East)
Level 179 - 180 :arrow: Naral (West)
Level 180 - 181 :arrow: Brale (North)
Level 181 - 182 :arrow: Brale (South)
Level 182 - 183 :arrow: Brale (East)
Level 183 - 184 :arrow: Brale (East)
Level 184 - 185 :arrow: Angal Caves (North)
Level 185 - 186 :arrow: Angel Caves (South)
Level 186 - 187 :arrow: Pelsar Canyon (North)
Level 187 - 188 :arrow: Pelsar Canyon (South)
Level 188 - 189 :arrow: Pelsar Canyon (East)
Level 189 - 190 :arrow: Pelsar Canyon (West)
Level 190 - 191 :arrow: Crombe Moors (North)
Level 191 - 192 :arrow: Crombe Moors (South)
Level 192 - 193 :arrow: Crombe Moors (East)
Level 193 - 194 :arrow: Crombe Moors (West)
Level 194 - 195 :arrow: Tower of Khazal (Level 1)
Level 195 - 196 :arrow: Tower of Khazal (Level 2)
Level 196 - 197 :arrow: Narkort (North)
Level 197 - 198 :arrow: Narkort (South)
Level 198 - 199 :arrow: Narkort (East)
Level 199 - 200 :arrow: Narkort (West)
Level 200 - 201 :arrow: Khel (North)
Level 201 - 202 :arrow: Khel (South)
Level 202 - 203 :arrow: Khel (East)
Level 203 - 204 :arrow: Khel West)
Level 204 - 205 :arrow: Daradom (Caves)
Level 205 - 206 :arrow: Daradom (Peak)
Level 206 - 207 :arrow: Maedos (North)
Level 207 - 208 :arrow: Maedos (South)
Level 208 - 209 :arrow: Maedos (East)
Level 209 - 210 :arrow: Maedos (West)

Level 210+ - From here onwards, just hunt in the realm appropriate for your level.

Hopefully, it will reduce the "I'm level x where do I go threads". :wink:

This may also help - How do I get to... V2 =>colors & links {31-07-2007}

Please note - the game is ever changing. These places are just suggestions. They do not reflect changes in spawn level or the number of people at the same level.

#2 fs_player1

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Posted 07 January 2007 - 15:34

Level 7 - 9 :arrow: Elya Plains North
Level 12 - 14 :arrow: Krul Beach Forest East
Level 14 - 16 :arrow: The Mists
Level 15 - 17 :arrow: Galo Caves (an alternative)
Level 16 - 20 :arrow: Dreg Swamp
Level 20 - 25 :arrow: Paladir

U can't go to Mists in level 14 :roll:

Lvl 25-28 :arrow: Ramdal Caves

#3 fs_deztr0

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Posted 07 January 2007 - 20:34

lvl 28 - 31 :arrow: Udan Forest
lvl 31 - 32 :arrow: Crystal Caverns lvl 1 think it has a lvl 31 req dont know
lvl 32 - 33 :arrow: Burning Abyss lvl 1
lvl 33 - 34 :arrow: Burning Abyss lvl 2
lvl 34 - 35 :arrow: Burning Abyss lvl 3-4
lvl 35 - 36 :arrow: Gargoyles Den lvl 1
lvl 36 - 37 :arrow: Gargoyles Den lvl 2
lvl 37 - 40 :arrow: Eerie Moors East ?, Luminous Den 1 ?
lvl 40 - 41 :arrow: Celestial Forest North, Celestial Forest South and Amazon Encampment

#4 fs_rhetoric

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Posted 03 December 2007 - 10:15

Good post Crace.Lets get this back at the top where it belongs

#5 fs_crace

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Posted 08 December 2007 - 12:15

Thanks EddyD. :wink:

#6 fs_eddyd

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Posted 09 December 2007 - 02:23

lvl 178 - 179 :arrow: Naral (East)

#7 fs_eddyd

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Posted 09 December 2007 - 03:39

lvl 179 - 180 :arrow: Naral (West)

#8 fs_treeline

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Posted 09 December 2007 - 13:57

It seems like the last 40 or so levels there hasn't been a choice where to do your leveling. :?

#9 fs_crace

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Posted 09 December 2007 - 14:08

That's why I didn't update this thread.
It's pretty much level at the realm for your level from then on (I believe).

#10 fs_gabahey

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Posted 10 December 2007 - 20:22

Lvl 180-181 :arrow: Brale (North)
Lvl 181-182 :arrow: Brale (South)
Lvl 182-183 :arrow: Brale (East)
Lvl 183-184 :arrow: Brale (West)
Lvl 184-185 :arrow: Angal Caves (North)
Lvl 185-186 :arrow: Angel Caves (South)
Lvl 186-187 :arrow: Pelsar Canyon (North)
Lvl 187-188 :arrow: Pelsar Canyon (South)
Lvl 188-189 :arrow: Pelsar Canyon (East)
Lvl 189-190 :arrow: Pelsar Canyon (West)

#11 fs_crace

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Posted 10 December 2007 - 20:31

Thanks - you even formatted it nicely for me!

(Although, I think I caught you mid edit)

#12 fs_gabahey

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Posted 10 December 2007 - 20:34

Thanks - you even formatted it nicely for me!

(Although, I think I caught you mid edit)

xD I was doing 1 by one :PP

got nothing to do thought i could help out this topic that helped me so much \o/ !!

im going to do some more another day then :P

#13 fs_deemer

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Posted 10 December 2007 - 22:52

No point in updating it from level 120 on. There is only 1 realm available to train for your level and when your level increases you move on to teh next one.

Like this or something:

_____(North) --> _____(East) --> _____(South) --> _____(West)

you get teh idea ;)

#14 fs_crace

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Posted 10 December 2007 - 22:58

That's not true at all.

It does happen from level 177ish onwards (give or take the odd level) though.

#15 fs_gabahey

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Posted 11 December 2007 - 11:24

Lvl 189-190 :arrow: Pelsar Canyon (West)
Lvl 190-191 :arrow: Crombe Moors (North)
Lvl 191-192 :arrow: Crombe Moors (South)
Lvl 192-193 :arrow: Crombe Moors (East)
Lvl 193-194 :arrow: Crombe Moors (West)
Lvl 194-195 :arrow: Tower of Khazal (Level 1)
Lvl 195-196 :arrow: Tower of Khazal (Level 2)
Lvl 196-197 :arrow: Narkort (North)
Lvl 197-198 :arrow: Narkort (South)
Lvl 198-199 :arrow: Narkort (East)
Lvl 199-200 :arrow: Narkort (West)

Like this or something:

_____(North) --> _____(East) --> _____(South) --> _____(West)

its North :arrow: South :arrow: East :arrow: West

#16 fs_evillove

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 21:52

Thanks crace for the realm maps and telling us where to train, or else I wouldn't have lvled up this quickly -_^
Keep up the great work ^_^

#17 fs_tawniteamo

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 22:07

Lvl 200-201 :arrow: Khel (North)
Lvl 201-202 :arrow: Khel (South)
Lvl 202-203 :arrow: Khel (East)
Lvl 203-204 :arrow: Khel West)
Lvl 204-205 :arrow: Daradom (Caves)
Lvl 205-206 :arrow: Daradom (Peak)
Lvl 206-207 :arrow: Maedos (North)
Lvl 207-208 :arrow: Maedos (South)
Lvl 208-209 :arrow: Maedos (East)
Lvl 209-210 :arrow: Maedos (West)

#18 fs_tyrnok

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Posted 17 December 2007 - 11:12

128 to 130 for Werzel Island North?? Are you kiddin?? with doubler lvl 145 i'm only gettin around 950 exp from the Hydras, and that's the highest lvl monster on that area!! gah!! *dreads the slowness of lvl 129*

#19 EJames2100



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Posted 31 December 2007 - 13:49

Love the post Crace. and to whoever posts complaining about lvl 129 farming you think lvl 129 area farming is bad wait till you hit 140 to almost 150.

Bah been in both places, Dekma Jungle is the worst place that I've been in

#20 fs_evillove

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Posted 03 January 2008 - 21:27

hey the luminous den ismore like for lvl 35 or somethin like that i never ebven used it i just went ot erie moor then on lvl 40 went to celstarl forest so crace you might want to try and update some of your views

What are you on about the creatures there are lvl 39-lvl42, I used luminous den and there were no problems. :? :? :roll:

And Celetial forest the creatures there are just lvl 40, so what's the problem, it's just right, because when you move off luminous then there is 'Hallow Caves lvl1 ' and the creatures there are lvl 45 and lvl 47, so as you get to Hallow caves lvl 4 then you are just the right lvl for the creatures. -_^

I followed, craces maps, and 've had no problems :roll:

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