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Member Since 11 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 24 2023 23:30

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In Topic: Planned GvG Updates

27 March 2023 - 04:37

If people remember GvG 10+ years ago it was the back bone of this game. Then it was revamped and the game started to die. If the previously mentioned suggestions are put in place the same thing will happen.  The online participation went from 3+k to less than 300. True, many may be using mobile.


NO 1 hour notification....why?  To look up and see "TO ARMS!" is a rush and everyone starts doing their thing to defend.  1 hour will do nothing but prolong the conflict, and will probably not change the outcome.  


The thing that most people are not addressing is the simple fact that currently smaller guilds do not have the capability to compete with a larger guild.  They do not have all the maxed out structures so they don't get the extra bells and whistles, and usually don't have access to free level 200+ buffs or pots. So smaller guilds have to settle for being farmed or pay for the buffs/pots needed to compete so they will be loosing more than just a little gear wear and gold to end up loosing anyway. 


What would be great is to go back to the beginning.  If guilds are involved in a conflict then they should not be able to use buffs over level 175 and the pots should only be from the potion bazar.  You would be able to see who the real GvG'ers are. The 2% rule might even come back to life.


Being rewarded RP is not a good enough incentive for GvG participation. Being given the chance to compete on a more level playing field is  good incentive.


There are Pros and Cons on increasing target ranges. There are levels in this game where the gear is not that good so you have to struggle a bit but someone 50, 100 to 200 levels above you may have the better gear and you're gonna get smacked no matter what you do.  


Just a few thoughts from a throw back.


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