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Member Since 11 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 24 2023 23:30

#805452 Ideas and Suggestions for Changes you would like to see in the Game.

Posted by wigz on 09 August 2013 - 19:51

if the small guilds are using level 45 players to attack noobs..something should be done..those guilds and any guild for that matter that attacks noobs are not acting in the best interest of the game..i have a small guild and as soon as we accept a noob..they get attacked  and within days quit..this is not helping the game...shame on any level 45 player gvgers that attacks noobs...you are hurting the game..yet, for some reason the cows still allow this to happen...still have not figured out why...why would you wish to have noobs quit for a reason that could be simple to fix..no gvg attacks on anyone less than level 50...easy and simple (i thought i saw once in a thread where the cows realize this..yet still no changes many months later.)..topic3- yes a few more chests are needed...not many..unless you pay for chest locations...any medal past silver is not possible in a lifetime of playing..

 This is why  a guild needs to prepare the noobs for GvG. They have "x" amount of days to prepare for the attack in which they know is coming. When it comes, make sure the noobs have a fighting chance and as a guild step up and go for a defend, win loose or draw, the noob will get the idea.  The only thing I see wrong with GvG at this point is the range of targets. Under level 100 there is 25 +/- range. EVERYONE knows that level 50 gear is much stronger at this level than level 25 gear. I think the range should be dropped from 25 to 15 if under level 100.

#792483 GvG and New Players.

Posted by wigz on 31 May 2013 - 15:57

I don't think a specific level should be attached to GvG. If there is PvP protection for "X" amount of days then as a new player why not allow GvG protection for the same amount of days during which time the guild can help them understand it and how to participate. The epic quest will allow the needed stam for them to level up and should easily be level 50 at the end of the protection period. If they choose not to level then they should be fair game.

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