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Guild VS. Guild

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Poll: Guild VS. Guild (19 member(s) have cast votes)

New GVG or Old GVG

  1. New GVG (5 votes [26.32%])

    Percentage of vote: 26.32%

  2. Old GVG (11 votes [57.89%])

    Percentage of vote: 57.89%

  3. Old GVG but with the New GVGS rules (3 votes [15.79%])

    Percentage of vote: 15.79%

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#1 09876r3LDK


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Posted 25 August 2013 - 07:29

I like the old way better and i think a lot of other people do to cause its hard to depend on someone else and then they dont care maybe, forget, or say nevermind well no way to win now and u waste fsp.



1.The old way was more simple to do and understand.


2.Everything was self done, and if you screwed up, it was an easy fix, now that having a partner its either way, but finding a partner is alot harder now, because of the timezone differences, 

so you can never be online at the exact time as your partner, therefore partner gvging is alot harder to do.
3.If you brought back the old gvgign but keep the new gvging rules it would benefit everyone alot more.
4. It would save you alot more stamina knowing that if you had 1 gvger that was going to get buffed and fight, rather then get buffed, then just log off.  It also brings me back to my point were it can screw you over.
Put together by: 09876r3, and Devilzgirl
Please Add what you think or we should do in the comments below!

#2 KuRaPiKa12



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Posted 25 August 2013 - 07:53

I agree, its Harder to find a partner 


#3 Removed4427



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Posted 25 August 2013 - 13:16



bring back the old GvG


when it was done for the honor of the guild and some RP points for buff packs


not the farming newbs for profit system in place today

#4 iswear


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Posted 25 August 2013 - 13:51

Hello 09876r3, 

I voted new gvg. You are right, it's way harder to gvg now because you will need a partner to help you out and as you said, it's hard to find. Although gvg should be guild vs. guild and that being said it makes sense that some players of a guild fight some other players from the enemy guild and not those solo matches we were used to see.


What I'd suggest is creating a 1v1 tweak with less RP gains, making everybody happy. 


Edit: note that I liked the old gvg way more, easier FSP's :)

Take care! :D 

#5 09876r3LDK


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 00:30

i agree iswear it's just paying the 1 fsp and 50k gold plus a guild member 1.5fsp-2fsp for 6rp if solo conflicts aloud u be paying almost 3 fsp 50k gold per 6 rp witch means no profit for the guild to have better gear gold or anything needed meaning gvg no good anymore if solo with new if solo GVGs in new system was aloud.

#6 drdoom123



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Posted 29 August 2013 - 01:01

the old one is p v g not gvg i thought the same until everyone told me its not guild vs guild and that its player  vs guild




drdoom123 - lvl EOC

AWhiteGuy - lvl EOC

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#7 Tastria



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Posted 29 August 2013 - 11:55

I'm perfectly willing to vote, BUT.  I came to the gvg scene a bit late, (four years as a solo player) My view right now it that it's farming, plain and simple.  Could someone give a reprise of what the 'old' gvg was?  I'm sure there are some newer players here that might like have that to compare to the new version.

#8 Bruut



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Posted 29 August 2013 - 12:28

ok, not voted as i am not sure what "old GvG" exactly is, sorry am a noob to the game.


as for your arguments:


1) GvG as it is isnt rocket science. Initiate conflict do your hits. 


2) "Everything was self done" .... that sounds more like Player vs Guild or even Player vs Player (if only one is retaliating). Isnt GvG per definition something that should be done by a guild, team work and all that :? 


3) Like i said i do not know the "old GvG" but i am assuming that even the old version is a set of rules designed by HCS, can you explain wich old rules and wich new rules you want :? 


4) Why should it save stamina :? Everything in the game can be bought, traded or shared except stamina. How you spend your stamina shows what part of the game you are devoted to. Buffing your guild mates to help attack in a GvG (or defend them during a retal) instead of using all stam to level takes dedication, if no one in the guild has that they should not win a conflict.


From your arguments i get the impression that you want it changed so it will be easier, if so my vote would be no. 




#9 Removed4427



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Posted 29 August 2013 - 14:19

the "old" GvG i am referring to is older than the "old" GvG listed as an option in OPs' poll


originally, GvG was done to get your guilds' rating up, increasing your guilds' ranking on the guild PvP ladder


and that's it - bragging rights


GvGs were done to increase your guilds' reputation, the buff packs were the only "reward"



if someone else has a strong opinion on the current "farming new players" system of GvG vs. the original system of it being strictly for honor and bragging rights please start another poll


if the option:


- bring back the  original  system of GvG --- (when there was no profit in driving away new players by hammering on them every few days, they logging on to see full pages of "you were defeated by...")


i will vote for that option

#10 Tastria



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Posted 30 August 2013 - 16:25

I was under the impression (I may be wrong, it's happened a lot lately...) that the "who can hit who, and how many times", aspect of gvg was changed in its current incarnation.  I'm not a big fan of how the gvg aspect is played now, and if the current status is an improvement on the old, I shudder to think how the old gvg must have been.

#11 fspman10


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 21:32

the old gvg was great like a little profit for item so guild gets more gold/gear or fsp in uild for upgrades and to better guilds and with old gvg some would gvg free on a gvg once in a while then that makes 10-20 rp free so guild can use a buff pack every saturday

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