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Possible improvement for daily quests

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#1 teeboyzz


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Posted 08 September 2016 - 16:12

Hi everyone i have some thoughts on improving the current daily quest system, the below proposals that i m going to list is what in my head now..And i may have not accessed some of the dailies yet, so if i mentioned something wrong , knock out of it


First suggestion : 


Allow multiple dailies option for players to complete. Currently, the players are forced to do something that they have no option to choose ..If HCS extend the list to somewhere around 4-5 dailies to pick and complete one , this would be much better


reason: some of the dailies are absurd, for example, yesterday i had a dailies that damage the titan for certain hp, so let me ask you, how often do you encounter titans in the wild ? Why on earth this is mandatory dailies ? So extend the daily question list is a good choice , to let us choose which dailies to be completed 


Second suggestion


Revise the reward! Today i had my dailies as killing champion creatures ..175 champion creatures needed, which mean minimum of 175 stamina is needed , and reward is 90 stamina!? Tell me who would do this nerd reward? if i were 3 years old kid i will just laugh at screen..saying HCS developer is stupid


Again the reward need to be tweaked to be better ..


Third Suggestion: 


More quest to suggest..


1. use hell forge (any type)

2. upgrade equipment ( one time) 

3. Spend fsp on upgrade section

4. Buff other at X amount of stamina

5. compose 5 potions( any potion)

6. decompose 50 any equipment

7. Invent X amount of item



Thats all i have now

#2 wil72



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Posted 08 September 2016 - 17:24

Hi teeboyz and welcome to the forums. I hope my reply to your first post doesn't discourage you with putting more ideas in here. Hey, if we all agreed the world would be a boring place.


I don't think the Daily Quests are mandatory: they are there to be completed should you choose to do so, no one is forcing you to complete one. I'm not sure how introducing multiple Daily Quests would work. All, say, five at once or would they be one at a time with a limited time available before it expires and then a new one appears? The second option would only benefit a player who was able to stay online 24/7.


As for the rewards, well, to be honest I think HCS was wrong to even have rewards attached to completion of Daily Quests. Adding them meant that there would always be those who felt they were not substantial enough or come up with bright ideas for rewards that would ultimately benefit their "own" character greatly. And so it has been. If there had been no reward apart from the medal I doubt there would have been such clamour in the forums.


I do like no.4 on your list as a potential reward though.





#3 Aceshunter



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Posted 08 September 2016 - 17:33

Hi teeboyzz,




I really understand what you are trying to say.

It's a cry for help from many low level players.
And mostly, a cry from a low level player in this forum is answered by a high level player that has been playing for years now.
A high level player has forgotten the struggle he started with many, many years ago.

Yes indeed, the rewards are ridiculous compared to the sacrifices low level players have to make in order
to achieve things in this game where high level players laugh at.
I can only wish you good luck in trying to play the game and increasing your player character.
There are two ways to do this,
the first one is joining a guild and asking for help from many nice players
and the second one is paying the cows a lot of money so you can make your player character a lot better.


Game on my friend





Edited by Aceshunter, 08 September 2016 - 17:33.

#4 wil72



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Posted 08 September 2016 - 18:36

If your post is a slight at me then let me reply.


Firstly, I wish that players be informed before spouting guff all over the forums.


As for struggling with the game at low levels, nope, I have to say I have never struggled with the "game" no matter what level. I did/do struggle with some of the eejits playing it though.


Secondly, you do realise that increasing the reward would further alienate those that may or may not struggle to complete the daily quests? We, as so called, high level players can complete these quests at a whim it appears, therefore increasing the rewards would benefit high level players the most. Not sure that is fair, do you?


And lastly, none of the Daily Quests are mandatory, must be done, on pain of death, as far as I can see. You can choose which ones to do. If you feel a quest is more trouble than it is worth then don't do it. Simple choice mate.





#5 Morgwyn



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Posted 08 September 2016 - 19:09

If your post is a slight at me then let me reply.


Firstly, I wish that players be informed before spouting guff all over the forums.


As for struggling with the game at low levels, nope, I have to say I have never struggled with the "game" no matter what level. I did/do struggle with some of the eejits playing it though.


Secondly, you do realise that increasing the reward would further alienate those that may or may not struggle to complete the daily quests? We, as so called, high level players can complete these quests at a whim it appears, therefore increasing the rewards would benefit high level players the most. Not sure that is fair, do you?


And lastly, none of the Daily Quests are mandatory, must be done, on pain of death, as far as I can see. You can choose which ones to do. If you feel a quest is more trouble than it is worth then don't do it. Simple choice mate.






I think you can imagine any player be it high or low that sees a daily quest, feels some urge in wanting to complete it.

So, sure they are not mandatory, but many will feel an urge to do them.


As for the reward, I personally feel you should break even at least. It is something aside of your regular activities, an extra thing to keep you logged on a bit longer, and to keep you logging in each day. It should not hamper/get in the way of your usual gameplay.


But to come back at teeboyzz point about titans, the lower levels do not have that many titans to kill, a player below 60 does not have any, thus I hope those do not get that quest. As for players above level 100, they can probably kill the elemental titan, but if you done the quest to get the air jav, then how much fun is that, for the others you at least get some TKP. Plus At level 100... you still have to be lucky one has spawned in your play time frame so you can do the quest.

#6 Calista



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Posted 08 September 2016 - 19:25

I'm glad to see an update that works for everyone in the game, regardless of how you choose to play it. I think I've only bothered to complete a daily quest once, because usually the reward isn't worth the effort, for me anyway. I like the reserve stam thing just because it lets me save stam for when I need it later. But lots of people in my guild seem to be enjoying it.  I'll admit it has me checking in a little more frequently just to see if and when I will get a pvp daily.  =P 


There is nothing mandatory about the daily quests. Some of them are silly, so they can be ignored. It costs you nothing. If you don't like the reward, then ignore it. It costs you nothing. Why would you want multiple quests if you think they are so 'lousy'?  I kinda like the idea of it being random, and worth doing some days vs other days. Stop asking for more more more, and just be happy that something useful was added to the game. Even if it doesn't benefit you every day, it does help the game as a whole.


#7 Calista



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Posted 08 September 2016 - 20:14

As for the reward, I personally feel you should break even at least. It is something aside of your regular activities, an extra thing to keep you logged on a bit longer, and to keep you logging in each day. It should not hamper/get in the way of your usual gameplay.



Sorry for the double post but didn't see this comment before my first. When has anyone done a quest and 'broke even"? It should cost you something to go for a reward you want. Yeah, sometimes the rewards are worth the cost, sometimes they are laughable. You get to chose which works for you, which is how the daily quests are set up. Now we're asking for it to cost nothing to get the reward?  There should be a cost, whatever it happens to be. The daily quests are an addition to the game, to give people another avenue of how to spend their time and stam. Not some freebie give away done by the cows to keep us logged in.  Pvp, arena, ladder, bh'ing, titans, composing, hunting, etc are all part of someones normal game play. The daily quests are just another thing for us to decide whether we want to participate in or not.


#8 Morgwyn



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Posted 08 September 2016 - 20:23

Sorry for the double post but didn't see this comment before my first. When has anyone done a quest and 'broke even"? It should cost you something to go for a reward you want. Yeah, sometimes the rewards are worth the cost, sometimes they are laughable. You get to chose which works for you, which is how the daily quests are set up. Now we're asking for it to cost nothing to get the reward?  There should be a cost, whatever it happens to be. The daily quests are an addition to the game, to give people another avenue of how to spend their time and stam. Not some freebie give away done by the cows to keep us logged in.  Pvp, arena, ladder, bh'ing, titans, composing, hunting, etc are all part of someones normal game play. The daily quests are just another thing for us to decide whether we want to participate in or not.


If it costs you 100 stamina to complete, and you gain 50 stamina once you have done it, then technically there is no reward. ;)


Among others I spent a lot of time on this forum to promote the daily quests, because I feel they are imperative to keep new players, which is what this game desperately needs. You are not going to keep those players by presenting daily quests that do not reward.


Sure we can skip them if we do not like them. But that was not the point! The dailies were not meant as a stam sink! They were meant to encourage players to keep logging on!

#9 yodamus



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Posted 08 September 2016 - 20:35

and that is where the dailies need to be improved..for the newer players..lower level ones that we need to keep in the game...that is why some more thought needs to be used by the cows on the different quests and who gets what...giving a new player a quest that they cant do or would/could be costly to them- arena , pvp ,titan, se  ..is only going to discourage them from staying and playing....i love the dailies idea..and i am glad to see the cows listening and tweaking..but much much more thought needs to be used on these..we need to keep our newbies..

#10 yotwehc



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Posted 08 September 2016 - 20:39

If it costs you 100 stamina to complete, and you gain 50 stamina once you have done it, then technically there is no reward. ;)


Among others I spent a lot of time on this forum to promote the daily quests, because I feel they are imperative to keep new players, which is what this game desperately needs. You are not going to keep those players by presenting daily quests that do not reward.


Sure we can skip them if we do not like them. But that was not the point! The dailies were not meant as a stam sink! They were meant to encourage players to keep logging on!

For me, it's been a stam sink and I have enjoyed it. It's made me play aspects I don't normally do (and I'm doing embarrassingly noobish things). I try to combine the quest with something useful...


Walk x tiles: Hunt for SE's or Chests during my leisure walks. (This quest is particularly awesome for new players since they practically hunt everyday so is a gimme)

Kill x SE's: Farmed SE gear. Learned the hard way that they don't spawn like elites. (thanks mzz)

Kill x Elite's: Farmed Unique gear. To quickly finish, Varas dungeon is the bomb.

Reduce Titan HP: earned some TKP's while completing quest.

Join x Arenas: Usually I only enter a small range with specific X's  but I had to get creative and join other ranges due to the requirement. Discovered I could do semi decent in other ranges so will be joining more arena's in the future.


It's a great way to nudge players to try other aspects and get creative. I am enjoying it a lot.

#11 Morgwyn



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Posted 08 September 2016 - 21:29


I agree with you, from a EOC player point of view. But those at the start of the game need encouragement to keep on playing. To many quit during their first week.

#12 yotwehc



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Posted 08 September 2016 - 21:56

I agree with you, from a EOC player point of view. But those at the start of the game need encouragement to keep on playing. To many quit during their first week.

I don't think players are quitting after a week because of dailies... I think it's because they haven't really "got" the game. When I first started, I probably lost interest after a day or two but luckily the other game I spent an inordinate amount of time died so I gave this game more time than I normally would. Still was touch and go for the first few weeks and getting into a guild and not dying against the snow leopard was a huge help.

Hmmm. Perhaps a different set of dailies for new players?
- join a guild
- talk to other players
- add an ally
- add an enemy
- sell something in auction house
Etc... Some nice easy tasks to get them familiar with the game and its strongest aspects (social)

#13 Morgwyn



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Posted 08 September 2016 - 22:12

Not saying they quit because of dailies, but dailies can help them to keep on playing!

But I think it would be a very good idea, to use the dailies to show certain aspects of the game, thumbs up for that.

However they need to be encouraging aswel, hence I feel the rewards should at least weigh up to the effort made. If they end up with p.e. a bit more stamina, it encourages more game play, making them stay logged in longer, etc...

#14 BadPenny



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Posted 08 September 2016 - 22:30

Not saying they quit because of dailies, but dailies can help them to keep on playing!
But I think it would be a very good idea, to use the dailies to show certain aspects of the game, thumbs up for that.
However they need to be encouraging aswel, hence I feel the rewards should at least weigh up to the effort made. If they end up with p.e. a bit more stamina, it encourages more game play, making them stay logged in longer, etc...

Many new players wander on simply because they prefer more high tech games, with fancy 3D animations, snazzy music and autoplay buttons. I, too, play such games, and I like them fine, but low tech games like FS are still my passion. IMHO, more improved dailies will neither draw in nor keep those that crave a high tech game. More bells and whistles might do so, but then again, that would make FS a foreign land for people like me.

These daily quests are supposed to be a little added fun, nothing more. I think the community as a whole has read too much into them, and that for the most part, we are expecting much more than any browser game like this should have to offer.

We complain that things aren't powerful enough, then complain that things are overpowered when better things are added. We get some simple, short and sweet daily tasks for a little prize, then the tasks aren't worth the little prize.

Well, I, for one, think what we get is nice. Maybe I'm by myself in this accessment, but, I don't really care.

Keep on keeping on, cows! I believe you're doing a bang up job.....

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#15 wil72



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Posted 08 September 2016 - 23:00

^ Truth.





#16 teeboyzz


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Posted 09 September 2016 - 03:53



So what you're saying that adding rewards for the daily quests are wrong, then what is the purpose for completing the dailies? Do you even know what is the purpose of dailies from HCS ? Its simple, the make players retain activities in the game, at least once a day..


I know a lot of high level players has a lot stamina, doing hunting once in a while, and then gone offline until stamina recovered fully, this is why HCS came up with this idea hoping to make more people online often, if the rewards are craps, why do people online often in FS?




Fun ? i don't think you understand the purpose of daily quests, from a gamer perspective, dailies are meant to make us online often




Stop treating low level player like a baby, we're low level but not all of us "cry" in game, in fact a lot of us knows how to play like searching guild, asking for buff ..We are low level but not stupid



Still, if the dailies are unfriendly to low level character, then whats the point implement it? HCS serving only high level players?It's no wonder the game is shrinking, compared to 08 era, the online count is so bad right now

#17 Uncle Beg

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Posted 09 September 2016 - 04:09

Totally agree with my new luv BadPenny :)

Keep things fun and more players will be active. Not everything must be a gain or loss.

If the Daily Quest is not giving you a profit, see Uncle Beg. I heard he's a generous giver. Don't know what he will give though :)

#18 Morgwyn



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Posted 09 September 2016 - 07:40

Many new players wander on simply because they prefer more high tech games, with fancy 3D animations, snazzy music and autoplay buttons. I, too, play such games, and I like them fine, but low tech games like FS are still my passion. IMHO, more improved dailies will neither draw in nor keep those that crave a high tech game. More bells and whistles might do so, but then again, that would make FS a foreign land for people like me.

These daily quests are supposed to be a little added fun, nothing more. I think the community as a whole has read too much into them, and that for the most part, we are expecting much more than any browser game like this should have to offer.

We complain that things aren't powerful enough, then complain that things are overpowered when better things are added. We get some simple, short and sweet daily tasks for a little prize, then the tasks aren't worth the little prize.

Well, I, for one, think what we get is nice. Maybe I'm by myself in this accessment, but, I don't really care.

Keep on keeping on, cows! I believe you're doing a bang up job.....


Sorry, I do not agree. Yes it is true that many prefer the fancy graphical games, but there are still people that want to play this game and they do not stay, thus they need encouragement to keep on playing.

There are many more reasons why players quit during their first week, that can differ indeed to prefering 3D games, but also the gap with EOC, costs of playing, time it takes to get up the ranks, the repeating nature of things, etc.

So yes, the dailies should be used to make players familiar with more aspects of the game, but also encourage them more to keep on playing. All players, including new ones set their goals, thus again, especially for new players it should not hamper their goals, it will just be another reason to give up. Yes, as I said before they are not mandatory, but many will feel an urge to do the dailies.

This was never meant to be a stam sink, that was never suggested during all the talking about dailies before it was implemented, there was the encouraging part of keep on playing, especially for new players, and there was the competitive part that would be implemented later. Let that be a stam sink, us bigger players (may) need that. The new players and most below level 1000 really do not need a stam sink.

#19 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 09 September 2016 - 09:01

My major problem with dailies is the one that requires you to move for X tiles, that makes 0 sense to me...Of course, you can it while hunting, but how often are you sincronyzing it with your hunt? And even if you do, there no knowledge or skill learned there, you just had to walk and that increases 0% on your knowledge on the game.

That said, I believe some things need to be fixed:

- If HCS is going to offer Allegiance Tokens as prizes, we need new potions on the Loyalty section, there is not much usefull things there.

- We are missing some dailies that can be used:
Break Down items for frags
Buy items on AH (people will do some research about what to buy, and only that can teach something about the game)
Bounty Board (Do 5 hits on the BB, I don't know)
Defend a Relic owned by your Guild for X hours
Kill x normal creatures (We already have LE, Elites, Champion and Titan, why not normal mobs?)


As for the topic, I don't think the idea to choose from multiple dailies is a good one, quests are not amndatory anyway, and I think the opition to do or don't is enough.

#20 yotwehc



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Posted 09 September 2016 - 09:16

My major problem with dailies is the one that requires you to move for X tiles, that makes 0 sense to me...Of course, you can it while hunting, but how often are you sincronyzing it with your hunt? And even if you do, there no knowledge or skill learned there, you just had to walk and that increases 0% on your knowledge on the game.

That said, I believe some things need to be fixed:

- If HCS is going to offer Allegiance Tokens as prizes, we need new potions on the Loyalty section, there is not much usefull things there.

- We are missing some dailies that can be used:
Break Down items for frags
Buy items on AH (people will do some research about what to buy, and only that can teach something about the game)
Bounty Board (Do 5 hits on the BB, I don't know)
Defend a Relic owned by your Guild for X hours
Kill x normal creatures (We already have LE, Elites, Champion and Titan, why not normal mobs?)


As for the topic, I don't think the idea to choose from multiple dailies is a good one, quests are not amndatory anyway, and I think the opition to do or don't is enough.

There is a kill x normal critters.

Also, move x tiles is the best daily for new players. They hunt everyday so naturally move. Why would you want to take this away?

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