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Member Since 04 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Mar 03 2023 15:02

#1008210 Game Updates!

Posted by JustConix on 26 August 2022 - 08:57

The updates to trade/secure trade/hell forge are most welcome, thank you.

Can you do crafting and store items as well?

It would have been nice if the notification had details of this change.

Can you either highlight items in secure trade or have a filter to hide them?

You can no longer forge items that you are wearing, is this by design?

Would it be possible to highlight or filter perfectly crafted items?

Hi PointyHair,


Thank you for the feedback. I will pass along these suggestions to Hoof and see what he says. I do have a few questions regarding some of them if you are happy to provide more information.

"It would have been nice if the notification had details of this change."

Can you explain what you mean by this? What details are you wanting to see in the notifications?


"Can you either highlight items in secure trade or have a filter to hide them?"

What items is it you are wanting highlighted/filtered here?


"You can no longer forge items that you are wearing, is this by design?" 

This sounds like a bug to me, would you be able to provide more details on what is happening and we can look into this.


Thanks again for the suggestions and feedback here, Further information on the above points would be most helpful, but I am more than happy to take your comments to Hoof and see what he says.


~ Conix

New to the game and haven't really touched PvP aside from knocking people on the head for a daily quest once, but I'm getting PvP ladder reset notifications on my phone every couple of minutes. I had 62 notifications when I woke up last night. I didn't see it in the app settings, but is there a way to turn these notifications off? 


Hi Venzzo,


Sorry for the notification spam here. This was a bug our end and has now been resolved. You will now only see the notification now when it is relevant.


As Penny has said above, notifications can be turned off within the apps notification settings, however, as this is a new notification, these settings do not yet include this toggle. We are currently working on a new update that will allow them to be turned off. Sorry for the inconvenience with this and for the notification spam the other night.



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#1007646 New Super Elites Released!

Posted by michael65 on 12 May 2022 - 15:05


#1007645 New Super Elites Released!

Posted by EpicPiety on 12 May 2022 - 15:01

This is quite the surprise, cool!

#1007640 Darksun Reborn XV

Posted by michael65 on 11 May 2022 - 13:38

Again, thank you cows for another Darksun event.


And thanks to the rest of the FS community for again giving a competitive top 100 contributors.


Further, thank you for meeting the event community goal especially the last 12 hours!

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#1007513 Game Update v3.8.2 / App Update v1.1.1

Posted by JustConix on 20 April 2022 - 16:50

Hi all, 


Thank you for your feedback on this update thus far. We hear your concern about the duration of the new buffs and have taken note to review this. As for the Gambler buff, we thought it would be fun addition to combat and add a little risk to some combat situations. We understand that this might not be the most popular buff in the game, but we want to keep it in and see the feedback on it after some use. 


The PvP stamina hit preference is an app only addition. It was added to address the debate as to where to set the default. This was discussed on the previous app update forum. We hope this makes PvP combat smoother when using the app.


Thank you again for the feedback provided on this update, we look forward to hearing more as you experience the new additions.



#1006283 Legendary Event!

Posted by Alisa on 26 November 2021 - 17:18

Avarimon the Covetous (Legendary)
Avarimon the Covetous is stalking the realms, a demon who absolutely must have all material wealth, whether this is gold or goods. And being a demon of prodigious power and horrifying appearance, he always has the means to get what he wants, whether through terrifying the temporary owner of what he wants or tearing them limb from limb! Avarimon wants everything and has only let the latest object of his desire elude him due to said object being defended by something he cannot defeat. Yet...

Kinda left me on a cliffhanger.. who is this person that even the great Avarimon can't defeat?? When is the release date for part2? I must know!
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#1006104 Frag Finder & Wiki Log In fixed.

Posted by EpicPiety on 08 November 2021 - 15:02

Awesome :)

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#1005985 A Beginner's Guide to Game Mechanics and Survival (PDF)

Posted by inderekt on 28 October 2021 - 01:22

Hello fellow Operation: New Earth citizens! My sincerest of apologies in a very long absence. Indeed, I ended up having to step away and became the single point of failure I feared I might be. My sincerest of apologies for stepping away for so long without checking in. But, I have seen new requests come to my email to share the content contained in this guide, which means there is still interest!


Now, I do not play ONE any longer albeit it is great fun! Thus, it is likely not up-to-date and I am not sure if I would be able to update for this particular game. Though Hunted Cow's other MMOs look very enticing to dive into I must say... B)


Nonetheless, I am going to be updating the link tonight and updating this post for it to be more secure so others can still access this document. I am so happy so many people have liked this!


Get after them aliens people and stay safe out there!

#1006019 Halloween Global Event - Final Wave!

Posted by BigGrim on 29 October 2021 - 15:57

Constructively, is there a chance in the future that instead of a 30/70 stat distribution for attack / armor we can get maybe a 60/40 or 70/30 stat set?

Of course. We'll have to see what the future holds!


~ Grim

#1006018 Halloween Global Event - Final Wave!

Posted by Maehdros on 29 October 2021 - 15:28

Thank you! Constructively, is there a chance in the future that instead of a 30/70 stat distribution for attack / armor we can get maybe a 60/40 or 70/30 stat set?

Either way it's GREAT to see new attack armor, thank you!

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#1006004 Fallen Sword App Update (v.0.9.0)

Posted by JustConix on 28 October 2021 - 17:40

Sorry, Conix, here are more details:
I am using an Android device (LG K40). Before, when I tried to access the "Info" tab of my profile, the app immediately closed, and after a couple more tries, I decided to leave well enough alone and let you guys know....  

I tried again this morning to give you more information, but now I'm getting "HUD is out of sync" notifications when the app first starts, which puts the app into a continual login loop.  If it's any help at all, the login screen has a brief "stutter" where it kinda freezes for a few seconds before the game finally loads.  Neither clearing my phone cache or restarting my device made a difference.

No worries Penny,


Thank you for the extra information regarding this issue. I'm still not sure why your app is crashing, but I will do some more digging and hopefully find the issue.


As for the out of sync issue, this mainly happens when the app and browser are running at the same time. For the time being we recommend not having the browser loaded when trying to use the app. I hope this helps with your login loop issue and sorry for any inconvenience here.



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#1005951 Fallen Sword App Update (v.0.9.0)

Posted by Imp92 on 26 October 2021 - 12:38


Thank you HCS for the new App version.

The biggest fix (for me) is that I can sell items in AH now :)

I like most of UI changes.

I don't really like the new Item/folder management, as the previous one was easier to work with.. But this could be because I had gotten used to it.

The new composing menu is looking good and with more detail than before.

However I saw some new issues (most are minor).

Biggest issue is that the guild and guild leaders chats stopped working, or at least I thought so.. After some time, I started receiving guild chat messages, but the guild leaders is still blank. Best guess is a new message needs to be posted to refresh the database.


Another thing I noticed is that the repair button on the map doesn't always work and is not always active..


The workaround is to go to the profile where another repair button is present, which works every time

Next issue I saw was the guild vault. When I go there, every item is displayed as "very poor" and not forged (even those that are not). I haven't tested the recall buttons, because the other part of the issue is that it is not displayed if the item is currently being equipped or in the Backpack of a mate..


Another thing I noticed is that the cast buffs don't appear in the 'active buffs' tab. Or at least not right away. The tab either refreshes after some time (not sure about this) , or you force the refresh by App restart.

Putting these things aside (and they are not really game breakers) , I had a really pleasant hunt earlier today and gained a couple of levels :)

#1005960 Fallen Sword App Update (v.0.9.0)

Posted by RebornJedi on 26 October 2021 - 15:07

glad it got such a quick fix.. please post updates on the News home page so the community has an easier time seeing it.. I didn't know there was a fix until after my global hunt..
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#1005961 Game Update v3.5.0

Posted by Arioche on 26 October 2021 - 15:21

Dark Curse (Level: 175)
+17.5% reduction to enemy Defense

Can this be returned to .2% instead of .1%. Still don’t understand why this was changed - I don’t see it in any of the update notes.


This is a mistake. It's meant to be 0.2% per point.

We've pushed a fix  :)

#1005878 Halloween Global Event!

Posted by Emperor Sidd on 22 October 2021 - 14:42

Hi Zue


The new Recipe of Boogle Gloves turn into the recipe for 'Abners Breastplate' when you read/use it.

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