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Member Since 13 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 09 2019 02:09

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In Topic: Next Legacy Roadmap

23 September 2014 - 10:12

Some polish to the game can go a long way.


When attacking guards you sometimes get uncapitalised names appearing. For example: "dark flame gaurd hits you with both weapons for x and x damage". It just screams last minute and doesn't look good at all. Maybe add weapons and armour to guards, even if they are just gang weapons. It seems weird they have [none] labelled. A gang would equip their guards yeah? LOL


Having inconsistent time stamps on warfare is an eyesore too with sentry bots moving in and out without the extra second count. And sentry images would be good too!


A new description for the Void Sword would be welcome. It sounds very 5-year-old in the backyard with a cardboard sword. Inferno Amulet could do away with "some how"; reads a lot better as: "Radiating with the glow of a long dead star. An unknown entity managed to craft this amulet in the timeless void with long lost secrets."


Add some more lore to the game. Ventrix just popped out of nowhere and we had a whole backstory and CoB to get the previous bosses after Seraph. He just shows up as a purple headed voyeur with some crazy weapons.


Oh yeah just thought of the types of attack... could they be changed in any way? I don't see many people using them - or at least I don't see the benefit.


Maybe have Focus to be able to be used inside the Hive too for certain attacks? That could be cool.

In Topic: Legacy's Future

10 September 2014 - 08:43

There's so much potential in this game that has yet to surface. The new "update" put in a new boss that drops some cool new weapons with some much desired balancing. The Rift Gun and Void Sword along with the Prime Amulet and Inferno Amulet give the people who are simply just lucky enough to have it drop for them gives the player a huge advantage. The item descriptions leave a lot to be desired for.

The Void Sword description reads: "Crush your foes with the power of this weapon although it is wild and hard to control at times. ". As the hardest hitting weapon in the game it sounds like it was devised up by a little kid in a game of pretend.

Even just the Phoenix Shell has better thought out description as an expendable armour piece at level 30. "A strong armor imported in to the hive, the Phoenix Shell is the last remnant of the now destroyed Pheonix hive. Unlike the Zion Plate this armor offers full body protection. ".


The frustration felt by the community is almost unanimous with the quality and frequency of "updates" to Legacy. When Zorg was initially hired by HCS, there was talk from Hoofmaster and other devs of HCS about expansion and updates and promises that we won't get left behind. We have yet to hear from them on our own forums since then.

In Topic: Legacy Roadmap #Revision 2

30 January 2014 - 13:25

This looks great Zorg, and I'm not saying that just because it's the first real update we're getting in forever long. It legitimately increases the complexity of the game, and it done by playing the game! There's now an end game to Legacy further beyond the endless painting of squares! Rejoice!


There's things to do and something tangible you get for the effort you put in to the game. Good way to decrease the amount of credits in the game at the moment too, with hunting the crystal entities as a credit sink.


Looking forward to it. Thanks Zorg.

In Topic: Legacy Planned Updates

14 November 2013 - 05:39

Any word on the updates? It's been awhile...


Some communication can't be that difficult.

In Topic: Legacy Planned Updates

21 October 2013 - 13:05

@uglymug just buy the platinum to re-roll with credits, it'd still create a credit sink.

Yes, I know you can do that. I addresseds it in my previous post. Sure you can just buy it with credits off people who bought it with real money.


It just adds another part of the game where people who buy it spend a set amount instead of a variable amount. If the demand was high enough, 100p may end up being sold for 1000c (which probaly won't happen, but something like it may occur). It's a problem when the people who are willing to pay with real money get a large advantage with respect to the actual game play (in this case: better rolled items). Where credits will end up being a fraction of the worth of platinum compared to credits and platinum being used for core gameplay elements it does end up being a problem.

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