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Member Since 17 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active May 14 2014 23:15

#825212 Help the upcoming Legendary.

Posted by iTzBiLL on 04 December 2013 - 16:59



Nice! New Legendaries are coming! More sets! Yaaa! 


I like how you are open to the input from the community. But, remember this is going to be a very important decision when deciding on "STATS" , "ITEM TYPE"




1ST OFF, You can't just make a new level 15 set that has higher stats than all the other level 15 sets... there must always remain a balance and there must ALWAYS be a cut off number, at which the stats can get no higher... And this should be the same at any level. I've never seen stats higher than they are now and I think we have approached that cut off point.


SECONDLY, 2-piece sets are the best! we all know that. However, we have some good item sets in the game RIGHT NOW, that cannot be fully utilizied due to the fact that they don't fit with any of the other surrounding 2-piece sets.... ===> The set list needs to be examined as a whole, find those sets that aren't living up to the full potential, and lets see if we can work with those.



I have no suggestions right now, but please think and double think when making this decision. The sets need to be cleverly placed so they don't become redundant within days of coming out. This game has had ALOT of misses on gear lately, so don't waste your time if there's not gonna be any reason to wear it!.


Finally I'd like to see some +gold gain (not like +1 gold gain, but like +1000 GG or something similar)


#801824 Development Roadmap

Posted by iTzBiLL on 23 July 2013 - 11:57

Just wondering, should be a quick fix, but in the AH... sort by stat option... can you add "stamina", "stamina gain", "XP gain" and "gold gain" to this list?  Thanks HCS!  



#801321 Change for FS.

Posted by iTzBiLL on 20 July 2013 - 06:54

I love this game and I really don't want to see it fizzle out. I understand that HCS is allocating many of its resources to Eldevin. This is understandable ... this game must be ready for release ASAP to help HCS revenue. This is another reason why I enjoy FS so much is I have donated... alot... in the past. I really haven't lately b/c the AH market is in shambles, the rich get richer, hording those pretty little dots they are so proud of .... Do we really need an FSP sink in this game, LOL?? 


My view is this:  While many of the changes suggested seem interesting, one must keep in mind that HCS isn't MS or Google with thousands of staff members arriving at work each morning.  This is a grass roots company that has done very well in the past, and are hard at work coming up with ideas that will keep their success moving forward. 


Would I like to see updates in different aspects of the game every week:  Heck yes, I feel like I've paid for it... but I also understand it isn't possible.  The few HCS staff that work FS fulltime do just that... Work at it full time...


It's work for them... not a game... We log on after work, or school, or whatever your situation is... They log off and leave work, maybe go play basketball or cricket or whatever you chaps do. This isn't their "relax" time, but probably more of their "pain in the arse" time b/c we are constantly bickering-in game and out, begging for more content, updates, fixes, items, monsters.


Let's let them do their job... if the community happens upon a groudbreaking idea, that might make HCS job more effective without sacrificing efficiency, then HCS will take notice.  But the lists of wants we have listed for them would stretch to the moon. 


Play the game, embrace what you have, not what you have not, and enjoy the community. We are all people and even the most deuch-er-ific trolls out here might have a soft spot... if only you take the time to find it. 



Good luck HCS, Thanks for what you've done, what your doing, and best of luck to your future.

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