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Member Since 20 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 19 2015 01:32

Topics I've Started

Quest Bug: Relic collection

06 October 2014 - 22:39

Okay, so in the level 44 quest "Relic collection," I have to follow the archaeologist and escort him and whatnot. Unfortunately, I can never seem to get past step 3. After the archaeologist examines the second site, the quest should move onto step 4, but for some reason, the quest marker points back to the second site and I am stuck on step 3. The archaeologist then stops right after the bridge and doesn't go inside the tomb and stays there indefinitely (i've waited like 10-15 minutes.)


One time I ran this quest and it glitched so that the archaeologist went backwards (and said all his lines while going back) and I think that may have messed u my script. Since I can't reset the quest, I was hoping a Dev could reset my quest for fix the bug. If there are any screenshots or specific logs needed I can post them as well.


Character name: Samurai

Larger EP Buying Option

10 September 2014 - 01:56



So right now the highest bundle for EP is the 7500 EP for 60, but could it be possible to have a $100 EP purchasing option as well for an even better deal? It would be great to have a better deal EP package.

Perhaps 15k EP for 100?

Under the Sea (Level 25 Arena)

15 August 2014 - 05:20



It has come to my attention that the boss of Under the Sea level 25 of the Eldevin arena, is either WAYYYYY to Overpowered, or is bugged. Now I've made multiple attempts, but the boss always has his ice resistance that makes it untargetable.


Just recently I tried with THREE level 45s and two 30+s, healers, tanks and all, and we all still couldnt damage it after the green shield. And I dont mean just ice attacks. None of the attacks worked on it. Can the developers try looking into this particular arena? Because it is either unbalanced or bugged. 


Thank you.




PS: If ANYONE has cleared this arena, or has had problems with this arena, please reply here as well.


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