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Member Since 29 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 30 2014 10:17

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Dogma bugged with Aura of Tranquility, Intensify Spirit, Think Fast talents

17 January 2014 - 18:16

I have never got proc from Think Fast

Think Fast doesn't give a buff icon in top left, but does apply on character panel haste rating.

In Topic: Dogma bugged with Aura of Tranquility, Intensify Spirit, Think Fast talents

17 January 2014 - 18:10

Still bugged after 1.03c.

In Topic: Dogma bugged with Aura of Tranquility, Intensify Spirit, Think Fast talents

16 January 2014 - 20:31

Re-did talents today and decided to keep Dogma on the off-chance this bug was fixed.  It persisted, and I found 2 more bugs:


*No proc for <Think Fast> on a critical heal while casting <Dogma>.

*Target is not gaining <Intensify Spirit> buff when being critically healed by <Dogma>.

In Topic: Trade from anywhere in the World (friends list only)

16 January 2014 - 16:15

Sounds more like a mail system?

In Topic: Preventative measures against botting

15 January 2014 - 15:16

Captcha? Do you want the game to fail?


The nodes should just move around a bit instead of respawning it static locations.

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