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#849229 Legendary kills aren't recording

Posted by ChrisD on 14 February 2014 - 14:25

From the next update onwards, you will get credit for killing legendaries provided you have caused damage to the creature.

#848873 Trappers atoll, an area with great potential. Suggestions for changes!

Posted by livingtarget on 13 February 2014 - 17:00

I have checked it,and it is still possible.


When did you check it considering you don't play the game?

#848875 Trappers atoll, an area with great potential. Suggestions for changes!

Posted by livingtarget on 13 February 2014 - 17:08

Look at my last log in to the game,(this last update). So unless it was hot fixed since then,i'm guessing this is still a problem.

Also this might be a good hint to start doing full descriptions and full detailed labels and info on patch notes as those patches come out.


I'll link you to the patch notes: http://forums.hunted...ic=62056&hl=PvP


It was in the patch notes that doesn't need to be any more detailed does it? "PvP now requires both players to be in a PvP zone" that is as clear as it gets.


I'll go and check the server and see if it's broken myself now.


Edit: Tested on the "last update" and it is fixed.

#848871 Trappers atoll, an area with great potential. Suggestions for changes!

Posted by livingtarget on 13 February 2014 - 16:57

Pretty sure that is no longer possible? Before you actually say that we didn't fix it, did you bother to actually check whether it was fixed?


Both players now need to be in PvP zones before you can attack them.

#848785 Theres no silence immunity

Posted by ChrisD on 13 February 2014 - 10:18

Hey there,


Despite it appearing on the patch notes, Silence immunity didn't quite make the live build.  It will however be included in the next update.  Sorry about that!

#848664 World Boss Bugged! not advancing quest, no achievement, no loot roll

Posted by iPlayNaked on 13 February 2014 - 01:18

I didnt get the quest for the dragon, or any loot option/roll. Defiler I got loot rolls and quest. Kongar gave me no loot, but I got the achievement and quest. I feel for the ones who didnt, as kongar costed us A LOT of repairs and a few tries. These groups are hard to get together and it really is a BIG challenge to kill the bosses. Please compensate for the losses of everyone.

#848655 World Boss Bugged! not advancing quest, no achievement, no loot roll

Posted by Mongo on 13 February 2014 - 01:11

So bunch of us just spent ages and tons on repairs killing Kongar and other world bosses. On kongar I got no quest advancement, no achievement and no loot roll!


Mongo not happy  :angry:


Others have had the same problems too, with one or more of these bosses.


Such a shame, as this was actually alot of fun! apart from this, kinda put a dampener on it  :P

#847700 Pball missing text

Posted by Anakiro on 10 February 2014 - 13:58

Thanks for that. The fix won't make it out with today's update, but it should go out with our next update. :)

#845735 More restrictions on Group Summon

Posted by Kedyn on 02 February 2014 - 05:51

While I know this is probably going to be an unpopular view within the realm of Eldevin, especially amongst lower levels or resource buyers, but is there any way to look into limiting the ability to group summon members into areas that have a level restriction?


It's annoying to finally reach the level to get into new areas that require you to be a certain level, just to see a much lower level player, who can't reach the zone, be there because someone summoned them. I find this to be a very big loophole in which would invite "botters" and others to access much safer areas to higher resources, which they would not be able to access otherwise.

#845184 My Ideas by ChelseaBrick

Posted by l3fty on 30 January 2014 - 17:12

To clarify, yes the founder pack items were exclusive to the founder packs. There may be variations released in future, but not the exact same items, in order to preserve their value as exclusive founder items.


There might be a non-founder version of the art book released at some point.


And now apparently I have to model a tutu xD

#842834 Offline/invisible mode

Posted by Chomp on 21 January 2014 - 19:00

We all like our friends, but sometimes you just want to log in and get some things done without striking up a conversation. Sometimes you can be in a bad mood, have limited time, or just don't feel talkative. Heck, I'll be honest... sometimes you end up on the friend list of people you don't really want to talk to but are too polite to ignore.

Currently people can add you to a friend list and see when you are online and which server you are on. It would be nice to be able to log in anonymously or invisibly for times when you just don't feel up to chatting.


Even better, perhaps an option in settings as to whether your friends can even track you when you're online, so you can choose to opt out of being tracked by your stalkers... i mean, friends. ^_-


 I do enjoy my friends, but there are times I like to be a private person. I think a lot of people can be like that. Some days you want to socialize, some days you just want to focus on your own thing. 

#842264 Founder's Torch shown on back

Posted by ComradeLewis on 19 January 2014 - 00:48

This is rather inconsequential, but it would be really cool if the Founder's Torch would go on a player's back when they use a door or gather materials. The way it is right now, it completely disappears after performing any action. So, basically, you can't do anything with it but stand in town doing nothing.


Just a very, very small suggestion. I would, however, use it if I could craft, gather or farm with it visible.

#842008 Vanity ideas

Posted by HuMoR on 17 January 2014 - 23:11

another vanity idea thread.

-pink ballerina outfit (a lot have mentioned this) including the tutu
-neon coloring vanity for already existent items.
-angel/demon wings
-face tattoos(tribal tattoes etc also have been mentioned before by Mongo I think)
-flaming fists (similar to the skull and same colors to match)
-weapon vanities ( variety of assortments)
-different variety of colored tux's/dresses
-strobe effects on existent weapons (like the to3 crafted ess that changes colors)
-effect combinations (for EP or gold costs) depending on rarity 
-Clown suit
-Wizard suit (l0rdka0s/Crofil)


#841186 flakes needed for crafting adjustment

Posted by Majjer on 16 January 2014 - 08:19

crafted two-handed weapons needs same amount of flakes as one handed equipment of the same kind.

so if templar wants to have one-handed weapon & shield, he needs double amount of flakes compared to warriors/mages/prophets. could you pls make it bit more equal doubling on two-handed or halving on one handed eqipment?

#838964 Make group summon more level restricted

Posted by Mojawk on 09 January 2014 - 18:17

Thanks for your feedback on this however I'm going to lock this as its de-railed a bit.

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