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Member Since 16 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2014 06:48

Topics I've Started

Graphic of the week 3/3/14 (Monday) to 3/9/14 (Sunday)

03 March 2014 - 18:30

Welcome to the voting ENTRY thread of Graphics of the Week March 3/3/14 thru 3/9/14

This week, contestants had to create an signature ( height 250 pixels X width 500 pixels)with the following theme:

This week's theme is: Perspective (s)  How does your dog see you? Your child? Your Boss? A monster your fighting? How do they see you? what do you look like from Their Prospective?

Current pot: 6 FSP

Entry fee is 1 FSP

To vote, please tell which signature is your favorite with a short reason. Please don't only say which one you chose as I will not consider your vote if there is no reason with it!

Those who participated to this week can vote, but can only vote for somebody else's signature.

Voting will be open for a week unless there is a clear winner within a few days


Edit: Please send either the entries or links to your entries to me on this forum .


01 March 2014 - 21:51

Here are the Pictures ......... Finally.... Sorry its late....... stupid real life!


Welcome to the voting thread of Graphics of the Week March  2014.


This week, contestants had to create an avatar or signature with the following theme:


This week's theme is: The players of Fallen Sword...... how do you picture yourself?


The current pot is 12.......... 8 donated + 3 entries = 11 + 1 (to make it even)


Edit: Please comment about your choice or the vote won't count


A )       Crzy



B )   Athdenald



C )    Clock96


Graphic of the Week (2-18-14 till 2-28-14)

19 February 2014 - 03:47

The theme for this week (plus a few extra days cuz I didn't get this started on time) is............


The players of Fallen Sword...... how do you picture yourself? as a knight? as a sorceress? a seer? a warrior? or just a ranger or possibly "just" a bard?


I'm looking for an Avi or a Sig ..... or both if your up to it.

I'm donating 8 fsp for a starter.

Entry fee is 1 FSP , the contest will run till Feb 28th 2014 (that should give everyone who wants to enter plenty of time)


Send your entry fee & your entry to me & I will post them on a separate thread for voting.

Zeder's PNG files & stuff

08 December 2013 - 03:49

After much trial & lots of error I finally made my 1st "transparent " PNG file. Granted it was very simple (an eye ball) but, it shows that this "old dog" can learn a new trick or 2.......


Since I am "semi retired" and have more time on my hands than I should have...... I will be making PNG's to add to my PNG file site for everyone to use.


The current PNG files are from other people that I liked & saved for everyone to use. The new ones that I will be adding will have the prefix zdr and what ever # it is. I hope you won't slam me too badly on the new renders i add to it!


I give credit to 2 wonderful lady's who helped me to LEARN how to do this.


My Guild leader (BOSS)& friend AttorraRu & our dragon loving, GGT host CQINMI !!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 piece auction

28 November 2013 - 12:53

I have a "left over" Signature from the GGT ............. its up for grabs to highest bidder with a 5 dot minimum bid.

Auction will run until Wed. Dec.4th or so.



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