A skill similar to composing, where you basically have an interface to choose what fish to fish but you need to be on a specific fishing spot to catch a specific type of fish(limited time areas would have some sort of special fish that are pretty rare and valuable). - you can buy different lures and fishing rods. Special bound potions for fishing points. Fish would be resources that you get into your inventory - starting out it would be like a 30% chance to catch a fish. You could use resources from fish for various new reciepes and maybe for a couple new aquatic armor sets/weapons. As you progress higher on the fishing skill you could maybe use a fishing net or maybe hire a mercenary(s) to fish for you at a extremely worse rate that you would yourself provided they got the fishing supplies to do so - the possibilites are endless. Instead of a timer you would get like a estimate when you catch your next fish ranging from Time-Time pretty much like the concept of ladder resets but lower intervals.
Edited by gapukas, 28 June 2021 - 05:47.