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Everything PvP. A bored PvP players' thoughts

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#1 paingwin



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 07:54

  Ok, first off, I am not that well known in the game. Well enough known by a few that matter to me I guess. I have been playing this game for almost 5 years, and I must say that it is one of the things in my life that keeps me sane lol. (well partially) With that being said, I have spent a good deal of my time here beating the snot out of others, for gold, for prestige, for medals, but most over-all, for FUN. PvP in this game used to keep me sitting at this damn computer for hours on end. I used to sit here for ENTIRE ladder sessions, I used to sit up for 24 hours straight bounty hunting, I used to sit here for hours on end just talking to people. Lately, not so much, as my work schedule has gotten quite hectic, but I am going to sit here tonight and put out the way I feel that PvP should be handled on this game. Not that my thread will change anything in the game, but just so that my thoughts are gathered in one place instead of all over cyberspace. The things I am going to discuss come not only from me, but from a collection of ideas from many different players in the game, both past and present. Bear with me as I knew when I sat down to type this out that it was going to be a long one.



     I.) Open world PvP- The biggest issue(complaint) with open world PvP in this game is the fact that you lose experience when you lose an attack (either incoming or outgoing). Why should someone lose experience in an attack from another player? This is the first game I have played where PvP affects character level in such a way. Losing experience to creatures makes sense, it is where our character experience comes from after all. So, here are my thoughts on it.


          A.) Open world PvP hits should only exchange prestige and gold. Yes, I said it, and I am a PvP player. PvP died a long time ago in this game because of the simple fact that people were tired of losing (hard earned) experience. If there is any hope of revitalizing the part of the game that has kept me coming back, then this portion, has to go. As the game has evolved, it has turned into an entirely different creature, and we (players AND developers) have to evolve along with it. 


               1.) Even though open world PvP hits will only exchange gold and prestige, they should be bounty-able for experience loss on the bounty board. The bounty board was meant as punishment so lets do just that. Yes, most PvP players don't mind experience loss but they have to stay within certain levels for gear and targets.


               2.) With the removal of experience loss in open world PvP, the thievery enhancement should be made to take 30-50% of gold on hand to offset that. Also, the master thief rate should be raised as well. This will give gold hitters more of an incentive to swing, and will give more people a reason to use the bounty board to seek punishment for wrong doers. 


          B.) The bounty board - With the removal of experience loss in open world PvP, MULT-BOUNTIES are not needed. Multi-bounties meaning the ability to bounty EVERY hit received. As that was added to quell the complaints about bounty marks getting "free" hits on the target. With no experience loss the "free" hits will amount to nothing but a few gold in repair costs. But, there have to be some changes made to the bounty board as well to make it worthwhile to people placing bounties.


               1.) Bounties DO NOT expire. Once a bounty is posted it stays on the board until it is completed, period. All bounties guarantee a 3 level decrease, not the normal 10 hits we have right now. The bounty board was once fun and exciting because you didn't know that someone was already on a bounty. You just jumped in and started swinging. So the proposition I am throwing out is that you take the "experience left to lose" section off the bounty board, and make all standard bounties lose 3 levels. Once the mark has lost 3 levels worth of experience, the person who took the most experience off the mark wins the bounty and the prize. This will add some randomness to the bounty board like the years of old.


               2.) Bounty hit limitations need to be removed. What i mean by that is there should be no time needed between hits from bounty hunters. Once you take a bounty, you can hit and hit and hit without having to wait 2 minutes. This will ensure that bounties are completed in a fast manner and yet increase my argument for the unneeded multi-bounty option. 


               3.) Bounty tickets - The addition of buying bounty tickets with gold was a step in the right direction. But, the reason for making this addition was to act as a gold sink, you must remove the FSP upgrade for bounty tickets for it to be an effective sink.  


               4.) War bounties - I will discuss this later......


     II.) GvG - Oh the mighty GvG machine is under my scrutiny as well. The GvG system has been broken since it's inception as a profit earning section of the game. Basically, since the introduction of RP items other than guild buff packs (which in their own right are COMPLETELY outdated). Here are my thoughts on GvG......


          A.) RP(reputation points) are kind of a bad joke when it involves GvG battles. So many guilds have exploited the RP system to the point of it not being worth anything. So, i propose a totally new system (sort of). RP points should stay where they are, gained by winning GvG's against rival guilds, but SHOULD NOT be used to buy the current epic recipe items used today. Guild RP should only be used to buy buff packs for the guild (which need totally revamped!). The purchase of Epic item resources would be instead purchased by an entirely NEW point system........


               1.) The Guild Domination Point(s) - These points are awarded to a guild who remains in the top "X" of the RESETTING GvG ladder. The GvG ladder should reset every 14-28 days, at random, to ensure that those active in this area of the game remain actively searching for guild rating. Like the PvP ladder (which I will also discuss), Guilds that remain in the top "X" spots will gain GDP every 3, 4, 12..... hours they are on the ladder in those respective ladder ranks, and receive a set number of points at reset for the ranking they finished at (for the top "X" spots on the ladder). They can then use the GDP to buy items such as the Bobonarts crystal skull to sell or create those epic items which require it for creation.


               2.) RP buff packs as I said, need to be completely revamped. Any buff in the RP buff packs pertaining to leveling (Adept learner, Librarian, Doubler Etc.) Need to be a MINIMUM of 250. With current potions it is not a hard feat, or an overly expensive one, to gain almost the same or better levels from potions. So where is the incentive for guilds to put forth any effort to gain buff packs that are easily and often times trumped by potions?  There isn't any. PvP based buff packs are open to discussion since I wouldn't want to kill the higher level people in the games buff sales.


     III.) This brings me to Guild Wars, which are kind of their own animal in most respects. With the removal of experience loss from open world PvP, Guild wars would take a massive hit in my system. So, to fix that issue, I again propose a NEW addition to the game......


          A.) Declaring WAR on another guild should be similar to GvG, except there are no points gained, no rewards to earn. There would be a new clickable thing on the guild management page that would enable people with the right guild permissions to declare WAR on another guild. This would have to be approved by a certain amount of members from the declaring guild, and once approved(declared), the target guild could not be attacked for a set amount of time. (let's just say 24 hours) This would give the guild that is being targeted ample time to try to resolve the issue diplomatically, in which case the declaring guild can resend the declaration, and resume game play as normal. If the declaration is not satisfied to the declaring guilds satisfaction, a WAR would ensue.


               1.) Any 2 guilds involved in a WAR, would have normal experience loss as it is now in open world PvP. Loses either incoming or outgoing would result in lost experience, ALL outgoing attacks would be bounty-able, and any bounty placed by a wartime guild would go to the WAR board. This would act just as the bounty board, but the only people allowed to accept these or hit on these would be members of the warring guilds (or allies, to be discussed). Experience loss would be the 5 levels of max bounties now, and like the bounty board idea in this thread, the time limit, would be the same on the WAR board.


               2.) Any one guild can only be involved in "1" war at any given time. So if a guild is at war with another guild, a guild outside that war CAN NOT declare war against either one of those guilds. Guilds at war can bring in allies, but only on the occasion that the guild they are at war with can bring in the same amount of allies. So, if guild A wants to bring in guild A-1, guild B can bring in guild B-1 and so forth. 


               3.) Guild wars are won only by the submission of one of the major guilds involved in the war. Allies can not submit to end a war, only the declaring or declared guilds may submit to end a guild war. Once submitted, the guilds involved can not have any DIRECT interaction, accept through guild diplomats which would be made a guild permission. Essentially, those 2 guilds would go on "cool down" similar to titans for guilds who secure a titan.


          B.) End of war, as i don't really know what to call it at this time, would ensue. During the "cool down" after a guild war, only diplomats would be able to speak between guilds. This would limit the amount of trash talking between players that tends to happen these days, and would also allow those deemed to be level headed to work out issues between guilds. A guild would have to lose an "X" amount of experience (combined) before a submission and End of war could ensue, this would keep guilds from just submitting to ensure they didn't lose any experience during the exchange. The lost experience would count as a deficit the same as a leaving player would so that experience would have to be made back before the guilds could progress on the guild experience ladder.


     IV. PvP ladder - The focus of SOOOOO many complaints, grievances, gripes, BITCHING. This is my take on the whole idea (again with ideas from many different players in the game, not only my own).


          A.) Bounties between 2 ladder contenders should be null and void. The ladder was meant as a place where 2 players could pit their skills against each other, not where guilds could BULLY other players into quitting the ladder. Ladder bounties need to disappear first and foremost, before any of the soon to be proposed changes occur.


          B.) PvP token rewards were a great addition to the game. The gear you can make is premium in most level ranges, but it has become over-saturated at most levels. The introduction of NEW sets at each LADDER range needs to be implemented. These sets do not need to trump existing sets, just merely create some balance in the ranges. The introduction of sets that offer varied stats in each range would be a start. For example, the 25-49 ladder range is completely dominated by INVENTABLE gear for armor set-ups. (Sir Gwan's, Odhar's) The addition of defense based gear in this range would balance the gear out in my opinion(as with all the current ladder ranges). Each ladder range should have its own specific sets that are inventable in both armor AND defense minded stats. This would add variety to each of the separate ladder ranges. Now to discuss a BIG addition that most EVERYONE has been asking for......


               1.) Potions, bought with PvP ladder tokens. These have been a long time in coming to be honest. What do you do with PvP ladder tokens once the gear you can invent is almost WORTHLESS? (meaning it doesn't even begin to earn you near what you had to invest to get it)..... You make POTIONS with those tokens. Now a lot of people want them to be bound, and I myself wanted them to be bound at first. BUT, I have sat back and looked at this game as a non-playing member of the society. Non-bound leveling potions, between donation potions and the highest non-donation potions in the game would be money MAKERS! Librarian 300 potions, Adept Learner 400 potions and so on would earn massive amounts of income. (for both the player, and HCS!) PvP players would fight their BUMS off to be able to invent a Librarian 300 that they could sell to a leveler. Levelers would spend FSP to buy them, PvP players would spend FSP to earn the right to invent them, meaning that FSP would become a HOT item. This would most likely bolster the sales of FSP during even non-special offer times. 


Ok, this is all I have the strength to offer right now. This thread is open to ADDITIONS that will HELP it. It is not open to FLAMING, so if you have some sort of constructive feedback by all means leave it. If not then read and pass on by. COWS i would really like some kind of recognition on this thread from you! Pleasant reading everyone!

#2 paingwin



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 07:55

Well, so much for my efforts to separate the damn thing!!!!

#3 RebornJedi



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 07:58

oh meh gawd meh eyes!!! paragraphs!! PARAGRAAAAPPHHSS!!!!


#4 paingwin



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 08:00

oh meh gawd meh eyes!!! paragraphs!! PARAGRAAAAPPHHSS!!!!

i had it all paragraghed out all nice and neat and this is the way it posted! im trying to fix it hold on

#5 paingwin



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 08:01

i had it all paragraghed out all nice and neat and this is the way it posted! im trying to fix it hold on

there, ALL BETTER!!! LOL

#6 Denyza



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 11:59

You just grew out of this game. We all did.


After a while, the novelty wears out and we become bored. It's not just Fallensword, it happens in all games. And for me, even though I'm bored with it now, Fallensword lasted much longer than any other game I've ever played by far. Before Fallensword, I never even thought the possibility of playing the same game for 4-5 years.



#7 michael65



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 16:48

I believe the xp loss in PvP came from Gothador. Gothador had deleveling on a massive scale, and still does ("... on a dark night the clouds part ..." or something). Deleveling is sort of a cow signature. Changing this could be a problem.

As for bounty, keep bounty for PvP ladder but limit bounty takers to only two to a guild, maybe? OP's explanation explains a need. However, it is still PvP.

And yes, bounty tickets in gold would help. Sell them 10 tickets at a time so a leveler could put a bounty up.

What would be defense gear? (People differ) High defense and Armor only? Or include PvP enhancements? First Strike? Or enhancements that are useful to both PvP and levelers? Dodge?

[Further comments about PvPers censored and not apply to current/former Guildmates, Heroes for Hire, and FS Friends.]

#8 Windbattle



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 18:21

I would limit the number of guild mates that can enter a pvp ladder to 2. I would remove bountying on the pvp ladder, since you both came there to dance and hit hard (or should be). 


I would remove the multi-posting for BB IF AND ONLY IF XP loss was completely removed from regular pvping. I wouldn't remove xp loss from the BB, cause some players like to go back down for pvp reasons and for EOC XP farming. 


I would keep the 7 day or 14 day pvp protection for new players cause they need to get a handle on stuff before being hit hard. 


As for increasing thievery / master thief rates, a small increase would be good. If you increase it too high, then potion makers are going to leave in droves. 


REMOVED XP protection upgrade (no longer needed if there is no xp loss in regular combat). 


I completely agree with the OP in regards to the pvp ladder and pvp ladder potions. let's get it done.

#9 yodamus



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 18:38

 A.) Open world PvP hits should only exchange prestige and gold. Yes, I said it, and I am a PvP player. PvP died a long time ago in this game because of the simple fact that people were tired of losing (hard earned) experience. If there is any hope of revitalizing the part of the game that has kept me coming back, then this portion, has to go. As the game has evolved, it has turned into an entirely different creature, and we (players AND developers) have to evolve along with it. 


               1.) Even though open world PvP hits will only exchange gold and prestige, they should be bounty-able for experience loss on the bounty board. The bounty board was meant as punishment so lets do just that. Yes, most PvP players don't mind experience loss but they have to stay within certain levels for gear and targets.


               2.) With the removal of experience loss in open world PvP, the thievery enhancement should be made to take 30-50% of gold on hand to offset that. Also, the master thief rate should be raised as well. This will give gold hitters more of an incentive to swing, and will give more people a reason to use the bounty board to seek punishment for wrong doers. 




this is the best part of this thread...this is exactly what is needed...to help game and help pvp...xp loss is not good for the game , chases players away or makes players mad, having mad, not happy players is not a good thing....

#10 gomezkilla



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 20:23

     I.) Open world PvP- The biggest issue(complaint) with open world PvP in this game is the fact that you lose experience when you lose an attack (either incoming or outgoing). Why should someone lose experience in an attack from another player? This is the first game I have played where PvP affects character level in such a way. Losing experience to creatures makes sense, it is where our character experience comes from after all. So, here are my thoughts on it.


          A.) Open world PvP hits should only exchange prestige and gold. Yes, I said it, and I am a PvP player. PvP died a long time ago in this game because of the simple fact that people were tired of losing (hard earned) experience. If there is any hope of revitalizing the part of the game that has kept me coming back, then this portion, has to go. As the game has evolved, it has turned into an entirely different creature, and we (players AND developers) have to evolve along with it. 


               1.) Even though open world PvP hits will only exchange gold and prestige, they should be bounty-able for experience loss on the bounty board. The bounty board was meant as punishment so lets do just that. Yes, most PvP players don't mind experience loss but they have to stay within certain levels for gear and targets.


               2.) With the removal of experience loss in open world PvP, the thievery enhancement should be made to take 30-50% of gold on hand to offset that. Also, the master thief rate should be raised as well. This will give gold hitters more of an incentive to swing, and will give more people a reason to use the bounty board to seek punishment for wrong doers. 

PvP will not change, it was designed so that there would be xp loss and gold loss. If you don't want any xp loss from PvP attacks, buy PvP Protection.



          B.) The bounty board - With the removal of experience loss in open world PvP, MULT-BOUNTIES are not needed. Multi-bounties meaning the ability to bounty EVERY hit received. As that was added to quell the complaints about bounty marks getting "free" hits on the target. With no experience loss the "free" hits will amount to nothing but a few gold in repair costs. But, there have to be some changes made to the bounty board as well to make it worthwhile to people placing bounties.


               1.) Bounties DO NOT expire. Once a bounty is posted it stays on the board until it is completed, period. All bounties guarantee a 3 level decrease, not the normal 10 hits we have right now. The bounty board was once fun and exciting because you didn't know that someone was already on a bounty. You just jumped in and started swinging. So the proposition I am throwing out is that you take the "experience left to lose" section off the bounty board, and make all standard bounties lose 3 levels. Once the mark has lost 3 levels worth of experience, the person who took the most experience off the mark wins the bounty and the prize. This will add some randomness to the bounty board like the years of old.


I agree, bounties should not be expired. But the guaranteed level loss and the normal 10 hits not in effect anymore, the BHing would soon be dead.



               2.) RP buff packs as I said, need to be completely revamped. Any buff in the RP buff packs pertaining to leveling (Adept learner, Librarian, Doubler Etc.) Need to be a MINIMUM of 250. With current potions it is not a hard feat, or an overly expensive one, to gain almost the same or better levels from potions. So where is the incentive for guilds to put forth any effort to gain buff packs that are easily and often times trumped by potions?  There isn't any. PvP based buff packs are open to discussion since I wouldn't want to kill the higher level people in the games buff sales.

I agree, RP buff packs need to be upgraded to 250-300 to make it worthwhile. Increase the price for it, but the level of the buffs need to be increased.



     III.) This brings me to Guild Wars, which are kind of their own animal in most respects. With the removal of experience loss from open world PvP, Guild wars would take a massive hit in my system. So, to fix that issue, I again propose a NEW addition to the game......


          A.) Declaring WAR on another guild should be similar to GvG, except there are no points gained, no rewards to earn. There would be a new clickable thing on the guild management page that would enable people with the right guild permissions to declare WAR on another guild. This would have to be approved by a certain amount of members from the declaring guild, and once approved(declared), the target guild could not be attacked for a set amount of time. (let's just say 24 hours) This would give the guild that is being targeted ample time to try to resolve the issue diplomatically, in which case the declaring guild can resend the declaration, and resume game play as normal. If the declaration is not satisfied to the declaring guilds satisfaction, a WAR would ensue.


               1.) Any 2 guilds involved in a WAR, would have normal experience loss as it is now in open world PvP. Loses either incoming or outgoing would result in lost experience, ALL outgoing attacks would be bounty-able, and any bounty placed by a wartime guild would go to the WAR board. This would act just as the bounty board, but the only people allowed to accept these or hit on these would be members of the warring guilds (or allies, to be discussed). Experience loss would be the 5 levels of max bounties now, and like the bounty board idea in this thread, the time limit, would be the same on the WAR board.


               2.) Any one guild can only be involved in "1" war at any given time. So if a guild is at war with another guild, a guild outside that war CAN NOT declare war against either one of those guilds. Guilds at war can bring in allies, but only on the occasion that the guild they are at war with can bring in the same amount of allies. So, if guild A wants to bring in guild A-1, guild B can bring in guild B-1 and so forth. 


               3.) Guild wars are won only by the submission of one of the major guilds involved in the war. Allies can not submit to end a war, only the declaring or declared guilds may submit to end a guild war. Once submitted, the guilds involved can not have any DIRECT interaction, accept through guild diplomats which would be made a guild permission. Essentially, those 2 guilds would go on "cool down" similar to titans for guilds who secure a titan.


          B.) End of war, as i don't really know what to call it at this time, would ensue. During the "cool down" after a guild war, only diplomats would be able to speak between guilds. This would limit the amount of trash talking between players that tends to happen these days, and would also allow those deemed to be level headed to work out issues between guilds. A guild would have to lose an "X" amount of experience (combined) before a submission and End of war could ensue, this would keep guilds from just submitting to ensure they didn't lose any experience during the exchange. The lost experience would count as a deficit the same as a leaving player would so that experience would have to be made back before the guilds could progress on the guild experience ladder.

This idea is probably the dumbest thing I have heard today. This would change nothing in the game and just create a work overload for the Cows.

#11 paingwin



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 04:19


PvP will not change, it was designed so that there would be xp loss and gold loss. If you don't want any xp loss from PvP attacks, buy PvP Protection.
I agree, bounties should not be expired. But the guaranteed level loss and the normal 10 hits not in effect anymore, the BHing would soon be dead.
I agree, RP buff packs need to be upgraded to 250-300 to make it worthwhile. Increase the price for it, but the level of the buffs need to be increased.
This idea is probably the dumbest thing I have heard today. This would change nothing in the game and just create a work overload for the Cows.


Well, gomezkilla, I must say you don't know me well. First off, I am not afraid of experience loss due to PvP attacks. I have more than likely lost more levels in this game than you have gained, through wars, delevelings, friendly exchanges, old school bounty hunting (when experience loss went both ways), ladder play, boredom, and so on. Secondly, there was no need for insults of any kind to be thrown out for any reason. Best to just keep those comments to yourself, because quite frankly, I could care less what sounds dumb to you. Bring a better plan to the table, then throw your insults. Until then i would appreciate a general respect, because i have done nothing to illicit disrespect from you in any way.

#12 paingwin



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 08:23

I believe the xp loss in PvP came from Gothador. Gothador had deleveling on a massive scale, and still does ("... on a dark night the clouds part ..." or something). Deleveling is sort of a cow signature. Changing this could be a problem.

As for bounty, keep bounty for PvP ladder but limit bounty takers to only two to a guild, maybe? OP's explanation explains a need. However, it is still PvP.

And yes, bounty tickets in gold would help. Sell them 10 tickets at a time so a leveler could put a bounty up.

What would be defense gear? (People differ) High defense and Armor only? Or include PvP enhancements? First Strike? Or enhancements that are useful to both PvP and levelers? Dodge?

[Further comments about PvPers censored and not apply to current/former Guildmates, Heroes for Hire, and FS Friends.]

I disagree, bounties for ladder hits are not needed in anyway. The bounty board was meant as a punishment for unwarranted PvP hits. The ladder is OPT-IN, meaning those that play the ladder KNOW they will get hit. They should not be able to bounty a hit they knew was going to happen.


There are already bounty tickets to be bought with gold, but they need to remove the FSP upgrade to make it a worthwhile gold sink.


Defense gear IMO is defense and damage based gear, armor gear IMO is attack and armor. Just to clarify. (Enhancements should reflect the gear, reinforced armor for armor based gear, piercing strike for defense based gear. Just a few examples)

#13 paingwin



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 08:35

I would limit the number of guild mates that can enter a pvp ladder to 2. I would remove bountying on the pvp ladder, since you both came there to dance and hit hard (or should be). 


I would remove the multi-posting for BB IF AND ONLY IF XP loss was completely removed from regular pvping. I wouldn't remove xp loss from the BB, cause some players like to go back down for pvp reasons and for EOC XP farming. 


I would keep the 7 day or 14 day pvp protection for new players cause they need to get a handle on stuff before being hit hard. 


As for increasing thievery / master thief rates, a small increase would be good. If you increase it too high, then potion makers are going to leave in droves. 


REMOVED XP protection upgrade (no longer needed if there is no xp loss in regular combat). 


I completely agree with the OP in regards to the pvp ladder and pvp ladder potions. let's get it done.

Well, in a perfect world i would say that guild mates should be able to hit each other on the ladder. Sadly, we don't live in a perfect world and people would manipulate that system for their own personal gain. IMO, I would say that a limitation to guild members on the same ladder bracket would be fine. 


The whole point of my post was the removal of experience loss in open world PvP, so that would make multi-posting bounties nowhere near needed. I NEVER mentioned removal of experience loss on the BB. The bounty board was meant as punishment and should be kept as such.


New players should be kept under TOTAL PvP protection (PvP AND GvG) until they hit the level range of the first PvP ladder. This will give new members to the game a decent amount of time to get accustomed to the game mechanics before thrown into the fray.


Yes, PvP protection would no longer be needed under my idea (which can evolve with input from players and COWS). Hence no cost to new players or low level players to protect precious experience which will get them started in the game.

#14 shindrak



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 09:22

I'm just interested to see a big change in PvP ladder.. I suggested this before but not sure if anyone like it


Change PvP ladder to tournaments like "pvp arena"


1. Entry fee cost "Stamina" and there will be different tourney's entry fee (10-100 stam entry fee) 1 pvp rating reward 10 stam along to 10 pvp ratings rewards from 100 stam tourney's.


2. Losing XP through losing in tournament depends on what tourney's stam cost you joined.


3. No arena moves but buffs are allowed to use.


4. Tournaments will be 2 mans only.



Could make 8 mans tourney with special reward like potion or something



*Note* Smasher medal wont work on this neither can bounty who join this.

#15 Anemie



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 10:42

I'm just interested to see a big change in PvP ladder.. I suggested this before but not sure if anyone like it


Change PvP ladder to tournaments like "pvp arena"


1. Entry fee cost "Stamina" and there will be different tourney's entry fee (10-100 stam entry fee) 1 pvp rating reward 10 stam along to 10 pvp ratings rewards from 100 stam tourney's.


2. Losing XP through losing in tournament depends on what tourney's stam cost you joined.


3. No arena moves but buffs are allowed to use.


4. Tournaments will be 2 mans only.



Could make 8 mans tourney with special reward like potion or something



*Note* Smasher medal wont work on this neither can bounty who join this.

 Would tournaments be gear or level based...?

 What about LvL up points(if tournaments are gear based)?


 It actually does sound better than the current ladder...like an "active" arena(though,everything is better than the current  ladder).


 And yeap,XP loss should stay...it is a part of PvP in this game and it should never be removed from PvP.

#16 shindrak



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 11:53

Would tournaments be gear or level based...?
What about LvL up points(if tournaments are gear based)?

That is something for other players to discuss about :)
I think better make it based "Virtual level" ie tournament for players level 1000-1100... just like current pvp ladder brackets..Can't join tourney if your level wasn't in range

#17 Maehdros



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 15:01

 Do NOT change the ladder in any way  to be similar to the arena. It's a separate aspect.  Buffs, hourly attacks, xp loss, gold loss, bounties. Leave it alone.


Guaranteed level loss on the board? Err, No, sorry. The board is a tool for punishment. If effort is not put forth by those who were offended or *wronged* , then well thats just too bad. Teamwork people. Having the game mechanics do something for you is lazy.  Forcing 100 stam hits (  thats how I see it) wont ever end well.  You'll see anyone touching a bounty deleveled. 




I like the idea of *declaring war* I however don't like the idea of a separate bounty board, or only being able to hit in one war / declare one war at one time. It's my stam, If I feel like hitting 20 bounties on various people who offended me, or a friend, I should be able to use my stam/ fsp ( to buy stam)  as I wish.



The whole idea of removing xp loss from normal pvp, yet leaving it on the board with the above mentioned *mandatory* 3 level loss, is crazy. Sorry if I seem to be flaming or rude, but well, that's the first word that popped into my head. Again, no offense, but thats my honest opinion. If someone wishes to avoid xp loss there are many options, and/ or ways to deter attacks. Stop nerfing the game before theres not a single soul left.



There should only be 1 bountyboard. I don't see an issue with expiring bounties. 

#18 gomezkilla



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 18:49

Well, gomezkilla, I must say you don't know me well. First off, I am not afraid of experience loss due to PvP attacks. I have more than likely lost more levels in this game than you have gained, through wars, delevelings, friendly exchanges, old school bounty hunting (when experience loss went both ways), ladder play, boredom, and so on. Secondly, there was no need for insults of any kind to be thrown out for any reason. Best to just keep those comments to yourself, because quite frankly, I could care less what sounds dumb to you. Bring a better plan to the table, then throw your insults. Until then i would appreciate a general respect, because i have done nothing to illicit disrespect from you in any way.

Would you rather have me hide my "insults" in terms that aren't obvious? I am stating the obvious to you from my perspective. When I said "you", I meant it as a more general term for anyone that reads it. 

Bringing the wars between guilds would only hurt the game by adding more to it with possible lag which no one likes. Your "war" between two guilds, is just GvGing spoken in different terms and with no benefit to either guild. If I wanted to start a war with a guild right now, I probably could and it would go just how you described it, without having to push any buttons and signing whatever contract that I want to start a war.


I know everything that I want to know about you. You are a bored PvPer with some new ideas for the game.


If you want my ideas out there, here they are:

- throw some incentive for the PvPers to start playing again

     ~ a weekend of increased gold stolen or xp stolen

     ~ (place other ideas here)

- No time limit on the BB wouldn't hurt, but its also not necessary if players are doing the bounties.

- GvGing could use a couple more rewards with a possible increase in the buff pack levels.

- You want a war, just start one like the one we had last fall or whenever it happened. There was no need for something to be added to the game when it went along smoothly.

#19 paingwin



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Posted 26 April 2013 - 04:46

 Do NOT change the ladder in any way  to be similar to the arena. It's a separate aspect.  Buffs, hourly attacks, xp loss, gold loss, bounties. Leave it alone.


Guaranteed level loss on the board? Err, No, sorry. The board is a tool for punishment. If effort is not put forth by those who were offended or *wronged* , then well thats just too bad. Teamwork people. Having the game mechanics do something for you is lazy.  Forcing 100 stam hits (  thats how I see it) wont ever end well.  You'll see anyone touching a bounty deleveled. 




I like the idea of *declaring war* I however don't like the idea of a separate bounty board, or only being able to hit in one war / declare one war at one time. It's my stam, If I feel like hitting 20 bounties on various people who offended me, or a friend, I should be able to use my stam/ fsp ( to buy stam)  as I wish.



The whole idea of removing xp loss from normal pvp, yet leaving it on the board with the above mentioned *mandatory* 3 level loss, is crazy. Sorry if I seem to be flaming or rude, but well, that's the first word that popped into my head. Again, no offense, but thats my honest opinion. If someone wishes to avoid xp loss there are many options, and/ or ways to deter attacks. Stop nerfing the game before theres not a single soul left.



There should only be 1 bountyboard. I don't see an issue with expiring bounties. 

Maeh, your a good friend, and you know i love yah, but has anyone told you lately you can be as stubborn as a mule? LMAO


     The bounties on the ladder need to go, in my honest opinion, unless they are only able to be accepted by ladder players in that range. The ability for a ladder player to bounty a competitor and have their guild smash them is plain bullying in it's simplest form. Some may even compare it to the actions of a street gang. "I can't handle this guy alone, HOMIES UNITE!" The ladder was meant to be Player Vs. Player, not Player Vs. Guild. 


     As for the bounty board, those were just ideas thrown together (much as the rest of this thread) to get people talking. You should know I don't FEEL this way about PvP in the game, but I am so tired of the biggest issue in this community. STUBBORNESS....... The big advocates for each of the 2 player style camps (PvP and Leveling) are so set in their ways that you can't hope to find a middle ground. I truly feel sorry for those players that are pretty much indifferent in opinions because they have to sit and listen to the bickering between everyone. But, back on topic, most every pvp player will say the bounty board works fine if you use it correctly (this is also my opinion, effort in-effort out) but levelers for the most part believe it to be broken. PvP players have their friends clear and split the rewards, they get soft clears ALWAYS, and so on. So i say there is no wrong in trying to seek out some form of middle ground in everything.


     As for the bit about removing experience loss from open world PvP, I said this in my OP. The game of Fallensword has evolved far past what anyone thought it would, but not only has the game evolved, but the community has evolved as well. This game used to be populated with "lifers", people who put hours upon hours of time on the game. People who spent paychecks on this game lol, but that isn't the case anymore. That core population of lifers is still there but the mass of the population anymore is nothing but the casual player. People who hop on once a week to hunt, titan hunt, SE hunt, whatever the case may be. If you truely want a more active game then you need to figure out a way to bring those people on more often period. Maybe, just maybe the ability to attack each other without worries of delevelment might spark that interest. Maybe, just maybe a resetting, and meaning GvG ladder will get people involved again. Maybe just maybe a revamped ladder will keep people from wandering off to look for greener grass in other fields. I'm just saying what could it hurt to try to play as a community and stop being 2 separate communities within the same game???

#20 michael65



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Posted 27 April 2013 - 01:50

Don't apologize op, your suggestions are valuable. I hope something comes of them. I just worry your ideas are dependent on xp loss leaving PvP.

+1 for your effort

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