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The Leaf of Antagorriel

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#1 fs_chadyn

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Posted 12 August 2011 - 15:25

I wrote this story in one other game last year, and i thought i'd post it here as well, since i looooove RPing :)

I do hope that you gonna like it too, and if the "critics" are successful, i will continue to expand it over time :P



I am Chadyn Starscream, an elf born in the distant realm of Enroth. I am the son of the great Guildmaster Chade, the founder and leader of the Guild of The Fallen - A unity formed by the elves, banished from the lands of the humans after the Comenius War.
A war for the ownership of a powerful artifact called the Leaf of Antagorriel. A magically enhanced leaf, rumored to be blessed by the Creator himself, for it is believed that a part of the soul, heart and mind of the Creator are bind to the artifact, making it an extremely powerful tool. Its full power is not known to the simple minds. Some believed that it was created to bestow the balance of the universe. To give life to the true souls and take one from the filled ones. It is not known how, but that Leaf was entrusted to the elves of the Crimson Forest to be kept safe and hidden - away from unenlightened hands or greedy minds. Unfortunately news of its existence reached King Comenius, the king of the humans. He believed that if he obtains the Leaf, he could wield its powers to unite all creatures under his banner, and create a world harmony. The King's noble motives, were the beginning of the doom of the realm of Enroth! There were those who united their forces with the King, everyone for their different purposes, but united nevertheless. The king managed to convince the Sazul'her kingdom - a nomad tribes from the far north, gifted with extremely hard skin, and a lot of stamina; he traveled to the Muthiriel Mountains and convinced the dwarfs to join with him. Even the peaceful people of the Halflings from Skatterpog decided to pledge their loyalty to the King. And there were those, who sought reason and balance more than they sought to complete their own agendas. For them, the balance of nature and universe was with greater meaning than anything else. The matter of the balance was so important that the forest trolls, never interfering with the outer world's dealings ever before, came out of their kingdom, deep inside the forests where no man has ever ventured into, and offered their allegiance to Lord Chade, for the sake of keeping the artifact hidden and safe.
For 21 years, the alliance of elves and trolls managed to hold back the numerous attacks of King Comenius. After losing both of his sons in the battle, and himself severely damaged in the process, it became obvious to the human King that he will never be able to achieve what he set out to do. The Leaf of Antagorriel will never be in his possession. On his dying bed, controlled by his heart, and filled with newly found hatred for the elves, he made law banishing all elves from the human lands, and forbidding them to come back ever again.
On the other side of the battlefield, Lord Chade, the leader of the elves formed a Guild for all the creatures that have fallen with the humans. He called it The Guild Of The Fallen and assumed the title of Guildmaster. At that point I was old and skillful enough for my father to make me the Protector of the Leaf, and entrust it to me. And so the existence of the Guild began!
For two thousand and five hundred years all was quiet and everybody was living their lives in a way that it was all balanced. The Guild has expanded, so was the Crimson Forest. Many more trees were seeded and taken care of, many rivers were cleansed and now the pure waters were flowing through the forest like a blood vessel in a creature's body. The grass and the plants were growing smoothly, undisturbed by the human axes and steps like it was before the Comenius War. My father, Guildmaster Chade was ruling the Forests from his magnificent castle. I was protecting the Leaf from the Temple of the Leaf. A temple built by my archmages, and covered with elvish magic, to put invisible barriers to all unworthy creatures. All life was flowing quietly and peacefully. All of us unaware of the disasters we were about to witness. Disasters which destroyed the whole realm of Enroth.
One day I was meditating in the Temple Gardens, next to the river that was flowing through it, when i heard a desperate coughing and calls for help. I hurried to the bank of the river, and there I saw her - Kayleena. The most beautiful creature one can imagine, slowly drowning in the endless depths of the river. Her cries almost muted by the water that was engulfing her. Without much consideration i jumped in the waters, speaking to the river in the Forest tongue, asking it to spare the life of the woman. I managed to drag her out just in time...couple of more seconds and she might have perished in the waters.
It is believed that out of all the weapons ever forged there is one that can penetrate even the thickest armor of the warrior. Love! For it was the main reason of my downfall and the doom of our realm! Kayleena managed to heal under my close supervision and the help of my temple healers. She had little memory of the incident that found her drowning. She had separate visions of distant memories, but nothing that could help me determine where was she coming from or who was she. She looked like a human in body, but she was immortal and wise like all of us, the elves. One day the council of the Guild of The Fallen gathered. My father, myself and the other ten members gathered and we started to discuss is Kayleena a potential threat to us, or was she some sort of spy to try to find the whereabouts of the Leaf. At the end of the gathering we decided that we had way too little information on her. For now, my father decided, we will closely watch her, and make sure that every move she makes will be observed by a trusted person.
The days become months, the months became years, the years became decades, and then centuries. The harmony continued to exist in our lands. I was spending the days with Kayleena, telling her the story of our people, teaching her the way of the Forest. It was not many decades after that, and we became much closer than I intended at first. Before i even realized she was dearer to me than everything i lived for for the last four thousands years. I decided to explain to her what is my true purpose, I explained to her that I am the Protector of the Leaf of Antagorriel. Kayleena seemed more and more agitated to learn more about the Leaf. With every little information that my stupidity let away, she was becoming more and more certain of something....something which i failed to notice until it was way too late!
One day I was awoken by a terrible scream that came from the Leaf's Chamber. I gathered my two most powerful archmages and we hurried to the chamber to find the Ever Closed Door wide open and the Leaf's pedestal - empty. A surge of fear and failure obsessed me. Kayleena was nowhere to be found. A panic feeling slowly started to creep at the back of my mind! I found my father, and I have explained to him what happened. I was really surprised when instead of the fury I expected from the Guildmaster, all I heard him saying was that it was meant to be this way, and he has for seen our doom.
The days started to grow shorter and shorter. Many trees and plants started to die within the Crimson Forest. Many of my fellow elves became mortals and died. Word reached us that the human lands to the north were
destroyed and everybody that was dwelling in those lands died. There was a dark army marching towards the Crimson Forest and the Guild. An army so evil that the more it killed, the stronger it became. It was guided by a
powerful empress which they said was more beautiful than the Moon itself. I didn't need anyone to tell me who this empress was. I already knew! It was Kayleena!
The war lasted only three days. Kayleena's army was filled with blackness and shadow. There were undead creatures everywhere. I even managed to recognize the once powerful King Comenius, now a Dread Lord in Kayleena's army. The Crimson Forest was burnt, the Temple destroyed and the only thing that was remaining was the castle of my father, where Kayleena managed to infiltrate and kill everyone. It was me chained to the wall in the throne room, when i saw how brutally and without any remorse, Kayleena killed my father, the Great Guildmaster Chade, and using the Leaf, transformed him into something terrible. She looked at me then. I didn't feel rage just yet, i didn't even feel sorrow. My mind was filled with only one question by looking at her...Why?! Why she did this? Who was she actually? I could not answer those questions, because what i saw next amazed me more than anything else i have ever witnessed. She held the leaf close to her chest and spoke several words in a tongue i did not understand. The air around her started to slowly form a pattern and to get thicker and thicker until it shaped as a big elipse. The middle of that elipse then started to pull away in the opposite direction to reveal another land - a land covered in darkness with a lot of undead creatures and shades were roaming free. I then realized that this was one of the forbidden portals - Gates to another realms, which were forbidden to use by my father. Kayleena had a grin on her face, and turned around to face her newly created Dread Lord - the deceased Guildmaster Chade. The creature understood what she said to him, and turned to face me. The Empress then stepped into the portal and disappeared. The portal started slowly to disappear, leaving me chained to the wall, to be killed and transformed to an undead creature by my own father. With my last powers i called the ancestor spirits to help me free myself. The chains fell to the ground and i jumped on a side just before the Guildmaster landed his sword in the place where i was sitting a moment ago. I looked at the creature, hoping that i will still catch the flame of my father's soul. I saw nothing but emptiness. I turned my attention towards the closing portal, which was moments away to fully close itself and disappear. I reacted impulsively, and jumped into it. The last thoughts that came to my mind before i disappeared into the nothingness was that i will make the one responsible for the destruction of Enroth pay dearly.


I opened my eyes, and there was light...an immense light. It took me a while before i realize that i am lying in the snow and the sun was very bright, but cold. I slowly rised and I have looked around. I was in a mountain path, as large as a whole city, and in the distance i have noticed a cabin. I made my way there, hoping that i will find someone to ask where i was, or what sort of place this "where" was. Making my way towards the cabin I also realized that my magical powers have left me, and the only elvish i had left was the immortality and the memories! Memories filled with sorrow and pain! Memories of her - Kayleena....the one that I loved more than anything and the one i am looking for. By thinking about her, rage filled my existence and i remembered my promise - she will pay for all!
I reached the cabin, and entered! There were people inside. Some were humans, some were different creatures I have never encountered. They all looked at me, and carried on with their doings without giving me much consideration. I thought that this could play to my advantage. If they do not find me strange, that means that they have seen others like me. And in order for me to carry on with my plan, i had to remain out of any suspicion. I looked around and made my way to what i thought was the owner. After a little chat I found out that I am currently in an island called Krul Island, within the Realm of the Fallen Sword. The human was good enough to me to provide me with a map of the realm, and a little information about it. But where to go from here or how can i exist in a land of which I have no knowledge of? And then it became clear to me that I have to forget who i was, and start my life from scratch, learn everything from the beginning. This was a comforting thought. After all i was still immortal and i could wait an eternity, but at the end, I would find Kayleena...
With these thoughts in my head, i started to gather supplies for my long journey ahead...Because a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step!

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