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Member Since 24 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 09 2014 06:02

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Donation containers

03 July 2014 - 14:38

Hello everyone, just wanted to ask is there a particular month/general timing when donation of $60 above will reward with containers. ( Excluding christmas timing )




Just my 2cent

24 June 2014 - 15:30

Hello everyone,

I would first like to say that i enjoy playing FS a lot and spent some money into the game to enhance my gameplay experience.


I do know that stamina and stamina gain is a touchy issue to speak upon but its just what i feel, many may disagree and the post might be removed for its content.


Fist of all, i feel that the cost of upgrade to maximum stamina cost is very nice as it lets a lot of players to slowly but surely upgrade themselves so that they can do more in game. It is not too costly and offers great reward in return.


The problem is when a player reaches high stamina. For myself, I am sitting at 12,000+ max stamina with maxed stamina gain per hour. on average with guild +15 stamina.( Without epics to increase stam gain )

It is 92 stamina per hour. A full day would net me 92 x 24= 2208 stamina a day.

As such it would require almost a weeks time to recover my stamina before i can fully go for a full hunt.

I do know that there are some players that do not just hunt when they are at full stamina but mostly does because its the optimum time.


High level players or players that spend much money on improving their character are the ones that waits weeks or months before finally being able to hunt fully.

Though i know that it is to prevent players to become too powerful, i feel that stamina gain should be changed..


At the current cost of upgrade 25 FSP for 1 stamina gain per hour, the cost is too high and benefit seems too little from my view.

A full additional 25 stam gain per hour would (25 x 25) = 625 FSP which is around USD 90+


I feel that stamina gain per hour should be increased to 4/hr instead of 1/hr.

A full upgrade at 4/hr will net = (25 x 4)+50(base)+15(Guild)= 165

With the best epics in game = 165+5(Mask of Terror)+3(Dragon Draped Breastplate)+4(Roach Rune of Epidemicus)+6(Choker of Time)+2(Any epic glove)+3(Dragon Draped Sabatons)+4(Nutcrackers Walnut Ring)+4(Krakadon Tooth harpoon)+3(Elemental Shields)



Do note that the item i listed are mostly expensive and high level content items not easily accessible to normal players without already investing huge amount of money into the game to obtain the items or level required.


Lets say Player A has 100,000 stam, max stam gain in new scenario with the epics i have listed above.

100,000/193= 518hr ( Runned down)

518/24= 21days (Runned down)


In current scenario

100,000/124=806( Runned down)

806/24=33 days (Runned down)


Player B has 10,000 stam with maxed stam gain.(with epics not over lvl 500=18/hr)

10,000/183=54 hrs( Run down)

54/24= 2 days (Run down)


Player B in current scenario

10,000/108=92 hrs (Run Down)

92/24= 3.85 days(Exact)


Player C 1000 stam with maxed stam gain[Although its unlike].( epics not over lvl 200=16/hr)

1000/181=6 hours (Round up)


Player C in current scenario without max stam gain but with epics not over lvl 200



If stam gain was improved, majority of the players would benefit from it and thus more income for HCS. More people hopefully new players will opt to purchase upgrade for faster and better gameplay.


Older/Higher level players eperience a 30+% less time in waiting, Medium level players also recieves 30-40% less time waiting, only in special cases where new players gets maxed stam upgrade with low maximum stam will recieve the most down time of hunting.


As we all know that the first 100 level or so is a breeze with no upgrades at all, but we also know that within the first 100 level or so a player will not be able to easily built up funds to gear and upgrade themselves.




This is just my 2cent on how i feel about the stam gain upgrades not the base stam gain.

I do not know if this has been suggested before or not and if i break any rules i am truly sorry.


If it does not break any rules, please discuss and state your feelings.


I hope that FS will continue to provide its game service for many years and more new players will join us.


Again this is just my view and suggestion.


Thank you for your time in viewing this thread.


*calculation wrong on total cost of upgrade for full 25/25 stam gain.

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