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Flexible Level Up Points (LUP).

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#1 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 01 October 2015 - 06:29

This is the updated idea of Flexible LUP, I've edited this post.

Create LUP Setups.

Each player will have the 'Default LUP Setup', the one you alread have, and will receive 1 LUP Setup blank.

Add 1 LUP Setup on Gold Upgrades for 2.000.000 Gold.
Add 2 LUP Setup on FSP Upgrades for 50 FSPs.

The VL and the Skill Points will be given based on the LUP you applied on the 'Default LUP Setup', and you will receive LUP to apply on the extra LUP Setups only after you applied the LUP on the Default Setup.

To apply the LUP on the extra Setups you just need to change the setup and apply it, just like you do now.


That would allow you to play with some more buffs and setups, and I think that can add extra challenge on PvP.

Edited by yghorbeviahn, 09 October 2015 - 06:32.

#2 tharzill



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Posted 01 October 2015 - 06:41

That would take away some of HCS's cash flow. As it is now you have to use FSP to change your LUP (or wait for a free reset).  Of course a player can earn the FSP in game to purchase the reset, but it isn't that easy for everyone to do. Seems to me the easiest way is to buy them. Thus adding cash flow to the game. Just my 2 cents!

#3 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 01 October 2015 - 06:44

I just don't see anyone really doing the reset thing anyway, I think HCS can check their numbers if they got any information about this.

But in 7 years playing this game, I only heard about 2 people who really did the reset, and was for fun, not for playing.

Edited by yghorbeviahn, 01 October 2015 - 06:45.

#4 WhoToldYouSo


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 06:58

I think it could work quite well.


If you look at the options it would make for dancing in PvP it could breath some life into PvP.

~ I don't know if anyone really buy this "Player Reset" upgrade but afterall HCS could just make it an upgrade 'Flexible LUP' 50 FSPs or so, and then you would be able to do it for ever? that wouldn't hurt the income in my point of view as it would be highly desired by most players?

#5 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 01 October 2015 - 07:01

My idea is to be able to change your LUP in the middle of a Bounty Attack, change again to defend a Relic, again to hunt, again to kill a Titan, and so on...But lets see where the idea goes.

#6 Pardoux



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Posted 01 October 2015 - 11:17

The best suggestion made regarding this was, I think, the one that said the following.


Have a L.U.P. "combat set", in essence - or two extra at a maximum.


The first  would cost around the 50 fsp and the 2nd, around the 100 fsp mark (adjustable by the cows, of course), but you could then allocate your LUP's in 2 or 3 different ways.


They would have to figure out a way to address skill points too, of course, but that could be tied into the LUP "combat set", resetting them (so you have to reallocate them each time you switch sets) ?

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


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#7 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 01 October 2015 - 21:56

The best suggestion made regarding this was, I think, the one that said the following.


Have a L.U.P. "combat set", in essence - or two extra at a maximum.


The first  would cost around the 50 fsp and the 2nd, around the 100 fsp mark (adjustable by the cows, of course), but you could then allocate your LUP's in 2 or 3 different ways.


They would have to figure out a way to address skill points too, of course, but that could be tied into the LUP "combat set", resetting them (so you have to reallocate them each time you switch sets) ?

I like that too, and I think that would work better.

#8 Kedyn



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Posted 01 October 2015 - 23:53

I've reset my LUP a few different times, but was a while ago. Now a days, it doesn't necessarily matter what your LUP points are anymore based on most of the buffs available. Back before there were the set buffs, it feels like they made a much larger difference.


Par's suggestion could be cool, depending on if there is a "reset" timer between the use of LUP.


Another idea is to allow a 30 day or 60 day cooldown on a free reset of LUP.

#9 Joshrocs



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Posted 02 October 2015 - 01:05


#10 sweetlou



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Posted 02 October 2015 - 05:18

The level up point reset has always been an outrageous cost associated with your character. The high cost protected players from cavalierly resetting their VL, and frankly I think screw new players who had no clue what they were doing out of the gate. I would prefer doing away with the VL and using this idea of allowing players to utilize the skill points they have earned in whatever way they wanted whenever they wanted. I think it would bring a wonderful new dynamic. Good luck convincing Hoof!

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#11 Undjuvion



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Posted 02 October 2015 - 05:26

The level up point reset has always been an outrageous cost associated with your character. The high cost protected players from cavalierly resetting their VL, and frankly I think screw new players who had no clue what they were doing out of the gate. I would prefer doing away with the VL and using this idea of allowing players to utilize the skill points they have earned in whatever way they wanted whenever they wanted. I think it would bring a wonderful new dynamic. Good luck convincing Hoof!


it is an idea, it would get WAY more utilization and sink WAY more fsp if lowered to considerably lower like 5 or 10 fsp even if price of some description was held.

#12 sweetlou



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Posted 02 October 2015 - 05:50

it is an idea, it would get WAY more utilization and sink WAY more fsp if lowered to considerably lower like 5 or 10 fsp even if price of some description was held.

The most evil part of the Level Up/Skill Character reset is that it's cost rises every time you use it. Yghor's idea flips the horrible upgrade on it's head in a positive and creative way that would make the game much more fun. The devs should sometimes concentrate on that premise and revenue sources will arise from areas not previously expected. I promise, a fun game will always make money. Precedence already exists. The +1% upgrade toward the next level was thought to be a source of revenue at EOC so people would race to the #1 xp spot. INSTEAD, since the upgrade was capped at EOC, players spend HEAPS more buying the current stam upgrade.

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#13 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 02 October 2015 - 06:39

I've a different proposal that might work for every sides of the game and developers, if that gets enough approval we can fix/tweak the idea and I'll edit the first post.


- Keep the Player Reset upgrade at 150FSPs.
That would reset all your LUP, VL and Skill Points, just like now.

- Add "LUP Setups".
You'll keep the default you already have, and will receive 1 'Extra LUP Setup', blank, you can customize the way you want.

- Add "+1 LUP Setup" on FSP Upgrade page, limit of 3.
Maybe also add on Gold Upgrade page, limit of 1)
The FSP cost of each new LUP Setup could be like 25~50 FSPs.

- Add "Reset Single LUP Setup" on FSP Upgrade Page.
- Add "Reset All LUP Setups" on FSP Upgrade Page.


Now explaining how that would work:

The Skill Points and Buffs would be based on your 'Default LUP Setup', doesn't matter how much LUP you've allocated on the others LUP Setups, they'll have no effect on Buffs.

Everytime you gain a level, you'll receive 2 LUP to allocate on EACH LUP Setup, and will need to change LUP Setups to allocate then.

The change window would be on "Character>Attributes", inside that we would see a tab just like the Combat Sets, where you would be able to nominate then, Save and Apply the Setup, everytime you want to change it, you'll need to go to that page.


I believe that's it, can't find much flaws on that system, and should work pretty well.

#14 Mister Doom

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Posted 02 October 2015 - 06:44

The level up point reset has always been an outrageous cost associated with your character. The high cost protected players from cavalierly resetting their VL, and frankly I think screw new players who had no clue what they were doing out of the gate. I would prefer doing away with the VL and using this idea of allowing players to utilize the skill points they have earned in whatever way they wanted whenever they wanted. I think it would bring a wonderful new dynamic. Good luck convincing Hoof!


I fully agree with this sentiment, I've honestly often wondered what good the VL does for this game.


#15 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 02 October 2015 - 06:47

I fully agree with this sentiment, I've honestly often wondered what good the VL does for this game.

I think they are here just to take care of our buffs and Ladder.
Like, if you're AL 700 but VL 1600, you'll still be able to join the 1600 Ladder and cast Armor Boost.

It's a good idea for coding, but I don't think it's good for playing with, maybe HCS could create a new structure for it.

#16 Mister Doom

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Posted 02 October 2015 - 06:55

Yeah that doesn't make any sense to me, at all.


If you are AL 700 then you shouldn't have access to buffs/realms that are higher than this, regardless of your VL.


Simply because you aren't that level any longer, you've lost levels and are now lower. Personally I think we should have to regain our previous standing to have access to the benefits that accompany it.


#17 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 02 October 2015 - 06:59

Yeah that doesn't make any sense to me, at all.


If you are AL 700 then you shouldn't have access to buffs/realms that are higher than this, regardless of your VL.


Simply because you aren't that level any longer, you've lost levels and are now lower. Personally I think we should have to regain our previous standing to have access to the benefits that accompany it.

Agree...But what would happen with the buffs we already allocated Skill Points?
Like a player AL 1550, VL 1650 with Armor Boost?

The Skill Points stay there but you can't use the buff?
Well...I think that sounds fair enough to me.

#18 Mister Doom

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Posted 02 October 2015 - 07:01

That's exactly as I see it yghorbb, they should simply be 'greyed out' until we reacquire the levels that the buff requires. Makes a lot more sense to me than how it currently works.


#19 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 02 October 2015 - 07:05

That's exactly as I see it yghorbb, they should simply be 'greyed out' until we reacquire the levels that the buff requires. Makes a lot more sense to me than how it currently works.

But I still think the VL should stay, but doing nothing, VL would not do nothing for you, will just be there to say "You already reached level X, and you'll receive no LUP or Skill Points until pass that level again".

Without that mark we could be deleved and regain levels to acquire free LUP and Skill Points.

#20 Mister Doom

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Posted 02 October 2015 - 07:09

Indeed, whether it be a hidden stat that the game just remembers for you or something that is visible on your profile.


I don't suppose it matters much either way, but a level you 'used to be' shouldn't have any affect on what you're able to do currently, if you've lost those levels.


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