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Member Since 05 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 26 2014 22:41

#862547 My suggestion on reviving the Arena

Posted by morderme on 13 April 2014 - 19:43

Add/put a time limit on each tournament.  Encourage early sign ups for each tournament.


Each tournament would have a time limit to join.  Once the clock winds down, the tournament is closed to any additional players. 


This is how it could work...


4-man tournament.  First one in gets a bye if only 3 players have signed up by the time the entry time has expired.

8-man tournament.  If less than 8 sign up, the last few to join are dropped until the number is 4.  those that are dropped, are given refunds of their fees just as losing bidders receive their gold back in the AH.

12-man tournament.  If less than 12 sign up, the last to join are dropped and receive refunds of their tournament fees. If less than 8 join, the odd men out are dropped as (above).  Otherwise, in a twelve-man tournament, the first 4 to sign up get a 1st round bye.

16-man tournament.  Follow as described above -- if less than 16 sign up, drop the last to join, and the tournament becomes a 12-man tournament, etc.




That's my suggestion.


Oh yeah, add more and new items, too!

#858734 Zombie Yeoman Global Event

Posted by morderme on 30 March 2014 - 15:50

Any and all the Global Events are great!  However, (yes, here's the "but"...), having this GE follow on the heels of the Springtime event, I am sure has players starting a low stam.  Even if you were to buy stam from the Upgrades, you would need much more in FSPs than the average player has or I am sure, is willing or able to buy.  So for that, I am disappointed about the timing of the GE... Still got my kills in, but I am hoping for 4th tier topping out.  Looking at the count so far, looks like we'll clear 3rd tier for sure, anything more remains doubtful.  FS Community, prove me wrong!   :ph34r:

#858228 Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

Posted by morderme on 27 March 2014 - 20:18

I know that I stopped taking bounties as soon as the 100 stams came into play for the Smasher Medal  I would bet many others did the same.

#858206 Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

Posted by morderme on 27 March 2014 - 19:11

I like all the changes, but understand the issues surrounding "not bountying" the bounty hunter.  I am trying to wrap my head around this... for example...


1.) If BB is used to punish "someone", why then permit that "someone" to enlist friends to (by way of a counter-bounty) to hit the the bounty-hunter?

2.) Exclude bounty-hunters taking 10 stam hits from being counter-bountied - YES!


I also understand the long-standing argument that the changes to bountying and PvPing have "ruined" the game.  I also understand, though, that incessant PvPing has also ruined the game for many others, so the pendulum swings that way too on those not encouraged to play if they continue to get hit, lose gold, etc... After all, posting a bounty is a second punishment to the player who was hit.  That is, hit and lose gold and XP; place bounty -- lose more gold because of price to post bounty -- and the bountied player's friends collect on the bounty.


So, I applaud these changes and also support excluding bountying for 10 stam hits as a great idea.


That's my two cents on the topic.

#796376 JUST "a pvp game"?

Posted by morderme on 18 June 2013 - 19:04

I have a solution. Stop having millions of gold on hand. Stop running your mouth to people.


Being a pvper for most of this games life cicle, I can say for certain that almost never do you just get hit. If a pvp player targets you it is almost always for 1 of 3 reasons. Gold, you are a loud mouth, or you are in a guild with loud mouths. Stop doing those, you stop getting hit, normally.



Probably a true statement, but not entirely accurate.  That is, I have seen players hit other players continually -- personal experience on the wrong end of it -- just for being in that range level.  And until you level away, nothing you do thwarts those attacks.


I like the OPTing in to PvPing -- and I am not talking about the PvP ladder -- talking about PvPing in general.


All other aspects of "retribution" to a PvPer are not deterrents.


Bounty Board -- other than perhaps EOC players wanting to lose levels -- PvPers will enjoy the "free" deleveling; their friends will help clear the bounties, thus no real punishment there; the PvP "victim" is victimized twice -- once losing levels and gold and another time losing more gold needed to place the bounty.  And certainly, to inflict max damage, 100 stam hits are needed.  However, that puts the players clearing bounty open to further bounties, so more risk to the non-PvPer.


Tweak the "VL"...that is, when Skill points are not applied, the player's VL is not affected that much.  Instead, make it a "real" VL.  That is, whether or not the player has assigned Skill Points, the VL is always the level attained based on the experience that got the player there, not how the player has allocated (or failed to allocate) Skill Points.


Just a few of my thoughts...

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