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Member Since 09 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 06 2014 10:19

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Gathering/Crafting boredom dissolving.

24 December 2013 - 18:26

I still love this idea.  Going one step further, I'd like to see random critters spawn next to you to protect their nodes (nothing too dangerous, but not 1-hit either).  This would be a great anti-botting tool since you cannot gather while in combat.  And, if the critters drop mats, all the better. :D

That is actually a pretty good idea. Hope to see it ingame.

In Topic: Streamlining or automating farming and mining

04 December 2013 - 08:07

You could possibly use a auto clicker on the same ore vein. just set it to loop for hours, you should just mine non stop.However, this method is very bad, as its almost 3x faster to just click it by hand.


As for the botting option. Adding this will remove any challenge, the markets will be flooded with items that people are just AFK'ing non stop. No challenge there.

In Topic: Debonair Facial Hair: About the Game

09 November 2013 - 05:24

Already bought the game,


Its a must play, no brainier for the 1$ price tag. A Hilarious slew of characters and moustache styles as well as a interesting mechanic for game play. Well done devs.


Highly recommend everyone to buy it and you cant go wrong for only 1$

In Topic: Thoughts & Suggestions...

10 October 2013 - 20:15

Melee is underpowered????


I guess you haven't seen a warass taking on 10+ mobs at the same time yet.  Or as a ranger, needing his one combat potion to restore mana during a boss fight, and therefore unable to save for an emergency.  What it really comes down to, each class has some advantages and some disadvantages.


I think HCS has come fairly close to balancing the classes for PvE, while retaining a unique feel for each.  I could list a few tweaks to improve (especially ranger).  But overall I wouldn't mess with it too much, at least until we hit 50 cap and can get a clearer picture.

I see what youre saying, buts its just from point of view from a low-ish level. And yes its still very balanced overall.

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