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Member Since 04 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 01 2022 00:51

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Arena moves for real in game PvP

09 June 2014 - 18:34

How about giving everyone 1 PvP setup of arena moves for in game PvP not arena but real PvP.


The moves must be won from the real arena not the beginners, each move is  limited to 1 usage for the setup i.e. you can't have all dodge moves in this setup. You can only have X moves in the setup so only X rounds.


The attacker uses the same amount of stamina for each round i.e 100 stam attack going 4 rounds would use 400 stamina from the attacker. The attacker looses if they don't have enough stamina to go all the rounds of the combat.

Moves percentage of activating is linked to what your enhancements i.e. dodge is at 50% enhancement then the dodge move has a chance of activating 50% of the time. Many of the arena moves have links to enhancements such as piercing strike reducing armor and such. Might even consider some new moves for this idea.


This should not apply to players on the BB


Game enhancement for the arena
More people working on getting moves and both PvP players and hunters playing there


Game enhancement for levelers
The better chance that a random attack will fail if you have the moves, enhancements, gear and they are arranged in the right order.


Game enhancement for FS
Maybe just maybe you will retain more people because they can do something to effect the outcome of real PvP.


Game enhancement for PvP

The more rounds of combat chosen will increase the number of PvP Prestige and Rating points won from the combat.


I have already brought this up to HCS and was asked to post the idea in the Forums for player feedback so they did not give an out right NO to the idea.

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