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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 26 2019 13:55

#970176 Composing question?

Posted by kalish on 13 October 2016 - 01:00

As long as we're on the subject, I would like composing pots in my BP to be ordered alphabetically based on the name I give them, rather than what seems to be the case of ordered by an internal item ID number.


That and an increase to a 40-character limit on composing pot names. Some game items have names that long so it shouldn't break things.

#966333 Zombie Yeomen VII

Posted by kalish on 30 July 2016 - 00:19

We won't have any trouble reaching Ruby in this event. I will try for at least 700k kills myself.

#949831 Titan Idea

Posted by kalish on 27 September 2015 - 03:02

There is still the "problem" with Titan Doubler speeding up the drops of this new component. We'd have a bunch of those flying around and added to Epics and I do not foresee prices for the old Epics going up much with this added component onto them.


The only way I see Epics getting back some of their older values is to reduce the supply of them in the game.


Increasing demand is even better, and the best (only?) way to do that would be to increase the player base. This is almost universally accepted as a good idea, it's just convincing all of those would-be new players to get into the game!

#936711 PvP Seasons refugee camp

Posted by kalish on 19 June 2015 - 14:12

Right now if you have PvP protection, you lose it as soon as you initiate an attack. Hopefully that aspect remains. It should probably also lock your ELO rating, or reduce it to zero. Otherwise you could have some abuse where a bunch of people lose on purpose to a friend who has PvP protection, allowing them to gain an inflated rating without ever actually attacking. The random nature of the opponent selection should curb this though.


People who truly never PvP will drop to Wood league pretty quickly and if they stay there indefinitely, they shouldn't be bothered much anymore. As long as a significant ELO rating difference involves no rating transfer (on the PvP Season preview screen, PLEASE show how much rating you stand to gain or lose!), those with the lowest ratings should never be attacked at all unless it's a gold hit.

#934524 Bounty Free Publications In Bios?

Posted by kalish on 03 June 2015 - 15:14

So I get 10-stammed for prestige and choose not to bounty. This is completely rational on my part: placing a bounty costs gold/FSP and bounty tickets as well as potentially escalating a conflict that I have no interest in. Instead I eat XP loss around 1% of a level, which costs 5-10 stamina to gain back later.


I then 10-stam another player for prestige and they go through the same thought process. This is neither collusion nor cheating. It's pure self-interest and is explained by game theory.



For what it's worth, I have no problem with 100-stam attacks getting 100 prestige. I also think that prestige should be able to be used piecemeal instead of the current all-or-nothing.

#928405 Update v2.70

Posted by kalish on 13 April 2015 - 21:12

I was going to hunt a Titan....but alas there is none there whatsoever!!!...apart from the Elementals and CoG(which has been known to hang around for up to a month plus)


This is not a coincidence. With Titan Doubler being so new, lots of people will want to try it out. I think titan hunting will settle down some from this level, but it won't sink back to previous levels where some titans would sit there secured but not cleared for weeks.

#928152 Caves and Chompers!

Posted by kalish on 12 April 2015 - 22:12

New Event NEXT weekend. Said as much in the Content Roadmap.


Nice! Any chance at leaking the exact dates and times? Let me be the first to request an early Friday start (noon server time?) and/or a finish on Monday. I don't think I'll be able to participate much over the weekend.

#924586 Update v2.66

Posted by kalish on 24 March 2015 - 13:51

I've only spent about 100 stam on one map testing it out, but this change is awesome!


It should be good for everyone because movement will be faster and there will be less load on the servers.


Everyone else, please chime in. I hope it's this smooth for everyone!

#923748 Rise of the Wraiths IV (Global)

Posted by kalish on 15 March 2015 - 21:21

A guildmate recently hunted while these global critters were around and had to avoid hitting them. It is quite costly to accidentally hit a handful of global critters with Doubler on! And having to stop to see which critters are ok to hit slows things down considerably. In that vein I would like to suggest two things:
1) Add a preference to hide Global Event creatures. This is for people who are hunting during a global event.
2) Sort creatures on a square by level, either ascending (good for hitting only global event critters) or descending (good for leveling) as a player preference. The sorting right now seems to be random, the worst of both worlds.

#919934 25% Guild Rule In Arena

Posted by kalish on 16 February 2015 - 18:19

The cap was introduced because some arenas had far more lucrative prizes than others. Without the cap, a single guild could monopolize that prize and control the market by flooding that arena as soon as is opened. Cornering the market could be achieved with a minimum of expense and effort because only a small number of arenas were worth winning.


With the current token system, and if the cap were removed, the only way a guild could monopolize everything in the arena would be to flood ALL of the tournaments. No single tournament is worth more than any other, so the reason for the cap no longer applies.

#915490 Different Type of Global

Posted by kalish on 15 January 2015 - 17:55

Ah but if it's bound frag chests they're getting, then to abuse them, they would actually have to level their composing. If it's unbound Frag Chests (not gonna happen, sorry) or just basic common items, they would have to do so. 


I still think bound Frag Chests is the best bet.




If you don't do composing and don't want the global frag chests just don't participate, or participate enough to get ticks towards the medals.

#915364 Old, bound items

Posted by kalish on 15 January 2015 - 02:47

I would like to see two things in relation to this:


1) A separate backpack folder that only quest items can go in, and doesn't count towards your backpack spaces. This would eliminate the need to ever throw away quest items.


2) A shop that sells every quest item in the game given by an NPC (i.e. not those that are dropped or invented), but you can only buy each one if you have progressed to the point of the associated quest where it is given. Would also function as a small gold sink depending on the cost involved. This is quite a bit harder to code, though.

#913013 Item Breakdown

Posted by kalish on 31 December 2014 - 20:50

No, clicking "invert selection" when nothing is selected will select everything.

#904283 Christmas Box 2014

Posted by kalish on 24 November 2014 - 20:52

I still vote for something like Doubler 3000-4000. I don't see the downside, and the demand for it would likely be quite high, increasing overall donations and the resale value of the pot (giving an even greater incentive to donate).

#897111 Development Roadmap (Updated 8th September 2014)

Posted by kalish on 31 October 2014 - 18:17

I didn't see this on the list, but it's a minor thing and I know it's been asked before. Can you change the guild items report page to show the actual name of a composed potion instead of calling them all "Composing Item"? This will make searching much easier. It would also be nice if you could increase the character limit on a composed potion name to 30 or 40 characters, allowing for even more searchability.


I also second the idea to add the ability to send a guild-tagged composing potion directly to a guild member rather than them having to recall it manually.

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