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Member Since 02 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active May 14 2017 12:46

#966264 Development Update

Posted by Taranaka on 27 July 2016 - 09:00

Returning to give my opinion.


While I had invested a great deal of time and money in the game (esp. compared to most other ttiles I played), the reason Ileft was in short that the vision and the reality of the game didn't match.


What I mean is that Eldevin is/was one of the few MMORPG's that could be called a virtual world, with loads of stuff to explore both in zones etc. as potentially in the system.


However by the Devs overly focussing on reaching/rushing to Current Cap and Group-orientated content in a game that struggled to have a hundred concurrent users online/Realm (let alone of the same level-range), as well as driving off piecemeal buyers vs subscribers and a clear 'best choice' in character stat building, I felt increasingly unwelcome in the game (I score very high in the Bartle-type Explorer, I am not a Bartle-type Achiever, in fact I find the concept of video games and 'prestige' rather baffling, probably also due to age - early 40's).


Which really is a shame, as with e.g. the Story Mode dungeon system, the high variety of content/level, and excellent world-building, as well as theoretically free-form character building, they have the tools to cater to a different demographic than the one already being served with WoW and its clones -and IMO should, as nobody does WoW better than WoW. 


But even a XP Blocker (allowing you to Craft, grind out and enjoy Gear, and explore at your leisure) is/was nowhere to be found., instead scheme upon scheme to be launched to Current Cap in order to waste time looking for others to hope for playing the game.


it's sad.

#928135 Fix Trapper Atol

Posted by Taranaka on 12 April 2015 - 16:45

They already have mentioned creating a new pvp map which if more fun for the pvp players may have them going there more when and if it comes out however HC may also put in place some tempting rewards that even pve players may want to venture on the map though I kind of doubt they add obtainable mats there because we have that already with TA and why repeat that.


IMO they should make it a 'Monster Play'-map, where people can play a member of the Infernals etc. akin to the way LotRO handles PvP.


As it stands there are close to zero Lore reasons for PvP, due to a total and utter absence of players belonging to hostile Factions as is the case with games like WoW, Dark Age of Camelot etc. This leads to the PvP being a personal choice of the individual player, and with it the consequences (server Rep etc.).


In social games like MMORPG's these consequences are - and, argueably, should be - social. In other words, if you're acting like your stereo-typical ganking a-hole, people will treat you like that, which incedentally is also a reason why I'd advise against an 'annonymous'' Auction House and personally don't like Dungeon Finder Tools. There has to be (the possibility for) consequences to ganking (and anti-social behaviour in general, like ninjaing), as otherwise the risk of another game degrading into a griefbox and box of tools  is entirely possible, as evidenced by e.g. the wrongful implementation of the Dungeon Finder in WoW mid-Wrath (note that even Afrasiabi - one of WoW's eldest Devs - is having second thoughts on how it all went down with these Tools as well; can quote if needed).


That being said, as far as TA is concerned, I think that at least part of the 'sting' could be solved by making Crafting Professions less grindy, as except for Alchemy they don't seem to flow very well with their Gathering counterpart(s) (eg my Forestry is 32 and Prospecting 37, whilst Weaponsmithing is 22 and - thanks to pots - Armorsmithing 29; Jewelry 8/CC18 etc.) . In general Profs need IMO looking at (having a Recipe eight levels below still be the most economical levelling way increases the feel of grind for the sake of grind).

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