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Member Since 07 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2013 08:30

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In Topic: SS Clear out auction [Ended]

30 July 2013 - 07:58

2 FSP on #1, #2, and #10.


BIN on #9!

In Topic: Game Update 2.075

17 December 2012 - 19:46

What would be neat tho, is being able to sell potions in bulks.. So instead of listing five DC potions at 40K gold each, you list 5 for 1 FSP total. this should help potion makers that have trouble staying online to keep an eye on their gold, no?

And best of all.. no gold is protected :)

I tend to buy potions in bulk anyway - it's rare I'll get one at a time. Allowing people to list potions in bulk would be a GREAT addition to the game. Maybe a thought to allow people to list sets for one price as well? As in, a 2-piece set listed for 50 FSP, rather than each piece for 25 FSP?

I've never understood why bulk listing wasn't an option already.

In Topic: Titan Hunting Changes

07 November 2012 - 23:41

Just seems players who are good at titan hunting have just been punished for being to good :| I dont get it.


This isn't a solution to making titan hunting 'even'. Players will still be faster than others, it just means guilds like FFS, TTF, TAT won't be able to take the initiative, and use their TEAMWORK, to get out there and secure titans.

If the cows are starting to punish people for being good at an aspect of the game, due to proximity to servers, or whatever the case may be... I don't see what's stopping them from limiting other people that are good at the game.

If you win 10x bounties in a row, you can't pvp for a week.
If you win 10x arenas, you can't enter for a week.

All to give other people a chance to experience other aspects of the game.

The ONLY way to make the titan hunting field 'even' is to place more servers around the world. And then it will come down to the connection speed each player can afford.

PS - there's people in New Zealand that are faster than some of the people I hear complaining.

In Topic: Did you throw away your Spook Smasher set?

07 November 2012 - 09:23

They're refused to acknowledge my point that these items should either be inventable, or the quest reopens every year so people can regain the items to hunt the titan.

Or support is flooded with requests asking for replacements. Although, given how much a flop these gloves have turned out to be, I can't imagine many would take the time/stam to hunt next year.

In Topic: "Godly" Gold sink suggestion

07 November 2012 - 07:31

We used to have something slightly similar, whereby we bought tickets for certain amounts of gold/FSP. This was changed as it was deemed gambling..

I'm not sure I see the difference in this idea?

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