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Member Since 30 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2016 16:23

Topics I've Started

Playing SAO By Proxy Via Other MMOs

13 May 2015 - 21:43

Grettings All! :)

I just got an emailed reddit SAO blog topic post where a gamer is requesting: 

"Even though there's no finished SAO MMORPG yet, I want to get as close to the feel of battling its floor bosses as I can. I need help listing the strength and stats of bosses in different MMOs that are most like a specific floor boss in SAO so I can then hopscotch MMOs to play them in the closest floor boss sequence as in SAO. Any help appreciated!"

This sounds intriguing! :D   Are there any Eldevin monsters that resemble those in SAO by looks or levels? It'd seem to me that the only ones really familiar enough with Eldevin monsters to do this kind of mix n' match are the Game/Dungeon Masters.


Whatever, I'd like to try this scheme myself once a few levels are matched and done! Roadmaps anyone??  :ph34r:

Take Well & Care! ;) 

Leafa :wub:  :wub: 

MMO Intramurals

05 May 2015 - 17:23

Hi All! :)
As a sincere contest and self-promotion, why not invite top players from other MMOs to do Eldevin quests in a timed competition on various levels against other non-Eldevin teams?  (I was kind of inspired by Star Trek 4 where the Enterprise crew are stumbling around 20th century San Francisco like fish out of water...) :lol:
Take well & care! :wub:  :wub:

Regular Tri-Hourly Quest Excursions

05 May 2015 - 17:00

Hi All!!!
Thank  you  for  the  mailbox  additions!!!  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:
(So  much  work  and  so  little  time  so  I'm  still  stuck  at  level  16  and  it's  not  so  sweet :( ,  but  I've  been  kicking  the  can  around  sometimes  feeling  lost  aimless  of  how  to  deal  with  volumes  of  incomplete  quests.   :unsure:   We  need  some  “minstrel  mentors”  wandering  out  there  for  the  clueless  to  call!) :lol:
I  know  many  true  newbies  are  skittish  about  first  joining  group  quests  and  guilds  but  can  do  with  the  experience  and  drops  and  XP  on  the  side,  so  why  not  launch  at  the  fountain  plaza  regular  bi-or-tri-hourly  quest  excursions  (like  bus trips)  open  for  all  to  "tag  along"  as  a  loose group  in  an  comfortably  uncommitted  way  to  ease  into  the  flow  and  feelings  of  being  in  actual  guilds  in  the  future.  If  the  game  itself  posted/set-up  such  quest  excursions,  the  newbie  or  whoever  will  feel  less  pressure  and  demand  at  performing  well  than  if  single  individuals  organized  such  and  can  drop  out  or  jump  in  without  penalty.  The  excursions  should have an host who's a top-lvl pro gamer taking on role of a shepherd guide as it were, and the quests level  categoried  and  randomly  taken  from  actual  quests  which  offers  one  a  sneak-preview  heads-up  in  a  future  quest  and  by  seeing  how  others  handle  the  peril,  a  chance  to  make  a  more  successful  solo  comeback.
Hope  all  this  makes  sense!  ;)
Take  well  &  care! :wub:  :wub:


05 May 2015 - 16:47


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