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relic capture

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#1 activeh1



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Posted 05 July 2020 - 21:48

Ok i just need an answer on how often you can capture a relic  


as we all know guilds dont own them so i dont see anywhere in rules saying that they cant be takin on the hour ?



but when guildmates get pms like this i tend to get a bit annoyed 



xxxxxxxxxx says: Theres two ways to go about that..since we don\\\'t really care over here one way or the other and enjoy smashing. First is to just stop joining his groups or kick him and bring his trouble to another guild. Second is to travel to the depth of Australia to his grandmas shack and bust into the basement and through the defenses of his peanut butter fort and pokemon guards and spank him little a small child while taking his grandmas credit card away.


xxxxxxxxxx says: Evxxxxxead have always had the same response to guilds attacking us unprovoked, and that is obviously to stomp players into the ground. He put you in a bad spot by starting up during an event like this where we\\\'ll hit anyone in range using high level spellbreak pots to destroy any and all buffs while taking levels....cost of pots>cost of levels
what can you say to that ?
myself ill be waiting for someone to smash me ,but the only 2 that hit me from your guild may need some help

Edited by activeh1, 05 July 2020 - 21:50.


#2 BadPenny



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 01:04

Relics were designed to be captured, that was always Hoof's intention.  But when you do it just to irritate, especially during an annual event, tempers will flare. 



Surely the Relic wars of the past are long gone though.  I was under the impression that BG deemed them forbidden.  He'd really have to ring in on that........

Just one old lady's opinion




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#3 activeh1



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 01:48

Relics were designed to be captured, that was always Hoof's intention.  But when you do it just to irritate, especially during an annual event, tempers will flare. 




how is taking a relic during an event any different to any other time ,im doing it so my guild can get gains and stamina for the event 


not a relic war ,just me helping my guild to grow and if thats wrong then why are any of us here ?



if they dont like it defend it 

Edited by activeh1, 06 July 2020 - 01:54.


#4 Pythia



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 04:18

This is part of the reason I am standing so close to the exit and have no gear on. The nastiness and threats are why I stopped playing that part of the game so long ago.


People play the aspects of the game they want to play, maybe it's arena, maybe hunting/questing ( that was my interest, don't have much interest anymore) maybe it's taking relics, maybe it's the bounty board.


I'm sure you get the gist of my post by now.  If a player can't play the parts of the game that interest them, or are punished for doing so, what's the use of playing the game?

Edited by Pythia, 06 July 2020 - 04:20.

#5 Shadow41


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Posted 06 July 2020 - 07:33

05:21 03/Jul/2020
[ Report Message ] **** says: For sure the relics belongs to noone, except for mayhaps HCS ^_^ The fact is though, for whatever reason, one of your guildies has been going outta his way for a very long time, to see if he could somehow annoy ****. And he can do so all he wants, noone really cares much about his existence. We will naturally respond in whatever way we find fitting (within game mechanics of course), when we find it fitting.. and against whom we find it fitting. [ Reply | Buff | Send | Trade ]...

I dont think i shared this one with you Active.. i reported the one that out right told me its time too move you out of the guild.
Imo replics shouldnt be something people think they own.. and taking one should not be considered "stealing" .. its utilising the Cows bonuses and all guilds willing to fight a little, should be able to benefit. There is only so many relics worthy. How is it fair for the strongest few to *claim them* ..the strong get stronger and the smaller guilds get swallowed up and chewed out.. or their members get sent abusive messages and threats for trying to help their guild mates.

Edited by Shadow41, 06 July 2020 - 07:46.

#6 EpicPiety



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 13:20

The relic system is busted :). Long overdue for an overhaul. Imagine being able to actually defend relics with the super buffs running around.


It's just a slap-fest taking relics back hourly, boring.

The notion that guilds can't stake a claim to a relic is beyond idiotic. Look at any MMO guilds take ownership of things. Guilds fight and one wins out. Apparently you just have to be political with how you state things or rather just don't talk at all :).


I don't think anyone here has actually played another game before, i've seen much worse. FS community is soft when it comes to these things.


Just speak with your actions to those who threaten you active haha. They ought to thank you for spurring up activity without their guild! MoM Misses your captures  :(

Edited by EpicPiety, 06 July 2020 - 13:37.

#7 EpicPiety



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 13:24

Relics were designed to be captured, that was always Hoof's intention.  But when you do it just to irritate, especially during an annual event, tempers will flare. 



Surely the Relic wars of the past are long gone though.  I was under the impression that BG deemed them forbidden.  He'd really have to ring in on that........

I'd love a war, impossible to have one now a days with the current game/pvp mechanics. What else are we to do other than wait for our bi-yearly hunt. Any guild with abundant EOC should encourage it, allows for more gold gain. Content drought really hurts the guild bank. It's amazing how your gold income changes when more and more of your members reach EOC.

Edited by EpicPiety, 06 July 2020 - 13:31.

#8 Morgwyn



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 20:49

Relics should always be open to take. If you find it boring to swap a relic then just give up on it.

It starts to get sad when you have to go around and bully players personally over it. Appearantly you are unable to see a relic fight from a personal fight. I guess it says enough about such players.


If you take a relic "war" out on personal players then it is just plain harrassment, and should be dealt with accordingly by a game admin.

#9 yotekiller



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 21:37

Relics should always be open to take. If you find it boring to swap a relic then just give up on it.

It starts to get sad when you have to go around and bully players personally over it. Appearantly you are unable to see a relic fight from a personal fight. I guess it says enough about such players.


If you take a relic "war" out on personal players then it is just plain harrassment, and should be dealt with accordingly by a game admin.

  Relics benefit the guild collectively because they benefit the members individually.  You would be upset if I took 500 of your max stam for myself but you don't see it that way when I lose 500 max stam when a relic is taken.  I do see the loss of that max stam personally and my guild sees that loss collectively.  Relics are there for the taking, it's part of the game mechanics but there are other mechanics in the game as well.  People bounty for loss of XP or gold while hunting.  Why?  That gold was a free gift but you get bent out of shape for losing something you didn't have before and don't have after.  You want to harm someone else's individual character for your perceived loss of the advantage of additional gold.

  Relics provide advantages, some more than others.  Those that don't have them want them and those that have them don't want to give them them up.  As long as there are relics, there will be competition for those relics and you can't get rid of them because they sink too much gold. 



Imo replics shouldnt be something people think they own.. and taking one should not be considered "stealing" .. its utilising the Cows bonuses and all guilds willing to fight a little, should be able to benefit. There is only so many relics worthy. How is it fair for the strongest few to *claim them* ..the strong get stronger and the smaller guilds get swallowed up and chewed out.. or their members get sent abusive messages and threats for trying to help their guild mates.

  So, basically you somehow feel you are entitled to whatever relic you want for the simple reason that you are "you".  You want the bonuses others have because you are "willing to fight" for them but apparently you are unhappy that someone else didn't recognize your self-imposed privilege and brought a little fight back to you.  You shouldn't be surprised.  After all, I quote from your new founder - Making 'moral' rules about how others should play the game when the dynamics exist is ridiculous.

Screenshot everything!

#10 EpicPiety



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 22:09

Relics should always be open to take. If you find it boring to swap a relic then just give up on it.

It starts to get sad when you have to go around and bully players personally over it. Appearantly you are unable to see a relic fight from a personal fight. I guess it says enough about such players.


If you take a relic "war" out on personal players then it is just plain harrassment, and should be dealt with accordingly by a game admin.

noted above a war is no longer possible within the current game mechanics. In most cases losing levels is advantageous. 

#11 activeh1



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 22:25


  Relics provide advantages, some more than others.  Those that don't have them want them and those that have them don't want to give them them up.  As long as there are relics, there will be competition for those relics and you can't get rid of them because they sink too much gold. 


so why then is your guild the only one complaining about hsc relics getting captured



  So, basically you somehow feel you are entitled to whatever relic you want for the simple reason that you are "you".  You want the bonuses others have because you are "willing to fight" for them but apparently you are unhappy that someone else didn't recognize your self-imposed privilege and brought a little fight back to you.  You shouldn't be surprised.  After all, I quote from your new founder - Making 'moral' rules about how others should play the game when the dynamics exist is ridiculous.

well according to the game dynamics at the moment i am entitled to capture any relic i see fit ,without the worry of getting threats and demands to hurt my guild  or break into my house .


I have taken relics off every guild in the game as i enjoy doing it ,but there is only one  guild that does this sort of bully tactics 


oh btw thank you for the promotion




#12 BadPenny



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 22:39

Anything designed to be captured is by default also designed to be defended, by whatever means necessary.  Relic wars used to always entail the opposing guilds fighting it out by constant hits, frequent visits to the BB and hundreds of levels lost by all concerned.   


But BG deemed such things forbidden in 2014, so things aren't as spicy as they were back then.  That a guild is still going to any lengths to retain a desirable relic is pretty cool if you ask me.  


I'm not exactly sure what this thread is supposed to accomplish outside of more controversy about relics and who should have them, but anybody willing to step up and lose levels, whether to steal or defend one, deserves a pat on the back I guess....  

Just one old lady's opinion




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#13 activeh1



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 23:05

Anything designed to be captured is by default also designed to be defended, by whatever means necessary.  Relic wars used to always entail the opposing guilds fighting it out by constant hits, frequent visits to the BB and hundreds of levels lost by all concerned.   


But BG deemed such things forbidden in 2014, so things aren't as spicy as they were back then.  That a guild is still going to any lengths to retain a desirable relic is pretty cool if you ask me.  


I'm not exactly sure what this thread is supposed to accomplish outside of more controversy about relics and who should have them, but anybody willing to step up and lose levels, whether to steal or defend one, deserves a pat on the back I guess....  

so if they said to you they were going to come round and attack your house  you would be ok with that ???



tbh i dont care about levels they can smash me all day ,just dont make it personal 

Edited by activeh1, 06 July 2020 - 23:13.


#14 BadPenny



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 23:20

If they think they can find me and get past the security system and Teaira and her pistol, they're welcome to try.... but this isn't real life in the first place, it's a game.  Now we can all play nice and everybody have a good time, or somebody can take the role of instigator and try to rile up everybody with an opinion.  It's all up to you guys. 


All I know is when it stops being fun and/or sinks to the personal level, it's time to close the laptop and move on to something else to amuse oneself..... 


What constitutes my fun may mean pure D Hades to somebody else.  I try to keep this in mind whatever I play and try to not only be considerate of others but also to not  take blatant rudeness from others personally, cuz my feelings pretty much reside on my sleeve.  


I guess it all depends on one's mindset, idk.... I'm just a crazy old woman after all.

Edited by BadPenny, 06 July 2020 - 23:20.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#15 activeh1



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 23:24

so back on topic  


as we all know guilds dont own them so i dont see anywhere in rules saying that they cant be takin on the hour ?


this was the question i asked at the start ,nothing about gold sinks or relic wars 

Edited by activeh1, 06 July 2020 - 23:27.


#16 BadPenny



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Posted 06 July 2020 - 23:57

There are no rules stating that relics can't be taken after the initial hour is up.  


But tbh, I think you already know this....



So, what's the point of all this discussion?

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#17 activeh1



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Posted 07 July 2020 - 00:05

There are no rules stating that relics can't be taken after the initial hour is up.  


But tbh, I think you already know this....



So, what's the point of all this discussion?

well thank you for your answer ,wonder what others think ?

Edited by activeh1, 07 July 2020 - 00:05.


#18 Tilley10



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Posted 07 July 2020 - 01:05

If being threatened, submit a ticket. Relics can switch guilds every hour, more of a rental and not ownership. Plus, “relic wars” earn guild members various medals. So, capture on.

#19 BadPenny



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Posted 07 July 2020 - 03:04

In the olden days, there were no threats made, radio silence was key.  Hourly hits were made by the defending guild en masse.  Folks mostly more or less knew which guild's purported relics to pass on by, and retaliation was kind of implied though never stated.  No discussion was ever made between two opposing guilds except by designated diplomats.  Sometimes several guilds would end up being involved on both sides of a relic conflict.   


It was never really anything personal, but many took it that way.  Hence, BG deemed the old school relic wars forbidden, regardless of whether anything was ever said between any parties.  Being a member of one such warring guild at the time, I remember that participants in such practices were warned that continuing in the hourly hits and BB deleveling parties would get long suspensions, and repeat offenders would just be terminated for good.   


I'll admit, I'm a big sissy and I stopped when I was told to.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#20 KitiaraLi



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Posted 07 July 2020 - 04:24

<snip> just dont make it personal 


I sorta think it is way too late for that. Seems to me, it became very personal for you, the day you applied to join this guild, and got rejected. 


As to the OP, I'll have to do as Penny and ask why you ask about something you already know? What is the purpose with this thread?

No one can deny that we changed this game and influenced it in such a way that NO ONE could compete with us.. so much so that they changed the rules. ~Abhorrence, chosen founder of Cerulean Sins

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