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Member Since 03 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 11 2022 20:13

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Game Update 2.9452

03 March 2018 - 21:32

Is anyone else having a problem with their log and composing? The longer it goes past finish time the more notices show up in the log. They all have the same time stamp. I had 45 of the same message when it was 6 hours past finish time and when I collected them last night. More of an annoyance but it does make it easy to miss an important message when it's in the middle of pages and pages of this.

21:19 03/Mar/2018 Your composing potion '1Junk' is now ready to collect! [ Collect ] 21:19 03/Mar/2018 Your composing potion '1Junk' is now ready to collect! [ Collect ] 21:19 03/Mar/2018 Your composing potion '1Junk' is now ready to collect! [ Collect ] 21:19 03/Mar/2018 Your composing potion '1Junk' is now ready to collect! [ Collect ] 21:19 03/Mar/2018 Your composing potion '1Junk' is now ready to collect! [ Collect ] 21:19 03/Mar/2018 Your composing potion '1Junk' is now ready to collect! [ Collect ] 21:19 03/Mar/2018 Your composing potion '1Junk' is now ready to collect! [ Collect ]

In Topic: Game Update 2.9452

02 March 2018 - 02:23

The top 250 Bounty Hunters only shows the first 7. It was like this befor the last update but I'm just remembering to come post it.

In Topic: Game Update v2.945

28 February 2018 - 18:38

Search issues fixed. Thanks. Another FSH item. The check all is not working in BP screen. Only the link in the item name. The button at the bottom of the page works which is OK if you only have all of the same item in the BP.

In Topic: Game Update v2.945

28 February 2018 - 05:14

The auction house search is messed up. When you try to use quick search it just takes you to the AH. Same if you try to search from the link in the BP. It takes you to the first page of the AH. Have to copy name and paste to keyword search to get it to work.

In Topic: Relics

12 January 2018 - 08:11

It is the first and your option works on lower level relics but there are only 200-300 players that are able to access the top 30% of the relics and half of them are abandoned now.

Another option would be to increase the limit on relics from 6 to 8.

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