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Member Since 31 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2017 02:47


Posted by Removed51002 on 27 October 2017 - 15:50

All remember i was a child playing this game for the first time :) i was terribke i fought shahmans untill level 15 because i didnt know how to get out of there xD the old players will remember how valuable that doubler buff was xD it was a dealmaker for recruiting for sure haha
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Posted by Removed51002 on 03 October 2017 - 13:26

Can we get a shout out for all the players that remember the legacy? That can remember the power of the doubler buff and the good old infernus and frostbite sets. The Emissaries were for the rich and frostbite for the poor. There were a time where there was no buff market. Dark days my friends but in guilds we managed by typing endlessly 'buffs plz' until an angel fills your log.

How many actives have hit double digits? Can i see some hands? :D i dont want to feel so old xD

#886346 Karma should be implemented!

Posted by Removed51002 on 19 August 2014 - 01:42

yes trainnee (begginer) would be able to allocate one per day and the mentor would gain bonus points for epic quests being completed reaching level milestones and medals :)

#886337 Karma should be implemented!

Posted by Removed51002 on 19 August 2014 - 01:10

to obtain an application for power leveling just pm me and i will see if your suitable, if you are you will recieve an application and all you have to do is fill it out and send it back, once ive reviewed it i will respond wether it would suit you or not, if it does suit you there will be a 7 day wait (currently 6 days remaining) till i will stop taking applications and compare them to find the most suitable aswell as beneficial candidate to undertake the powerleveling 'guide' as some might say :)

to obtain an application for power leveling just pm me and i will see if your suitable, if you are you will recieve an application and all you have to do is fill it out and send it back, once ive reviewed it i will respond wether it would suit you or not, if it does suit you there will be a 7 day wait (currently 6 days remaining) till i will stop taking applications and compare them to find the most suitable aswell as beneficial candidate to undertake the powerleveling 'guide' as some might say :)

#886329 Karma should be implemented!

Posted by Removed51002 on 19 August 2014 - 00:23



Those of you that know me know that im currently sponsoring 1 player and 1 guild to help reach their goals aswell as rech their max potential as a power leveler. I believe this shouldnt just be a one man thing. What im doing is not only a kind thing to do but would greatly improve the number of people that stay in fallensword. I have seen higher levell players talk down to begginers as if they only have 2 brain cells, that isnt fair if you were new at something im sure you would awnt to be more lenent on aswell as taught the right way. its as if your picking up a pet you want at a pet store and it bites you you put it down and move on not knowing what it was like to have that pet in your life. im strongly reccomending karma get put in place, ive thought about a payment structure for 'mentoring'each new player gets offered to take up mentoring upto level 200, if you are a mentor you have to actively help your trainee as best you can to learn the game, each day your trainnee can give karma, 1 karma per day and an extra karma point per 10 levels, a mentor can only help upto 3 people and must obtain game loyalty gold before being able to mentor begginers. if the begginer goes innactive your karma remains the same and the trainee is taken off the list, once a player has recieved game loyalty bronze or level 200 you gain 50 karma points, karma points should only be able to be spent on potions, chests, and exchange 2 points for 1fsp. if you think it should be rewarded differently please comment your ideas!:)

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