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Member Since 07 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 14 2024 15:32

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Level 60 Composing with no fragmenter medal!

03 September 2023 - 13:38

Captain McSlowpants update. Yesterday 9/2/23, I finally hit level 80 composing. During DXP XC. 5 1/2 years after hitting level 60. Can't remember when they added the new levels though. Ages back. Melissa3 hit 80 in May 2021, by way of comparison.


I have fragging medal silver, 49% to gold. I hold on to frags for the occasional DQ when it comes up, not exactly charging through, mostly because the gap between gold and crystal is huge, and I don't like the look of gold medals much, so don't want to be stuck with one, LMAO!

In Topic: A new Idea

13 August 2023 - 18:54

I think this would be a fun way to reinvigorate the game for long-time players. It may be too development heavy to be done though - new classes and gear for those classes (like in SS) would be a lot of work. It would be great to have a way to play back through the game in different classes, with new class specific gear, class specific quests, enemies and story lines inserted into existing content, to make it new each time through, but that is a ton of new content to be created, and ultimately will it pay back the investment in time and resources for HCS? They'd need to do a feasibility study. 


Given we aren't getting some upgrades to chests and arena that have been asked about forever, I think a radical overhaul (essentially creating a new game as a continuation of the old) like this is unlikely to fly.


We can dream though! I like it.

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