./g ally [ Guild Name ]
./g enemy [ Guild Name ]
./g neutral [ Guild Name ]
If you Are Allied with an guild like <Test> So under the player's name will be showed <GuildName>.
If you Are Enemied with an guild like <Test> So under the player's name will be showed <Guildname>.
If you Are Neutral with an guild like <Test> So under the player's name will be showed <Guildname>.
If youre Allied with Some Guild so you can't attack those players from that guild in pvp.
If youre Enemied with Some Guild so you can attack those players from that guild in pvp.
If youre Neutral with Some Guild so you can attack those players from that guild in pvp.
./g show < Guild Name >
Shows Whos in This Guild and With who Allied and Enemied.
This is More needet for PvP and based with more in-game commands.
Edited by PanDaLV, 08 February 2017 - 13:46.