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#879355 suggestions for pricing arena store

Posted by Kildek on 16 July 2014 - 23:59

Same Excuses from players who don't play arena smile.png lots of players joined arena recently who didnt play it much and they earned tokens to get their own pots too why don't you try? then you won't have to worry wink.png Bm300 , LF 600 potions much cheaper than before ...
Remember when they were going for 30-40fsp? Now its fair i believe

Unfortunately i can not time travel, and stock up on potions for 40 tokens or less. Only few players were able to stock up on them. Hence the current AH prices are not well suited to determine future potion / token prices.

#878861 If we implemented 3 FSH features, which would you pick?

Posted by Kildek on 14 July 2014 - 02:21

As for choosing which feature to integrate first. I do not think many players are aware of, how much FS-Helper affects their game play. I see that every time there is an update, that brakes part of FS-helper. There are allways some players who report it as a bug in the game code.
Integrating one feature may brake another, which in turn was the most important feature for another group of players.

Resource wise it seems you (HCS) would get most bang for the buck, when you guys take over the development of FS-Helper. There is no need to add new features to FS-helper. Just please fix the parts that broke because of design changes to the web pages.

#875941 Arena Update #2 v2.48

Posted by Kildek on 26 June 2014 - 21:11


Also I quite like the idea of the arena token prices being dynamic - we'll give that some thought smile.png

This idea might sound good at first glance, but i suspect it will only help to line the pockets of a small group that you always see winning the arenas.

Yesterday when the new arena was introduced, i entered 40-50 arenas. Still, the same people that you often saw winning the high value items before the arena change, are now winning most of the arenas again.
This means most of the tokens are in the hands of a few players. The moment such a dynamic system gets introduced, they will be the ones who gobble up all the cheap offers. Eventually the price will be so high, it will not be worth entering tournaments for new arena players. This both because of the high token/item/potion price combined with a low chance of winning for new arena players. We end up with the exact same situation we had before the arena update.
If you lose constantly against the same people you give up sooner or later.

Those in this thread, most outspoken against lower potion/item prices, are not surprisingly those with 2k+ arena wins, who in a large part have been hoarding these new tokens.

The arena should not be about, being a steady income for a few players, but being entertaining for most.

Please no dynamic prices.

If anything, you might consider a cool down, which was already suggested in former threads.

#875855 FSH - Ban, or Not ?

Posted by Kildek on 26 June 2014 - 15:13

The fallensword helper, whilst an approved script, can be user-modified to provide extra functionality that the "core" helper doesn't provide. As such, for those with javascript knowledge, it can - and does - offer the ability to cheat in various facets of the game.

As it is, modifying Fs-Helper is "illegal" as only the official version has been approved. Those that do not care and do it any way, will likely not be stopped by a general ban on scripts. If a modified version of FS-Helper or other scripts were easily detectable, HCS probably already would have banned those players.

Even if players are cheating this way, banning FS-Helper in my opinion would harm the game much more than any cheater ever can.

Zorg is reluctant to add the core features into the game - see http://forums.hunted...516#entry873841 for reasons - so, to combat the problem, here's a simple yes or no question.

Should the FSH be banned from the game ?

Integrating all FSH features into FS would of course be the best solution. Speed-wise for server load and convenience (no need to install plugins + script).
But looking at how HCS did integrate former FS-Helper features, for the most things turned worse. Main problem is that HCS does not simple copy the features 1:1, but re-invents them. These "integrations" lack what makes FS-Helper so great: Minimizing unnecessary clicks, speeding up repetitive tasks and fixing bad designs. All of the attempted integrations still lack features or have bugs.

Many character upgrades are not feasible without FS-Helper, like components slots or a large backpack. It just gets to tiresome to manage them.

I am getting to the point where i just hope HCS does not touch any more of FS-Helper features, so they continue to work and do not brake.

#872056 DEFLECT!!!!!!

Posted by Kildek on 06 June 2014 - 15:57

Nothing will be done about deflect, instead players hiding behind it need to be 100 stammed!

Time to 100 stam hit yourself?
Server time 15:29 06/Jun/2014

Attached Thumbnails

  • Screenshot.png

#841655 Game Update v2.39

Posted by Kildek on 17 January 2014 - 03:29

While i still prefer the buff-marketplace suggested here:

As a compromise:
* Buff-buyer puts up his buff request in buff-marketplace with a gold/fsp price. Buff-buyer sets minimum buff level. Gold/fsp needed to pay for the buff has to be on hand, else the buff request is auto canceled. Buff requests only last for something like 30-60 minutes as max.

* Buff-seller browses through buff-requests. Picks the buff request that pays enough. Customer is buffed, gold/fsp is transferred "in hand". No extra confirmation is needed.

* As Extra/when time: Filter so the buff-seller only sees buff requests for which he has the required buff. Templates for buff requests (for the buff-buyer).

The above is again in order to keep things simple. So there would not be a "buffs offered" for buff-sellers. It would cope with the problem of buff-sellers being on auto-refresh. Buff-sellers would still have to be online. For buff packs the buff-sellers have to be contacted directly = not by buff-marketplace.

#836628 Buff Marketplace

Posted by Kildek on 01 January 2014 - 22:07

While i still prefer the buff-marketplace suggested here:

As a compromise:
* Buff-buyer puts up his buff request in buff-marketplace with a gold/fsp price. Buff-buyer sets minimum buff level. Gold/fsp needed to pay for the buff has to be on hand, else the buff request is auto canceled. Buff requests only last for something like 30-60 minutes as max.

* Buff-seller browses through buff-requests. Picks the buff request that pays enough. Customer is buffed, gold/fsp is transferred "in hand". No extra confirmation is needed.

* As Extra/when time: Filter so the buff-seller only sees buff requests for which he has the required buff. Templates for buff requests (for the buff-buyer).

The above is again in order to keep things simple. So there would not be a "buffs offered" for buff-sellers. It would cope with the problem of buff-sellers being on auto-refresh. Buff-sellers would still have to be online. For buff packs the buff-sellers have to be contacted directly = not by buff-marketplace.

#835305 Excessive activation of Deflect during bounties

Posted by Kildek on 28 December 2013 - 14:50


Could Hoof or someone from HCS please chime in?


I just completed a bounty where the target had Deflect (175) active and I had Anti-Deflect (175) active and I had 8 attacks deflected on that bounty with Anti-Deflect activating just twice, does it not seem a tad excessive?


This has been discussed a bunch of times already.

As the Mythbuster here: http://forums.hunted...&hl=mythbusters

Another one where Hoofmaster confirmed the code: http://forums.hunted...showtopic=58580

From those 2 threads the overall math is "ok".


Personally i think while the overall distribution of "randomness" matches what is expected,

the main problem is that the random number generator is not random enough, and things happen in streaks. I have seen this happen both with scavenging, extraction, crafting and Four Leaf skill kicking in. I remember that during a GvG Deflect kicked in so often, chance of that to happen was like 1:100.000. What needs fixing are these streaks.

#794892 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by Kildek on 09 June 2013 - 17:44

In regards to the PvP smasher medal, and ppl getting "free strikes":

Using the BB in order to drop levels on purpose, has been going on for a long while, and is not something EOC members just invented.

Once someone XP-Locks/activates Protect XP, there is no other way to drop levels other than the BB.

As long as it is not possible to remove the XP lock/Protect XP this will continue.


If someone is able to 1-hit kill a monster 400-500 levels above his own, it is more than anything a problem of overpowered gear, buffs and potions.


Seems to me that this thread is more about fixing symptoms than the actual cause.




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