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Member Since 23 Jun 2019
Offline Last Active Jul 13 2019 18:43

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In Topic: New Player Feedback

25 June 2019 - 19:26

Spent another 2 days, trying to gather parties and run low level instances. I have completed The Boondocs, The Vault and Wrath of the beastman.
Population is generally low, but a bit higher in the very beginning because people tend to try this game and quit.
If you look at achievements, then you'll see that only 7% of players reach 10 level and only 3% of players reach 20 level.
Sometimes I was assisted by high-level player. Sometimes I have assembled group of other people. At the end of day 2, I tried solo "story mode".
If you don't like hardcore gameplay, then you need low-level dungeons only to complete story quests. I think that easiest way to complete them is to find high level help.
If you hardcore and like to overcome difficulties with same buddies, but you came alone. Then you'll be lucky if you find 2 other players. None of them will be specced as pure healer. Though, mages get healing spells too.
Finding a party of same levels is not optimal strategy anyway. There are dungeon-only resources needed to craft final piece of dungeon-related set.
This is the only reason to group for dungeon. Note that rare resources drop only if party size >= 3 player.
All dungeons can be passed alone in "story mode". You will be asked at entrance.
More than that, you'll get same loot as in "dungeon mode". Only difference is quantity. 1 item per player per boss.
With proper skill, you can farm items in story mode and sell them for gold. This is more profitable than crafting.
Crafting is mostly boring and leveling it takes much more time than leveling character. I have to admit that you get better gear from crafting than from questing.
In the same time, crafted items are generally worse than dungeon loot. Keep in mind that you can get dungeon loot solo and it will probably be more interesting than digging or growing plants.
I was specced as tank, but it seems it was bad idea. Best class for low level dungeons is ranger.
You are faster than mobs and than bosses which attack in melee. The only problem are archers and mages.
If you spend attribute points in ranged combat, then you'll get better defense against ranged attacks. This way, you'll need to kill enemy mages first, then archers, then melee.
Other way is to level mage. He can heal himself and good in ranged combat. Order of killing enemy mobs is archers, mages and then melee.
Best professions to level are Alchemy and Cooking. You'll always need consumables.
You need Foraging to gather resources for Alchemy. Cooking mostly requires Farming, but there are some recipes requiring Skinning and Fishing.

In Topic: New Player Feedback

23 June 2019 - 20:43

Im new steam player. Found your game while searching "steam world of warcraft like games".
My MMO experience in this genre includes primarily wow. In additiona I tried archeage, ryzom, LotRO.

Current level 11. I have passed "Homecoming" and "learning the craft" quest groups. It was first day I have played, so I write while impression is fresh.

What was hard to pick up when you first started playing, why was it hard and do you have any suggestions to improve this

I had to ask for help with "My supplies" quest. I went down to lower levels of cave and tried to find supplies there. Actually, they was near entrance. Not sure if it needs fixing at all.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

I didn't.

How was the tutorial (void realm) for you?

No idea what is "void realm". Introductionary quests are clear enough and give information gradually.

What are your opinions on the "extended" tutorial, i.e.: Othalo and the basic quests (Basic Melee, Basic Archery, Basic Magic)

I have got so many skills from quests, so it was not clear when I should start to buy skills from trainers for money.
I'm playing tanking character. My first death was from 2 Giant Sewer Slug when I pulled them together at level 9 or 10 knowing only Vindicate (from melee skills). Second death was from 2 Rabid Plagued pulled together. Though, I did my revenge later, when I learned Bloodbath.
I think I got too much xp from introductionary quests. All quest in log have lesser level than my characters level. This way, healing potions which I get as reward from some quests become useless. They restore 125 hp when my character has 1660.

How are you finding the current tutorial tooltips, are they clear enough?

They are ok. Didn't notice anything related.

Overall impression is: good job, but it is more like regular RPG.
Though I'm not sure that story mode for dungeons is good solution for low population. There is no need to cooperate with other players because of it. I think it is OK to get stuck on quests, which require group to complete. One can assemble a group or ask player with higher level for help. Both things will improve social part of the game, which is good.

There is LFG button, but it is small and practically invisible. I found it by accident at 11 level.
"Current average wait time" always shows 1 hour. It is obviously incorrect. I was in queue for 3 hours without interruption. I think it is better to show number for relevant level. If waiting time on 10 level is infinite, then it is better to show this. This way, players will start gathering by themselves or ask other player of higher level for help.
There was some players of my level, but I think they don't even notice that I queued to dungeon.
Are there some announcement to all players of same level that party is gathering?
I don't like the fact that there is one NPC which sells scrolls for all skill trees at once. It breaks immersion. There are already quests for some initial skills. It will be great if you make quests for other skills too. There are not much of them anyway.

I like your version of professions. I have chosen skinning, foraging, farming, prospecting and cooking, armorsmithing and weaponsmithing.
Sometimes skinning is weird.
First example is Ham from wolves, sandcrawlers and even from sewer slugs. Thats entirely different beasts. Why do they have same meat?
Second example is quest "To Roshaven". I need to gather 12 Sandcrawler meat. Quest item drops as regular loot from sandcrawlers. But when I skin them, I get Ham. I think it is good idea to put sandcrawler meat to reward of skinning. It don't drop from each crawler, so little benefit for skinner will be neat. There are a number of other quests requiring animal parts, which not always drop.

I spotted bronze depozit once. It is weird too. Bronze is an alloy made from copper and tin. It can't be found naturally as ore deposit.

Other weird thing is that dragon travel from Roshaven to Eldevin City costs 26 copper, but opposite route from Eldevin to Roshaven costs 5 silver and 86 copper.

I'd like to finish on positive note. I like the story. It is started with cliche "I don't remember the past", but it is OK for MMO.
I like animations and general look. Troopers scared of skeleton archers are great. Other minor animations are good too.
You have nice music too.

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