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Offline Last Active May 24 2018 14:18

#948872 New Ladder and Arena Items.

Posted by Removed20081 on 16 September 2015 - 15:59

What I really love about this update, is that it should breathe a bit of life into 3 enjoyable aspects of Fallensword. Adds value to old SE items, which in turn should boost SE hunting nicely. Ladder and arena will become more competitive too as people duke it out for components needed for the new sets.

Also love seeing the revival of stam gain on crystaline, used to see many wearing gurgriss and maximus combo's before Epics were released. Really like alot of the recent updates made to the game!

#948855 New Ladder and Arena Items.

Posted by Removed20081 on 16 September 2015 - 15:29

You'll need 100 levels Dude. Level 1,500, on the ladder

Gotcha. Thanks for the info!

#948845 New Ladder and Arena Items.

Posted by Removed20081 on 16 September 2015 - 15:17

Nice one! Hope there's something nice for my range in the new sets.

#948786 Speaking of Pride

Posted by Removed20081 on 15 September 2015 - 23:40

Just me or are some players being listened to more than others? :(

Just you I'm afraid, contrary to popular belief, HCS don't play favourites, if you bring up a great idea that the admins feel has merit, you'll be listened to just the same as anyone else.

Voted in favour of making pride's effect more powerful if medals are higher ranked, as said before in this thread, there's a huge difference in effort required between bronze and diamond, it makes sense that those with higher rank medals should get more out of the skill than the average... It's also a nice incentive to aim for higher rank medals imo, which is a great thing for in game activity.

#944590 PvP Seasons & Bounty Board - Poll Results

Posted by Removed20081 on 12 August 2015 - 13:06

One thing I'd like to see stay is the highest bounty achieved lists in our profiles, or as I like to call it, my wall of fame.

#944584 Darksun Reborn III

Posted by Removed20081 on 12 August 2015 - 12:26

I see that you've coded the chest to be like the seasonal reward ones? That's a nice update which I'm sure many will appreciate, still have 5 or 6 darksun chests left over from the event before last.

#944526 New Old Pvp

Posted by Removed20081 on 11 August 2015 - 22:05

Nicely Said..I just want the same respect given back..


I see you don't enjoy the PvP aspect of fallensword, that's absolutely fine, you are entitled to not like it, understand though that many do, it's been a part of the game many love for years, always a great topic of heated debate, where both sides can get extremely carried away and forget this is just a game.


As for your question as to what levelers have been given over the years, I can assure you, so very much, there was a time HCS wouldn't even consider PvP protection, then they eventually gave leeway and made it an expensive FSP upgrade, now it's reasonably cheap as a gold upgrade. There are many other things that have been decided in the anti PvPer crowd's favour, too many to list off the top of my head, but that's a big one.


Not every PvPer is out to "hurt" you, gold hits for example, are a great way to earn in game funds for those that don't donate and are willing to risk sacrificing their exp for those funds. I personally wouldn't attack anyone for less than 2.5 mil nowadays, if they manage to amass that amount of gold while walking through my leveling range, while having the many countermeasures to prevent it, who's really at fault? Am I an evil bully for participing in that part of the game? I don't feel I am, in fact, I'd turn it around and say the "victim" was more the bully when they start tirading in my log calling me all sorts and making all sorts of assumptions about me from a single encounter, I've had to block/report many for such behavior.


Again, I can understand you may have had bad experiences with some, just try not to tar everyone with the same brush, many PvPers are extremely friendly and will even help you with advice on how to prevent future encounters happening again, just food for thought, regards :)

#944520 New Old Pvp

Posted by Removed20081 on 11 August 2015 - 21:35

So tell me... Does the chance of getting pvpd increase, decrease or stay the same when one posts something that can be construed anti-pvp. I think we all know the answer to that so my tip is good ;)

And I never called it bullying. You did. I wonder why?


What it comes down to is respect, I can tolerate pretty much any opinion regarding PvP as long as it's given in a respectable manner, when I see people belittling my style of gameplay or coming off as trollish or flame baitish with their comments, or merely pointing fingers and demonizing players for playing within the games rules, and I then find them in my range, yes, I will probably target those said people, have admittedly done so in the past, you know this full well too, chewy.


As Maeh has pointed out, you can be rather heated, argumentitive and absolutely biased when it comes to PvP in fallensword, you are pretty much in every PvP thread, constantly seeming to be bashing on a specific part of the community, many PvPers rightly or wrongly (can be arguably subjective), respond to that type of behavior by opportunisticly attacking the "offender". So I can fully agree with you that it does happen, but maybe not so much to those that can give their opinion without going out of their way to tar every PvPer with the same brush, as bullies and sadists and whatnot.


Don't fear PvPers, respect their style of play, whether you agree with them or not, most will leave you be and give you the same respect. those that don't and harrass, report, they are usually dealt with by the administration and warned to stop, and rightly so.

#941185 PvP Season Update Completed

Posted by Removed20081 on 24 July 2015 - 22:26

Really, I thought that I noticed the gold I was stealing, not the bounty awards though, adding to my bounty total, but I was also doing the season attacks at the same time, so I could have been seeing it wrong.


Yeah Dal, you probably got mixed up somewhere, I've been taking gold from bounty hits all along and not once has my total went above zero :)

#941111 PvP Season Update Completed

Posted by Removed20081 on 24 July 2015 - 19:13

From a bounty hunters perspective I see that you, fusion, are in the Crystal tier, so you've been hitting these cream puffs quite frequently, but I also notice that you have absolutely no bounty kills recorded under the new system. That's where the challenge is with buffed and prepared players and you apparently have not risen to to that challenge.


What challenge? the new bounty board is extremely easy also if you know your limits and hit the right targets, buffed and prepared or not. There's no risk of counter bounty, and I can walk away after 1 hit (quitters can't be penalized either). And from what I'm seeing people are leaving the real challenging bounties til the buffs drop or the bountied player steps away from the game for a while, real challenge indeed.


I'm enjoying the spare composing change it's bringing me though, made some nice profit from it so far as an alternative to hunting.

#936490 PvP Seasons / Bounty Preview

Posted by Removed20081 on 18 June 2015 - 12:01

In regards again to the bounty board, can HCS explain why they think their current system is flawed? Reasons that don't revolve around player accusations of bullying or fear of appearing on it because they've had a few bad experiences with it (usually by them acting like a donkey with known smashers)?


Does HCS even realize how unique and brilliant the current bounty system is? I'll say again, I find the system pretty ingenius, and trust me, I've been on both ends as hunter and hunted many times.


It really is great fun, the thrill of knowing you may lose 5 for misbehaving (stealing gold or random smashing), or defending your guildmates, it keeps the game interesting, it adds a bit of danger play to fallensword, I love it, and although I may be a vocal minority, I will speak up and defend a system I feel there's no issue with. 


On the issue of the vocal minority accusations, the people screaming not to change it because 10 or so seasoned PvPers have pointed out major flaws they feel will come along with it, are funnily enough, the same 4 or 5 screaming that we're bullyish and deserve a system that we love slaughtered because they don't like losing levels for their taunts and trolling, take from that what you will...

#936426 PvP Seasons / Bounty Preview

Posted by Removed20081 on 18 June 2015 - 04:00

How does an ELO system work in a game with so many PvP chance buffs? How can you truly measure a player's PvP skill when chance buffs can lopside a battle regardless of how good you are at set switching and set preparation? How will this new system be any more prestigious than the last when players can pay to skip targets that may be a challenge and know how to defend? Why are players limited to using only 50 stamina attacks now? Where did that come from? What was the major issues with using 10 or 100?


This new system seems just as bad, if not even worse than the current one.


The suggestions for the bounty board changes are even worse still, the bounty board is not broken, it's merely under utilized, that's not the system's fault, but the fault of the players themselves with their bias and assumptions of the PvP community. It's sad to see that HCS, once again, are pandering to those bias and assumptions :(

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#936353 PvP Seasons / Bounty Preview

Posted by Removed20081 on 18 June 2015 - 00:08

That's a crock of ...


Player A 100 stams Player B and taunts them via PM


Player B 10 stams in return, rather than bounty


Player A then places Player B on the BB, and calls his friends to a delevel party.


Does it happen often ? - I don't know, but it DOES happen. Not necessarily exactly as above, but it does happen.


If that situation happened to a guildmate of mine, I can assure you that the aggressor and his friends would all lose 5 each via the bounty board, and if they persisted, all out war would be declared, my guild and our active allies excel in this type of gameplay, and greatly enjoy it, why take this exciting aspect of the game away from us? Because other guilds refuse to do the same for their members, and instead, sit and scream "bullies!"?


I can also assure you that if a guild member of mine caused a scenario like you've mentioned, he wouldn't be in my guild for very much longer. I know quite a lot of PvP guilds that wouldn't put up with their members behaving in such a manner, but eh, experiences seem to vary greatly in fallensword depending on your friend/guild choices.


Player flaw once again, not a system flaw.

#936280 PvP Seasons / Bounty Preview

Posted by Removed20081 on 17 June 2015 - 23:09

The bounty board in its current incarnation isn't very active. I think keeping it to 1-hit makes it work better as a system. Having the game post the bounties based on gold stolen should keep the list active and busy.


So because a majority of players fail or point blank refuse to utilize the current bounty system, you feel the need to penalize and take away the gameplay and enjoyment of those that can and will utilize the current system to it's full potential? That's some pretty strange logic...


There is nothing wrong with the current system, it's actually quite ingenius, it's one of the features that keeps fallensword unique, I've never encountered another system like it in any other browser based game I've encountered. It's a system that's kept me logging in and participating for years. It's a shame you are choosing to nerf it because the majority are too "scared" or just unwilling to use it. 


1 hit bounties are no fun, there is no "bounty hunt" there, how will 1 hit clears make the bounty board active? I feel it'll be a  "Now you see it! Now you don't!" situation for bounty hunters watching the board for potential clears. Again, I feel the true issue with the bounty board is player flaw, not a system flaw. 

#936208 PvP Seasons / Bounty Preview

Posted by Removed20081 on 17 June 2015 - 20:44

No more smash parties under this new system? 1-hit automated bounties? Way to kill some of my favourite parts of Fallensword's gameplay :( Please reconsider this.

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