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Member Since 29 May 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 27 2015 11:15

#915787 Zombie Yeomen IV

Posted by TobiasRagg on 17 January 2015 - 06:09

So, you're basically saying, with this, that you're prepared to effectively 'punish' those, that due to work/school/life cannot make it online to hunt in the opening stages of the Events? Because it's not just those that decide to 'wait and see' that you'll be catching out, but those that have a legitimate reason. Only once, this has been me, admittedly, logging on to find the total already passed, but I'm sure there have been others that this has happened to.

Not all of us can get online to check up on things every day. Life intrudes.

I like the time-frame. It gives us, all of us, a real chance. . It even gives us a chance at Ruby II on the rare occasion that we impress the Cows. It's an interesting idea, but I don't think that this is the way to go about it, to encourage participation.

In my opinion, you'd be defeating the community spirit of the event, and making it more a every man for himself scenario.

#816847 Problem With Conflicts ? Come and Vote here.

Posted by TobiasRagg on 18 October 2013 - 10:10

Ever read back over the complaints about the old GvG? How it used to turn into player v G, rather than the team activity that it was meant to be? Yeah, I can remember old days. Yes, undeniably, it was more fun. Yes, it can be hard to get a partner online. Seems no one is ever satisfied though. I pine for the good old days back with WoSM at times, but never going to get them back, either.

If we can find some compromise , like keeping it active for longer, maybe? Or even just, to quote an old post, plan ahead? Of course that's not easy with the number of players dropping, but when has anything ever been easy, if it's been worth doing?

Wait 7 days was also implemented for a reason, to stop players from switching guild, declaring GvG and loosing their new guild alot of RP before targeting the next guild. Just like the new rule of 'can still be attacked after being kicked' was made for a reason. Nothing is perfect.

Are there things I disagree with? Yes.

I agree with you. It would be good. But it's not going to happen. Can't see HCS changing their stance, sorry.

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